Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1168 The Advantage Lies With Me, Blue Star Electronics And Flower Factory Can Only Surrender

Jiang Shangyi's words made Zhang Zhongmou less worried.

Previously, Zhang Zhongmou was worried that Blue Star Electronics and Huachang would be completely destroyed, which would also cause huge losses to Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.


The other party can also find OEM companies such as Intel and Sanxing.

Although Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is ahead of competitors such as Intel and Sanxing in terms of process technology.

But it's not an absolute lead.


For Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory, if they change the OEM, they will suffer even greater losses. The chips produced are not yet the most advanced technology, and their performance will inevitably be greatly affected.

Think about it this way.

They suggest that Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is playing the card of cutting off supply, and there is indeed a high possibility that Blue Star Electronics and Huachang will give in.


Jiang Shangyi's words also gave Zhang Zhongmou a reassurance.

"Director Zhang, the current situation is such that we cannot fight back."

"Of course, while the "470" is killing chickens to scare monkeys, we must also be prepared for the worst.

"Although we have a greater chance of victory, it is not absolutely 100 percent."

"Be prepared for the worst and be mentally prepared."

"Of course, even if things develop in the worst direction in the end, in terms of losses, Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory will definitely be greater than us.

"Once Blue Star Electronics no longer has advanced chips available, there will be a big question mark as to whether the Pinnacle mobile phone is still the most advanced smartphone in the world, and whether consumers will pay for it will also be a question mark."

"Once Blue Star Electronics loses its leadership position, it will be too difficult to regain it."

"On the other hand, even if we lose our two major customers, Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory, we can still find other partners to supplement our efforts. It will just be uncomfortable for a while."

Jiang Shangyi's words won Zhongmou's heart.

It also made him feel less anxious and worried.

Since it is Blue Star Electronics and the flower factory that do not respect martial ethics, then don't blame them for threatening to cut off supply.


At this moment, a director said: "Director Zhang, Mr. Jiang, what if, I mean what if, the technology that Blue Star Electronics and Huachang invest in is related to the chip process?"

As soon as these words came out, the conference room fell silent for an instant, and you could hear a pin drop.

They suddenly remembered what Lu Yi and Ren Zhengfei said during the official announcement.

Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory invested in Loongson International through technology and cash.

Since it is a technology investment, it must be related to the chip process.

They have not forgotten how Semiconductor Manufacturing Company surpassed Intel in the chip manufacturing process.

It is precisely with the help of 45nm process technology that they overtook Intel in one fell swoop and have maintained the lead until now.

How did the 45nm process come about?

Given by Blue Star Electronics.

The purpose is to raise Liang Mengsong's freedom from Semiconductor.

It is precisely because of this that Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. launched the 45nm process ahead of Intel in 2006, and after the arrival of ASML lithography machines in 2007, it further led its rival Intel.

For a while.

Everyone felt anxious and frightened again.

Just now they were cheering and thought of a good way to scare the monkeys.

As a result, a director's words were poured down like a bucket of cold water.

If Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory really develop advanced process technology and hand it over to Loongson International, then their trick of killing the chicken to scare the monkeys is really useless.

For a while.

Everyone looked at Jiang Shangyi again.

Zhang Zhongmou also asked again: "Shangyi, what do you think?"

Jiang Shangyi pondered for a moment, and then said confidently: "Everyone, I think it is impossible for Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory to surpass us in terms of process."

"I believe everyone knows how difficult it is to make breakthroughs in process technology.

"Yes, Blue Star Electronics did come up with 45nm process technology that none of us had.

"But I don't think that a company without technical foundation can continue to make breakthroughs."

"In my opinion, Blue Star Electronics was just standing on the shoulders of giants like us, and had a flash of inspiration to develop the 45nm process a little earlier than us."

"So, I don't think the technology of Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory will be very advanced."

"I think the two of them can at most improve the backward process to bypass our patented technology."

"But this has little impact on us. Even if Loongson International obtains improved process technologies such as 90nm and 180nm, it can only produce backward chips. Can it meet the needs of Blue Star Electronics and flower factories?"

As soon as these words came out.

Immediately stabilized the morale of the army.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Mr. Jiang is right, chip manufacturing technology is not so easy to break through.

"For Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory, their products require advanced chips to meet demand and have strong competitiveness..."

"Loongson International does not have the technical strength to produce chips below 45nm. They are even struggling to produce chips at the 90nm level.

"What Mr. Jiang said is very reasonable. We don't need to scare ourselves at all."

At this time.

Jiang Shangyi added: “And everyone has forgotten a very important point, that is, the production of chips requires the use of photolithography machines.

"As for high-end lithography machines, ASML is currently the absolute leader."

"We can easily get the most advanced lithography machines from ASML, but looking at Loongson International, they will never be able to buy advanced lithography machines because of the technical blockade."

"Without the support of advanced photolithography machines, even if Loongson International develops advanced chip manufacturing technology, there is no way to verify production."

“Therefore, in terms of photolithography machines, the possibility of Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory developing advanced process technology is very slim.

"Mainland's wafer fabs can only purchase photolithography machines with poor performance from Nikang and Canon in the island country. This also limits the technology capabilities of mainland chip companies in chip manufacturing technology.

Hear the words.

Zhang Zhongmou laughed.

"Haha, Shangyi is right, we almost forgot this most crucial point."

"Don't say they don't have advanced manufacturing technology. Even if they do, they have bullets but no guns!"

This time.

Zhang Zhongmou finally settled down.

All advantages are within their grasp.

Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory still want to continue to develop. Faced with their 0.1 supply cutoff threat, they can only choose to surrender.

"Then let's go!"

"Since Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory want to confront us, we will take action to let the other side know our tough attitude.

"Just do what Shangyi said before, kill the chicken to scare the monkey."

"First, we will announce to the outside world that we will cut off the supply of chips to the flower factory. If Blue Star Electronics is still stubborn, then we will not be polite and directly cut off the supply of chips to Blue Star Electronics.

"I want to see if they can still sell their mobile phones without us supporting Semiconductor Manufacturing Company to produce chips for them, hum!"


Zhang Zhongmou directly made the final decision.

Just at five or six o'clock that evening.

Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. has issued an announcement.

It said that due to some technical reasons, the foundry of flower factory chips has been suspended.

As soon as the news came out.

The industry was instantly shocked. .

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