Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1162: Dubai Debt Crisis, Landlords Really Have No Surplus Food

The sincerity of the Sun God Company represented by Yang Fei made Collison and others moved.

This is the attitude you should have in negotiating.

Not like Intel.

That damn guy Wilder is either dealing with his ex-girlfriend's entanglement or on his way to his ex-girlfriend.

1.2 billion meters of gold.

The project will still continue in Hansi, and will continue to increase investment, strengthen cooperation with major universities, and provide more jobs.

Every bit.

It all made Collison and the others excited.

I really wanted to agree directly.

But obviously.

There is still room for negotiation.

Just like the price.

1.2 billion meters of gold is indeed a lot.

Compared to Intel's humiliating 980 million gold -.

The 1.2 billion meters of gold from the Sun God is a normal and acceptable price.


In Collison's hearts.

1.2 billion meters of gold is still missing.

Their psychological expectation is 1.5 billion meters of gold.

On this point, we can continue to discuss this with Yang Fei.

By afternoon.

In Hansi's country, a lot of news about the negotiations between Sun God and Infinelen appeared on the Internet.

It caused a lot of discussion among the melon-eating people in Hansi country.

Naturally, Huaide noticed it.

But he wasn't worried at all.

Because in his opinion.

This is still Collison's method to force Intel to make concessions.

When one plan fails, another one comes up.

But it's a pity.

He, James Wilder, had a sharp eye and did not accept this trick at all.

The news not only spread in Hans, but also quickly spread to other countries in Europe.

Then it spread to America and the Dragon Kingdom...

At Intel headquarters, CEO Paul Otellini noticed this situation.

He immediately called Huaide who was far away in Hans Country.

what's the situation?

Didn't White swear to him that Infineon's wireless business was Intel's?

Why is the news now coming from the Hans Kingdom that the Sun God and the top management of Infineon are having a pleasant conversation.


Huaide, who was far away in Mu Nihei, had just finished exercising with a blonde girl and fell asleep.


I was woken up by the ringing of the phone.

This made him very unhappy.

But when he saw the caller ID was his big boss, he immediately sobered up.

He quickly walked to the balcony and answered the phone.

"Hi, boss. Wilder took the initiative to say hello to Otellini.

Otellini asked directly: "Huaide, what is going on? Why did the Sun God have friendly contact with Infineon? How did you do it?!"

After hearing Otellini's question, Huaide immediately stopped panicking.

It turned out to be because of this.

As he expected.

He had already prepared his words.

Huaide smiled confidently and said, "Boss, please be patient."

Otellini didn't accept this idea at all and roared: "Huaide, you idiot, if you screw up the acquisition of Infineon's wireless business, you don't have to come back!"

"Boss, listen to me." Huaide quickly explained, "This is actually Infineon's strategy to force us to make concessions."

"Oh? How do you say it?" After hearing Wilder's explanation, Otellini became interested and prepared to hear what Wilder had to say.

Wilder said: "Boss, just three days ago, Collison and his team went to Munich International Airport in person to greet Yang Fei and his group with a grand welcome ceremony."

"And his purpose of doing this is just to use the hand of the Sun God to put pressure on Intel.

"Because, after Blue Star Electronics and Gaotong reached a cooperation agreement, Infineon has lost all the bargaining chips it could use when facing us.

"Infineon's wireless business is the meat on Intel's cutting board. When and how we eat it is entirely up to us."

"It's a pity that Collison's little trick was easily discovered by me, and he didn't wait for my call. So..."

At this point, Wilder paused, as if trying to catch Otellini's appetite.


Just listen to Otellini say: "You continue to talk."

After hearing this, the corner of Huaide's mouth curled up.

"So, Collison tried another plan when it failed."

“That’s what happened this time when they negotiated with the Sun God team at Infineon’s headquarters and it was widely reported.

"Obviously, this is still a means by Infineleng to put pressure on us."

"My opinion is that we don't need to care at all about Infinelen's little trick, and we don't need to take it to heart at all."

"As I said just now, Infineon's wireless business is our Intel meat. You can eat it whenever you want, and you can eat it at a cabbage price."

Wilder is confident.

He was confident that his words could convince Otellini.

On the other end of the phone.

Otellini fell into thought.

Does what Wilder said make sense?

Of course it makes sense.


He was still a little worried.

There is always a risk in not fully eating the meat in your stomach.

after all.

The cooked duck sometimes flies away.

It was as if he had guessed what Odenning was thinking at the moment.

Just listen to him add: "Boss, please be at ease. As long as we hang out Collison and the others, I will be absolutely sure that I can win Infinelen's wireless network at the price of 900 million meters of gold." business."

These words seemed to hit Otellini's heart with a heavy hammer.

900 million meters of gold......

If they can really win it at such a bargain price, Intel will make a lot of money.


Otellini said: "Okay, Wilder, I have confidence in you and hope that you will succeed. At that time, I will ask you for credit on the board of directors."

"Boss, I won't let you down. Just wait for my good news." Wilder said very confidently.

Wait until I hang up the phone.

Huaide's gaze was extremely sharp in the dark night.

He looked in the direction of Infineon's headquarters and said to himself: "Colison, it's useless. I have already seen through all your little tricks..."

Time passes day by day.

It’s November 25th.

A piece of news suddenly announced by the Ministry of Finance and Finance has attracted widespread international attention.

The Ministry of Finance said that Dibai World Company and its real estate arm Palm Island Group, which are held by the government, will postpone the repayment of billions of gold in debt for at least six months to facilitate debt restructuring.

As soon as this news came out, it immediately caused a huge shock around the world.

The Palm Island Group is the company responsible for developing the ultra-large artificial island resort Palm Island. It must repay a debt of 3.5 billion gold to Arab investors by the 14th of next month.

Palm Island Group is now delaying its debt repayments, which is likely to trigger a debt crisis.

To know.

Since the North American subprime mortgage crisis broke out in 2007, it evolved into the global financial crisis in 2008.

directly plunged the global economy into recession.

Every country is having a hard time.

Now that the financial crisis has just passed, the world economy is only in the initial stage of recovery.

As a result, it was reported that the country, which is extremely rich, will default on its debt. This will prevent people who have just experienced the global financial crisis from feeling panic.

Who knows whether the debt crisis of the United States will evolve into another global financial crisis?

This really means that the landlord's family has no food left.

If there is another financial crisis, who can survive it?

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