For Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

This year has been a really difficult year.


Due to the financial crisis and declining profits, it was forced to lay off a large number of employees, causing public outrage.

The yield rate of the new production line has been unable to improve, causing customers to cancel orders.


There are two powerful competitors, Intel and Sanxing, eyeing the company.

Especially Sanxing.

I just want to step on their faces.

In order to steal customers from Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Sanxing did everything possible.

According to the inside information they learned from Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Just this year, at an internal meeting of Sanxing, Li Jianxi's eldest son Li Zaiyong announced a plan with great ambition - Kill-Twan "860".

Right now.

First eliminate the crooked panel and memory chip industries.

By defeating the Mount Everest of Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., a crooked industry, Sanxing will completely dominate the advanced electronics industry and lay the foundation for him to successfully take over the power of his father.

Although Sanxing's plan for Kill-Twan has not been disclosed to the outside world, the outside world knows nothing about it.

But on the Semiconductor side, we still learned the inside story from certain channels.

From the name Li Zaiyong gave this plan, we can see how ambitious Sanxing is.

If Zhang Zhongmou had not returned to take charge of Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. in June this year, causing some old customers to return, the current life of Semiconductor Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. would have been even more difficult.

This is why.

In September and October, there was news that Blue Star Electronics might invest in Long International.

Faced with the radical idea put forward by Liu Deyin to give Blue Star Electronics some color, Zhang Zhongmou did not agree.

Originally, Semiconductor Manufacturing Company's profits had declined sharply this year.

If we lose the big customer Blue Star Electronics, our vitality will be seriously damaged.


There is still a sense of luck among those who promote Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

But obviously.

This trace of luck was completely shattered with the official announcement from Lu Yi and Ren Zhengfei.

Even after the official announcement.

The counterattack strategy adopted by Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is also to kill flower factories to intimidate Blue Star Electronics.

Just for now.

It had no effect at all.

Before that.

Whether it is Blue Star Electronics or the flower factory, they have already prepared for their power supply to be cut off, and have accumulated a large number of chips in advance.


They must give up their illusions.


A very disadvantageous point for promoting Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Blue Star Electronics and Huachang have one year to let Intel or Sanxing take over their role of supporting Semiconductor Manufacturing Company.

As long as Blue Star Electronics is willing to spend money.

A year later, the situation where craftsmen are available to Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory will probably not exist.

This is unacceptable to Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

after all.

If Semiconductor Semiconductors cuts off supply to Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory, the losses will be huge.

The result has not yet achieved the expected effect.

It can be said that he lost his wife and lost his troops.

Zhang Zhongmou's words were full of helplessness.

I thought that by cutting off the supply, Blue Star Electronics and the flower factory would be able to retreat.


People have already stocked up enough chips for a year.

This made them hit the cotton with this punch.

Even the damage that bounced back made them unable to bear the damage.

At this time.

Liu Deyin spoke again.

"Actually, I think it is unlikely that Lu Xing will cooperate with Blue Star Electronics." Liu Deyin said with twinkling eyes.

"Oh? What do you say?" Zhang Zhongmou looked over.

Liu Deyin said: "We all know that Sanxing and Fruit Company jointly established Turing, a mobile phone brand, with the intention of replacing Pinnacle Mobile's position in the industry.'

"But after Apex 4 was released, Turing was beaten to death with a stick."

"Sanxinghe Fruit Company has suffered heavy losses for the Turing project..."

"Sanxing never wants the Turing project to fail.

"According to our previous speculation, once we cut off supply to Blue Star Electronics, Blue Star Electronics will have no choice but to look for cooperation with Intel or Sanxing."

"But for Sanxing, if the Pinnacle mobile phone brand collapses, then the Turing brand can stand up again, which will be more beneficial to Sanxing.

"If we were in Li Jianxi's position and Blue Star Electronics came to our door, would we agree to cooperate?"

After Liu Deyin finished speaking, many people's eyes lit up instantly.


For Sanxing Group, too much has been spent on the Turing project.

If the Turing project fails like this, the loss will be too great.

Sanxing is probably hoping that Blue Star Electronics will fall so that Turing can be successful one day.

Now that there is a chance to make Blue Star Electronics fall, why should I help Blue Star Electronics tide over the difficulties?

Isn't this making yourself uncomfortable?

Zhang Zhongmou's eyes also lit up, a slight smile appeared on his face, and he said: "Deyin, your analysis is right."

"If Blue Star Electronics comes to visit, Sanxing will most likely reject it directly."

"In other words, there is only one way for Blue Star Electronics to reach 1.0, and that is to cooperate with Intel."

Speaking of which.

Zhang Zhongmou's face turned bitter again.

Intel has been looking for opportunities to overtake Semiconductor Manufacturing Company.

Blue Star Electronics came to ask for cooperation, and Intel had no reason to refuse.

at this time.

Zhang Zhongmou's assistant hurriedly opened the door and walked in, making Zhang Zhongmou frown.

What are you doing?

Didn’t you see a group of their executives having a meeting?

Just when Zhang Zhongmou was thinking about firing this unqualified assistant.

The assistant hurriedly walked to Zhang Zhongmou and whispered: "Chairman, the phone number of Steve Jobs of the fruit company."

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