Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1155 Negotiate And Reach Agreement

Although the Double Eleven Shopping Festival event has passed almost a week.


The popularity on the Internet is still very high.

The reason is.

On the day of Double Eleven, users who successfully reached Pinnacle 4 in seconds have begun to receive their mobile phones one after another.

And without exception.

These warriors received mobile phones and broke through the siege of 200 strong men fighting each other.

They all showed it off on the Internet for the first time.

“Oops, Peak 4, which arrived in seconds during Double Eleven, has finally arrived today, I’m so happy!”

"Sure enough, it is exactly the same as what I experienced in the Dingfeng offline store. It is absolutely authentic."

"Brothers upstairs, the real person of Blue Star Electronics has come out to the platform, and you don't suspect that it's a gangster???"

"Have you ever received a mobile phone that you don't want? I'm willing to pay an additional 1,000 yuan to buy it!"

"You can imagine how beautiful it is!"

"The Pinnacle mobile phone is indeed a powerful tool for showing off. Today I used my mobile phone to show off in front of the goddess I had a crush on before. As a result, after hundreds of appointments without success, I successfully made an appointment with the goddess to watch a movie today!"

"Haha, rubbish! Your speed is too slow! I've already hit a home run!"

"Gee! Brother, you are awesome, add me on WeChat and share your experience."

"Damn! After reading the comments of you beasts, I am so jealous that I am beyond recognition!"

"Before, I saw those UP owners using voice assistants on the video space, and I always thought it was cool. Now I finally experienced it in person. It's even more awesome than I imagined.

"Today the goddess asked me if I wanted to be friends with him. I knew he didn't agree to it before, but now he took the initiative to get involved. It must be for my Peak 4, so I rejected him on the spot."

"It's so funny! Brother upstairs, you use [him] very expressively."

"You beasts, do you want to laugh me to death so you can inherit my house?"

"No, I want to inherit your wife!"

The internet is abuzz.

Those bachelors who didn't reach the top.

Looking at the speeches of the lucky people online, I am really jealous beyond recognition.

See what these people are saying?

Obviously everyone has been single for 20 or 30 years, why is it that now that you have Pinnacle 4, the goddess favors you and throws herself into her arms?

Also watch a movie!

What a home run!


Why not yourself!

Many bachelors who were so stimulated that their faces were distorted could no longer bear it.

Since I couldn’t get it at half price during Double Eleven.

Then I will spend the full amount to buy one from the head office.

We don’t want to be single anymore!

Although the Internet is very lively.

But Lu Yi didn't have time to care.

Negotiations between him and Paul Jacobs are still continuing.

Both sides are testing each other's bottom line step by step.

This time.

Both parties came to the talks with the mentality of achieving cooperation.

Not like last time.

Gao Tong deliberately opened his mouth and sabotaged the negotiation.

Although Gao Tong is no longer taking the initiative this time, Blue Star Electronics holds the initiative.


Lu Yi did not intend to use this to deliberately break down the negotiations.

after all.

For now.

Blue Star Electronics still needs Gaotong to provide chip support.

At least for now.

In the field of communications, no company in the world can match Gaotong.

For Blue Star Electronics and Gaotong.

Both will benefit if they work together, and lose if they separate.


The eyes of the world are also focused on their negotiations.

Even companies like Infineon and Intel were upset because of the negotiations between Blue Star Electronics and Gaotong, which was an uncomfortable experience.

no way.

Neither wants to suffer a loss, and both want to take advantage of the other.

Because of some news about the negotiations between Blue Star Electronics and Gaotong, the initiative between the two parties has been constantly changing.

One second, the initiative was on Infinelen's side, and it could ask for a sky-high price from Intel.

As a result, the next second, good news came from Blue Star Electronics and Gaotong, and the initiative directly changed hands to Intel.

It can be said.

The negotiation between Blue Star Electronics and Gaotong has affected not only them.

The influence has radiated to other places.

Negotiation, to put it bluntly, is an art of compromise.

When the compromise between each other is acceptable to both parties, the negotiation is concluded.

Otherwise, the talks fall apart.

Whoever has the greater initiative will have less power in the negotiation.

on the contrary.

There will be more concessions.

The first two times.

Although the negotiation failed, there was some consensus in some aspects.

if not.

Lu Yi would not say those words to anyone.

Facing Blue Star Electronics, which held the initiative, Gao Tong could only give in this time.


This is the third negotiation.

The location is in the reception room of Blue Star Electronics.

There is only one focus of debate between the two parties, and that is the issue of the proportion of patent fees.

Negotiations started at nine o'clock in the morning.

It lasted until 2 p.m.

During this period.

We talked and rested, then rested and talked again, back and forth three or four times.

Both sides continued to retreat and attack.

Gao Tong retreated again and again.

The proportion of patent fees dropped from 4.5% to 4.3%...4.15%...

Blue Star Electronics is obviously not satisfied.

The request from Gao Tong must be given the most favorable ratio.


Qualcomm refused.

Blue Star Electronics takes a step back.


Gao Tong still refused.


Both sides are at odds over patent fees.

It can be said that every inch of land must be fought for.

no way.

Don’t look at less than 0.1%.

But the amount of profit involved in this 0.1% may be in the hundreds of millions.

This is no small amount.

For example.

If Blue Star Electronics ships 100 million pinnacle mobile phones a year.

Even if each pinnacle mobile phone sells for 699 meters gold.

If the patent fee is charged at a rate of 4%, Blue Star Electronics will pay Gaotong 2.8 billion yuan in gold every year.

And if it is charged at 3.9%, Blue Star Electronics will have to pay 2.7 billion meters of gold every year.

A full 100 million meters of gold were missing.


Even if it is 0.1%, both sides are at war with each other and refuse to give in.


It was almost two o'clock in the afternoon.

Both parties reached a consensus.

The final royalty rate was set at 3.9%.

This is the result of both Blue Star Electronics and Gaotong taking a step back.

at the same time.

Whether to charge according to the selling price of the whole machine or 65% of the selling price of the whole machine.

at this point.

During the last negotiation. (Haohao Zhao)

Gao Tong made concessions and was willing to charge 80% of the selling price of the whole machine, but Blue Star Electronics did not agree.

this time.

Lu Yi did not give in at all and resolutely charged 65%.

This is also the bottom line of the previous patent fee ratio, which was reduced to 3.9%.

Gaotong had no choice but to agree to charge 65% of the selling price of the whole machine.

That is to say.

Started in 2010.

If the pinnacle mobile phone of Blue Star Electronics retails for 699 meters gold, according to this base ratio, it is 699x65%×3.9%=17.72 meters gold.

Right now.

Gaotong Company will take away 17.72 meters of gold, about 120 yuan in patent fees from each top mobile phone.

If the annual sales volume is 50 million units, then Gao Tong can earn 6 billion yuan, which is approximately 882 million yuan.

If the annual sales volume is 100 million units, then Gao Tong can take away 12 billion yuan, which is approximately 1.765 billion yuan.

The more pinnacle mobile phones sold by Blue Star Electronics, the more money Gao Tong will take from Blue Star Electronics. .

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