Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1167: Promote Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.’S Counterattack, Killing The Chicken To


Lift up the Semiconductor Manufacturing Company headquarters.

After learning that Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory have reached an agreement with Loongson International, they will soon inject capital into Loongson International and become the two major shareholders of Loongson International.

This made everyone at Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. angry and a little panicked at the same time.

Blue Star Electronics and Huachang are their largest customers of Semiconductor Manufacturing Company.


These two major customers have become major shareholders of competitors.


Will the orders previously placed with them for Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. be transferred to Loongson International?

Will Loongson International, which has received large orders from Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory, change its destiny and rise strongly?

These are all issues that they must think about now when promoting Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

It is a foregone conclusion that Bluestar Electronics and Flower Factory will invest in Loongson International.

They believe that the top priority for Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is to think about how to counterattack and respond to this incident to express their attitude.

In the conference room.

The atmosphere was somewhat depressing.

As early as Lu Yi first appeared at the headquarters of Loongson International, there was news that Blue Star Electronics might invest in Loongson International.

They held relevant meetings to discuss countermeasures.

At that time, radical senior executives Liu Deyin and others directly threatened to cut off the supply of chips to Blue Star Electronics in order to force Blue Star Electronics to bow its head.

But Zhang Zhongmou did not agree.

Because this is a way to lose eight hundred to oneself and kill one thousand to the enemy.


It was just a rumor at the time, and Blue Star Electronics had not officially announced its investment in Loongson International.

They claim that Semiconductor Manufacturing Company is playing catch-up and want to cut off supply. How will the outside world view it?


If you ask Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., you can also restrict Lu Yi’s personal freedom. You have to control Lu Yi wherever he goes?

But it's different now.

What Lu Yi and Ren Zhengfei said to reporters is basically an official announcement.


There was only a muffled sound, which made everyone present tremble.

Everyone followed the sound and looked together. It was Zhang Zhongmou's right-hand man, Deyin, who was photographing atoms.

Liu Deyin's face was full of anger, and his eyes seemed to be spitting out fire.

Just listen to him roaring and saying: "Look! Look! What did I say at the beginning? Now I am slapped in the face! How can he, the head of two giant companies, Lu and Yi, have the time to go to Shanghai Loongson International? Are you traveling to the headquarters?”

"Now they have officially announced that they want to invest in Loongson International and fight against our promotion of Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.!"

"I have said before that the signs must be strangled to death, but you don't agree."

"It's okay now. They just slapped us in the face."

"If you had followed my suggestion and directly threatened Blue Star Electronics with cutting off supply, how could there be so much trouble now?"

"If you had listened to me, with the verdict from the American Court, Godson International's CEO Zhang Rujin would have flown to us and begged for mercy!

Liu Deyin's volley of words made everyone present lower their heads.

It was indeed Liu Deyin who was the most radical at the beginning, saying that he wanted to give Lu Yi some color.

Lu Yi needs to know that although they believe that Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is the party A, they can be the father of Blue Star Electronics, the client.

Because the chip process technology is in their hands.

They believe that Semiconductor Manufacturing Company's technology is the most advanced in the world.

Without them encouraging Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. to manufacture chips for Blue Star Electronics, Blue Star Electronics would not be able to use Kunlun cores.

Zhang Zhongmou frowned, glared at Liu Deyin, and said, "Okay! What's the use of talking about this now? Things have already happened. What we have to do now is to find a way to solve the problem instead of playing it as an afterthought here."

Hearing Zhang Zhongmou's words, Liu Deyin's lips moved but he did not dare to refute.

At this time.

Zhang Zhongmou looked at Jiang Shangyi and asked: "Shangyi, what do you think?"

Jiang Shangyi joined ICMC as vice president of R&D in 1997 and retired in 2006.

However, this year, Zhang Zhongmou, who was once again in charge of Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., personally came forward to bring back Jiang Shangyi, who had retired, and took charge of R&D again.

Jiang Shangyi thought for a while and said: "We must show our tough attitude on this matter."

Zhang Zhongmou nodded, "Continue."

"Based on the actual situation, the only thing we can target at Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory is to cut off the supply of chips."

