Just as Yang Fei finished speaking.

His cell phone rang.

When he picked it up and took a look, Yang Fei had a smile on his face.

As soon as everyone saw the smile, they immediately understood who the caller was.


They all started laughing.

It seems that it is exactly what Yang Fei said.

Collison's little trick was easily seen through by Wilder and had no effect.


Collison's plan to use their help to put pressure on Wilder went bankrupt.


We can only come to the door again.

Collison is no fool.

When Yang Fei and his party arrived in Munich, they left them alone in the hotel for two days.

If you think about it for a little while, you can figure out what kind of calculation they have in Feileng.

For the current Infineon.

We can't offend Yang Fei and the others to death anymore.

Otherwise, if Yang Fei returns to China again, they, Ying Fei Lengke, will completely lose everything.

Although Infineon’s first choice is Intel.


The premise of choosing Intel is to maximize your own interests.

The fact is before us now.

Intel wants to rely on Blue Star Electronics and Gaotong to re-establish a cooperative relationship to take advantage of Infineon, and wants to acquire its wireless business at a cabbage price.

If Yang Fei and the others were offended, they would die.

Yang Fei responded to the previous question.

Helios has completely terminated its acquisition of Infineon 017's wireless business.

For Infineon, this is definitely not a good thing.


With the sun god involved.

At least they, Infineleng, have one more choice.

Intel wants to take away their wireless business at a bargain price.

With no choice, Infineleng could only accept it.

But now there is a spare tire.

If you can't get a good price by selling to Intel, you can still choose Helios Company.

As for whether Intel will jump ahead or not, Infineleng doesn't care.

Who told you Intel to only want to take advantage of me, Infineon?

Before answering the call, Yang Fei made a silent gesture to everyone.


Just got through the phone.

"Hello, Mr. Collison, why did you remember to call me?" Yang Fei said with a smile.

But when these words fell into Collison's ears, his expression changed slightly.


He heard the anger in it.

What does ‘why did you remember to call me’ mean?

When I think of this word, the meaning is self-evident.


Yang Fei was very dissatisfied with Ying Feileng's behavior.

"Mr. Yang, I am very sorry that we have not contacted you in the past two days. It is our dereliction of duty. (cica)"

Collison immediately ignored the situation and just bowed at a 90-degree angle to apologize.

Here, I still have to explain. "

"The fact that we have not contacted you in the past two days is not because we are intentionally neglecting you."

"We attach great importance to re-opening negotiations with your company."

"To this end, we have been conducting internal research in the past two days to prepare for negotiations between our two sides.

First an apology, then an explanation.

But just listen to this, Yang Fei won't believe a word of it.

Yang Fei did not dwell on this and asked directly: "So Mr. Collison, if you called me today, does it mean that you are ready to negotiate?

"Of course." Collison replied with a smile.

"So, can we start negotiations tomorrow?" Yang Fei asked.

Collison did not delay his arrival this time and said: "It's absolutely fine. We will be waiting for you at the Infineon headquarters building tomorrow, Mr. Yang."


Wilder's attitude really made Collison angry.

Now that the little trick has been seen through, Huaide will not be fooled.

forget about it.

Do you really think that I, Infineon, must be your Intel?

The offer from the Sun God is probably much more sincere than Intel's.


He happily set the meeting time for tomorrow.

We really can't leave a bad impression on Yang Fei anymore.

After hanging up the phone.

In the suite.

Everyone was talking about it.

"Boss, it's just as you expected. It's amazing."

"As soon as the boss finished speaking, Collison called, and I felt numb."

"As for the boss, I am convinced, completely convinced."

Everyone was talking a lot and flattering him wildly.

Yang Fei waved his hand and then said seriously: "Okay, stop flattering me."

“Let’s all get moving and prepare for tomorrow’s negotiations.

"The current situation we have here is all thanks to Director Lu's efforts. We must not lose the chain. We must win Infinelen's wireless business!"

After hearing this, everyone looked one year old.

indeed so.

Think about how embarrassing their situation was before.

It has been two months since I came to Munich, and I have been in contact with Collison several times.

But it’s all about having a hot face and a cold butt.

Until news of the meeting and negotiations between Lu Yi and Paul Jacobs spread, their embarrassing situation changed.

Lu Yi didn't ask them to come to Mu Nihei for a vacation at public expense.

Now the biggest difficulty has been eliminated by Lu Yi.


We need these industry elites to achieve the established goals.


Everyone began to take action to prepare for tomorrow's negotiations.

The next day.

Yang Fei brought his troops to Infineon's headquarters.

Collison led a group of senior executives to greet him at the door, showing great enthusiasm.

This scene.

It was also photographed by surrounding media reporters.

Not long after Yang Fei and others were invited into the Infineon headquarters building by Collison, the media in Hans Country reported the matter.

And at the same time.

Yang Fei, Collison and others were already sitting at the negotiation table in the reception room.

"Mr. Collison, I believe you have already felt our sincerity in acquiring your company's wireless business," Yang Fei said.


Collison nodded.

Compared to Intel, who is arrogant and regards heroes as if they are in his pocket, the Sun God is indeed very sincere.

"Our quotation is 1.2 billion meters of gold. I believe this price should be much higher than Intel." Yang Fei said with a smile.

The people on Ying Feileng's side also stared blankly when they heard Yang Fei's quotation.

This price is indeed much higher than Intel.

Intel started with 1.2 billion meters of gold, and then continued to bargain.

1.1 billion meters of gold.

1 billion meters of gold.

Now it has been reduced to 980 million meters of gold.

This is also the reason why Infineon refused to agree even though Intel was the first choice.

This price is really humiliating to Infineon.

We don't have to wait for Collison to say anything.

Yang Fei continued: "At the same time, we also promise that after acquiring your company's wireless business, we will not directly package all the business back to the country and continue to maintain the normal operation of the business in Hansi.

"At the same time, we will also cooperate with universities in Hansi and other EU countries to establish wireless communication laboratories to provide more jobs for Hansi."

Yang Fei's words made Collison and others' hearts tremble.

This kind of sincerity really needs nothing more to say.

If Sun God really invests a lot of money to continue research and development after the acquisition, it will also strengthen cooperation with universities and provide more jobs.

Then they will have more reasons to persuade Hans Guozheng to release this acquisition. .

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