November 25th.

News announced by the Ministry of Finance.

Like a meteorite falling, it caused an uproar around the world and quickly shocked the world.

Dibai is the most populous emirate in the United Arab Emirates.

It covers an area of ​​3,980 square kilometers, accounting for 5.8% of the total area of ​​the UAE.

In terms of area, it is the second largest emirate after Abu Dhabi.

The main pillar industries include logistics, trade, finance, and tourism.

The economic strength of the United Arab Emirates ranks first in the United Arab Emirates. About 70% of the non-oil trade of the United Arab Emirates is concentrated in the United Arab Emirates. Therefore, it is customary to call the United Arab Emirates the trade capital and the economic and economic center of the Middle East. Financial Center.

In the eyes of the Chinese people, Di Bai is synonymous with local tyrants.

Chinese people can often see on the news that there are a large number of luxury cars covered with dirt parked on the streets of Dibai, unclaimed.

Some car owners even left their car keys "intimately".

Seeing luxury cars such as Ferraris and Porsches parked on the roadside, netizens shouted that it was a waste of money.

Some imaginative netizens even said that they wanted to go to Dibai to pick up a luxury car.

It can be seen from this.

How rich are the people of Dibai?


It is such an emirate that, in everyone's eyes, is extremely wealthy. Suddenly it defaulted on its debt and had to postpone repayment for half a year. How could this not shock the world?

after all.

The world has just experienced the financial crisis, and everyone is still worried.

What if the debt crisis expands and triggers a global financial crisis again?


As soon as the news came out.

The world's attention is turned to the Middle East.

Does this mean the landlord’s family has no food left?

Divide defaulted on its debt, directly detonating the whole world.

Major mainstream media organizations around the world have reported on this.

[The wealthy emirate of the Middle East announced today that its state-owned enterprise Palm Island Group will postpone the repayment of billions of dollars in debt. 】——Mail Today

[Global Financial Crisis Renewed? Deemed Declared Debt Default!]——The Wall Street Times

[From various indications, the debt default of the United Kingdom is likely to trigger the second global financial crisis. 】--Bloomberg

[Can the tycoons still be arrogant when the debt crisis hits the country? - Sina News

[Shocked! The wealthy emirate of the Middle East was defeated...] - Squirrel Shocked Part 1

[According to estimates, the world's external debt may be as high as 59 billion yuan, accounting for 74% of the country's total debt. 】--New York Times

[The debt crisis will have a profound impact on the global economy. 】——Asahi Shimbun

[The dream of corporate failure is over? Speculative funds are flowing out, and there are castles in the sand...] - Sankei Shimbun

The tycoon emirate in the Middle East suddenly defaulted on its debt.

The impact is really too great.

Various media outlets have published articles introducing the causes and consequences of this incident.

"After 9-11, people from the Middle East were restricted from traveling to Europe and the United States, so Dibai absorbed leisure demand and acted as a kind of liberated zone."

“During this process, the state-owned enterprise Disai World has engaged in port operations, real estate development, tourism and leisure, free economic zone operations, private equity funds, large discount stores, and aviation projects.

In the fields of securities trading and financial services, we have promoted large-scale projects around the world and achieved explosive and rapid development. "

"It is reported that the Dickinson Tower, which is nearly completed, is the tallest building in the world, with extremely luxurious interior and exterior decorations. It is precisely in order to build the world's tallest skyscraper that Goddess incurred a foreign debt of 80 billion meters."

“Over the past four years, Dibai has promoted construction projects worth 300 billion meters with the goal of building a logistics, leisure and financial hub in the Middle East.

"During this process, the debts of the government and state-owned enterprises continued to increase like a snowball, and the total debt reached nearly 80 billion meters at the end of July."

"In Dipai, construction sites are spread all over the city, and they are often the world's tallest, unique, or worth tens of billions of projects."

"In order to carry out these projects, the government and its development companies borrowed heavily from the global bond market to raise investment funds."

"However, these projects with countless investments are difficult to achieve profitability in the short term, which ultimately puts Dibai on the road to debt crisis step by step."

"Under such circumstances, the impact of the global economic crisis that broke out in September 2007 on Dickinson was not that it escaped unscathed as previously rumored, but that it severely damaged his vitality."

"Negative factors such as falling housing prices and cancellation of construction projects have appeared one after another, making the possibility of suspending debt repayments increasingly likely."

"The debt crisis is a continuation of the 2008 global financial crisis..."

The Fog City Financial Times even wrote an article to analyze in detail the causes and consequences of Dibai's debt default.

This article has been widely circulated on the Internet, triggering heated discussions among countless people...

And more people are panicking about this.

They are afraid that the Dubai debt crisis will trigger a second global financial crisis.


Unsurprisingly, the news of Dickinson's debt default has become the hottest news at the moment.

"I'll go! The wealthy emirate Dibai actually defaulted on its debts. Are you sure this is not a dream?"

"Dibai can still default on his debt? That's fake! There are so many luxury cars abandoned randomly on their streets. If they clean up and sell them off, the debt of billions of dollars cannot be repaid easily.

"Did you read the article in the Financial Times analyzing Dibai's debt default? The article said that at the end of July, Dibai's debt reached 80 billion yuan.

This is a harbinger of debt default. ",

"The financial crisis has just passed, and landlords have no food left."

"Can't the rich people in the Middle East just buy our country's weapons with their eyes closed in the future?"

"I think it's a little difficult."

"Dibai defaulted on his debt. This is really outrageous. He opened the door to outrageous people. It's outrageous."

"There is no food left in the tycoon country of the Middle East like Dibai. You can only imagine what the situation is like in other countries.

"Are there any comrades who formed a group to go to Dibai to pick up luxury cars?"

"Haha, don't turn it off!"

Domestic melon-eating netizens are very happy.

Although Dibai defaulted on its debt, it was very shocking.

But after the shock... I accepted it.

In the past, everyone thought that national bankruptcy was impossible.

But after this financial crisis.

National bankruptcy became a reality.

Even a country can go bankrupt, and it is not unusual for this wealthy emirate in the Middle East to default on its debt.

Sioux City.

In the villa.

Lu Yi and Lin Qingya also noticed the news about Dibai's debt default.

About this.

Neither of them was surprised at all.

Needless to say Lu Yi.

As a reborn person, he has a clear understanding of the direction of history.

Defaulting on debt is nothing.

Compared with the European debt crisis caused by the Hillary Clinton debt crisis in December, this debt crisis is completely dwarfed and not worth mentioning.

As for Lin Qingya, as a fierce person who predicted Bingquan's bankruptcy.

This bit of news couldn't shock her yet.

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