"To let Blue Star Electronics and the flower factory know our tough attitude and make them retreat, the only thing we can do is to cut off the supply of chips." 1

Jiang Shangyi said.

His words made radical representative Liu Deyin’s eyes shine.

This is exactly what he wants to do.


He immediately said: "Mr. Jiang's analysis is very insightful. As the old saying goes, it's never too late to remedy the situation. We must give Blue Star Electronics a hard blow before they officially sign an agreement with Flower Factory and Loongson International. Let Blue Star Electronics He Huachang retreated when faced with difficulties."

Liu Deyin originally thought that his words would be echoed by Jiang Shangyi.


But I only heard Jiang Shangyi say: "Cutting off the supply of chips is our method of sanctioning Blue Star Electronics and the flower factory, but I don't think we can blindly sanction Blue Star Electronics and the flower factory at the same time."

"Oh? What do you mean?" Zhang Zhongmou asked.

Jiang Shangyi said: "Kill the chicken to scare the monkey!"

"Kill the chicken to scare the monkey?" Zhang Zhongmou raised his eyebrows.

Jiang Shangyi nodded and said: "Yes, it's just killing the chicken to scare the monkey!"

"Both Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory are very important customers for us, especially Blue Star Electronics. As a leader in smartphones, I am very optimistic that Blue Star Electronics will replace Nokia in the industry in the near future."

A ray of light flashed in Zhang Zhongmou's eyes and he said: "Shangyi, what do you mean, the flower factory is used as the chicken to scare the monkey of Blue Star Electronics?"


Jiang Shangyi nodded and said with a smile: "That's right! We can immediately issue a statement to cut off the supply of chips to the flower factory. In this way, not only can the flower factory be punished and get back on the right path, but we can also use this to Warn Blue Star Electronics.”

"If Blue Star Electronics remains unmoved, then it will be Blue Star Electronics next!"

Zhang Zhongmou nodded in agreement, but he still said with some worry: "Shangyi, this is a good way to scare the monkeys. However, if things develop in an extreme direction, even if we use the supply of chips to threaten Blue Star Electronics and Huahua Factory, what should I do if they still don’t give in?”

"Director Zhang, I have thought about this too. To be honest, I have no choice."

Jiang Shangyi's words made Zhang Zhongmou's heart sink, but then he only heard Jiang Shangyi say: "But..."

"I think once we threaten Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory with supply cuts, the possibility of them surrendering is greater than the extreme possibility."


"Oh? How do you say it?" Jiang Shangyi asked curiously.

Jiang Shangyi explained: “This depends on our industry.”

"For now, we believe that Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is definitely the world leader in chip manufacturing processes. In 2008, we will be able to mass-produce 40nm chips. The 28nm process is currently under development and is expected to be available next year. Accepting 28nm scheduled orders and achieving mass production in 2011 is our advantage and our most powerful weapon.

In the early days of ICMC's establishment, there was still a gap in process technology compared with large European and American IDMs such as Texas Instruments and Motorola at the time.

There are two turning points in the real rise of Semiconductor Manufacturing Company.

After these two turning points, it gradually established its position in the industry.

The first turning point was in 2000, when Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. independently developed 0.13 micron technology based on the copper process and became the technology leader among foundries.

The second turning point was in 2007, when ASML began to cooperate with Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. to develop immersion lithography machines, and successfully launched the first lithography machine in 2007.

With this capability, ICMC is determined to take the 40nm, 28nm, and 20nm routes, and has since split from Intel's 45nm, 32nm, and 22nm routes.

Pinnacle 4’s Kunlun D4 chip uses Semiconductor Semiconductor’s most advanced 40nm process technology.

“As a leader in the field of smartphones, Blue Star Electronics’ chips are very important to their pinnacle mobile phones. They need the most advanced chips to maintain the advancement of their pinnacle mobile phones.

"If we didn't support Semiconductor Manufacturing Company and give it to Blue Star Electronics to produce the most advanced Kunlun chips, would Pinnacle Mobile still be the leader in the industry? This will raise a big question mark."

Jiang Shangyi's words instantly made Zhang Zhongmou's eyes brighten and his heart became relaxed. .

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