Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1177 The Problem Is Thrown Back Into The Hands Of Icmc


Lift up the Semiconductor Manufacturing Company headquarters.

In the conference room.

"What do you think of Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory's response on Weibo?" Zhang Zhongmou looked around and asked.

Cai Lixing sat in the most inconspicuous position among the crowd.

Hear the words.

He stood up and was the first to speak.

Cai Lixing is the former CEO of Semiconductor Manufacturing Company.

In 2005, Zhang Zhongmou retired and handed over the power of promoting Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. to his personally trained successor, Cai Lixing.

Cai Lixing has worked at ICMC for nearly 20 years. He is calm and strong in execution. He once led ICMC's first 8-inch wafer fab and is known as "Little Zhang Zhongmou".

Before the global financial crisis in 2008, Cai Lixing was doing well.

But this year.

It is a bit difficult to raise Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

In 2009, after the financial crisis, Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.'s profits fell sharply and it was forced to lay off employees.

Cai Lixing implemented a more stringent performance appraisal system than that in Zhang Zhongmou's era.

For 5% of employees after the assessment, the previous observation period will be cancelled, and they will be directly announced to be laid off.

This quick-cut cost optimization was originally a routine operation, but it caused public outrage because of its inhumane execution.

An employee who had worked for more than ten years and had received outstanding awards was rejected by his supervisor and put on the elimination list because his wife was pregnant and needed to take care of the family more and could not "996".

The employee's old father wrote a tearful letter to Zhang Zhongmou, begging the company not to lay off his child.

Some people even held banners and accused Zhang Zhongmou of dishonesty in front of his house. This embarrassed Zhang Zhongmou, who valued his reputation, and quickly ordered his wife to make some pastries to express condolences.

at the same time.

The yield rate of the company's new production lines has not been improved, and customers have even canceled orders.

This made Zhang Zhongmou anxious.

Sanxing, which is eagerly eyeing it, is about to hit the doorstep, but Cai Lixing is still showing off some financial reporting skills to reduce costs and increase profits.


In mid-June this year.

It took Zhang Zhongmou less than ten minutes to call up Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. to hold a board meeting to lure Cai Lixing to the photovoltaic department, which had less than ten people.


The 78-year-old Zhang Zhongmou announced that he would return to power and regain control of Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. without setting a time limit.

The first thing Zhang Zhongmou did after returning was to announce that the previous layoffs were invalid and that those who were willing to come back would start working immediately.

The second thing is to invite Jiang Shangyi, who retired in 2006, back to take charge of the R&D department [to spend 1 billion meters of R&D funds as soon as possible.

Although Cai Lixing was assigned to the marginal photovoltaic department by Zhang Zhongmou in June this year.


He still wants to return to the center of power.


In such a heavyweight meeting, he had to express himself as much as possible to make Zhang Zhongmou notice him.

"Director Zhang, I think Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory are just trying to gain respect for themselves by saying this."

"I think we must speak out with a stronger attitude and directly announce the suspension of supply to Blue Star Electronics to respond strongly.

Cai Lixing stood up and said.

Zhang Zhongmou was extremely disappointed with Cai Lixing.

To this.

He just waved his hand and asked Cai Lixing to sit down without making any comment.

This made Cai Lixing panic inside.

Could it be that...Zhang Zhongmou has really marginalized himself completely?

"Deyin, what do you want to say?" Zhang Zhongmou looked at Liu Deyin on his left and asked.

Cai Lixing, the successor he personally trained, made a mess of ICMC, and he had to personally clean up the mess and wipe his ass as an old guy who is nearly 80 years old.

He didn't have any hope for Cai Lixing.

But now that he is older, how many more years can he be in charge of Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.?

Before that, he must select a qualified CEO.

Liu Deyin is the one he is very optimistic about.

Liu Deyin worked for Intel from 1983 to 1987, serving as the CMOS technology development process integration manager to develop microprocessor process technology.

From 1987 to 1993, he worked at ATT Bell Laboratories in America, New Jersey, as the research manager of the High-Speed ​​Electronics Research Laboratory, developing optical communication systems.

From 1999 to 2000, he served as the general manager of Shida Integrated Circuit Manufacturing Company.

After joining ICMC, he successively held a number of important positions in ICMC's wafer fabs and operating organizations, serving as the senior deputy general manager of the advanced technology business.


at present.

Cai Lixing is the senior deputy general manager of operations at Semiconductor Manufacturing Company.

In terms of resume, Liu Deyin has very rich experience and outstanding abilities.

"I'm wondering whether Blue Star Electronics and Huachang are going to use this year to find wafer manufacturers that can replace our Semiconductor Manufacturing Company." Liu Deyin said.

"Tell me in detail," Zhang Zhongmou said.

Liu Deyin nodded and said: "Although, Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory are looking for wafer foundries again, from design, verification, tape-out, trial production, yield improvement, to final mass production.

It will take at least two years. "

"However, if Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory spend crazy money on manufacturers such as Sanxing and Intel, it is not impossible to compress this series of processes to one and a half or even one year.


Hear this.

Zhang Zhongmou nodded in agreement and said, "Yes, you are right."

"It takes at least two years for a chip to go from design to mass production, but this time cycle is not incompressible."

"Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory have stored enough chips for a year."

"If they really find a replacement fab for us and can achieve mass production in one year, then our supply cutoff will be meaningless."

"Not only will Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory not suffer much loss, but we will suffer heavy losses."

In the wafer foundry industry, it has the strength to threaten Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

At present, there are only two companies: Intel and Sanxing.

In the industry rankings, they undoubtedly rank Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. first, with the strongest technical strength. Currently, they can OEM the most advanced 40nm and 32nm process chips, and the 28nm process is also under development.

Following closely behind is Intel.

Intel can be said to be an established manufacturer, and it was only in the past two years that it was surpassed by ASML-assisted Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Ranked third is Sanxing.

Sanxing's rapid development in recent years has also made Samsung Electronics fearful.

If Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory approach Intel and Sanxing, they may reap huge profits.

It is really possible for Intel or Sanxing to produce mass-produced chips within a year. .

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