Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1179 Steve Jobs, Your Hand Is Stretched Too Far; Zhang Zhongmou Is Full Of Confusion

"Chairman, Steve Jobs' phone number from the fruit company."

Just when Zhang Zhongmou had a cold face and wanted to fire this blind assistant.

The assistant's words immediately stunned Zhang Zhongmou.

"Whose phone number?" Zhang Zhongmou asked subconsciously.

The assistant repeated: "The phone number of Steve Jobs, CEO of the fruit company.

After confirming that he heard correctly, Zhang Zhongmou became more confused.

When Steve Jobs called himself, what was he doing?

He wanted to snatch Turing's chip orders, but Sanxing Group was the majority shareholder of Turing and would only let this piece of meat rot in the pot.

Even if he had the ability to support Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., he would not be able to snatch this bite of rice from Sanxing's bowl.

Other executives attending the meeting also looked puzzled when they heard that it was actually a call from Jobs.

"Deutsche Bank, you will host the meeting for the time being, and I will take a call."

Zhang Zhongmou confessed, then took the 28 phone number from his assistant and walked out of the conference room.

Arriving at another reception room, Zhang Zhongmou took a deep breath and then put the phone to his ear.

whi, Mr. Jobs, I am Zhang Zhongmou. "

Zhang Zhongmou said hello.

On the other end of the phone came Steve Jobs's voice.

"Hey Zhang, I hope I didn't disturb you."

"Of course not." Zhang Zhongmou said with a smile, "I wonder what advice Mr. Jobs wants from me?"

He was very curious about the purpose of Jobs calling him, so he didn't beat around the bush and went straight to the point.

after all.

The conference room next door is waiting for him to go back for a meeting.

"Zhang, you should know Bluestar Electronics' response, right?"

Jobs' words made Zhang Zhongmou frown instantly.

What the hell is going on?

Are you, Steve Jobs, so free?

He actually became concerned about the conflict between Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. and Blue Star Electronics.

"Mr. Jobs, if you have any advice, please just say it."

Hear the words.

Jobs immediately said: "Okay, Zhang, the reason why I called you is to have a chat with you. I hope that Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. can resolutely cut off supply to Blue Star Electronics without any hesitation. "


When Zhang Zhongmou heard this, he was stunned on the spot.

You, Steve Jobs, told me not to cut off supply to Blue Star Electronics for any reason?

Did you stretch your hand too far?

Although we praise Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., this is indeed the idea now.

But now you, Steve Jobs, stepped in and bluntly said that you want us to cut off our supply to Blue Star Electronics. What does this mean?

"Mr. Jobs, I don't understand what you mean?"

Zhang Zhongmou's voice was slightly cold.

He was a little angry.

What a barren thing.

What should I do to promote Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.? I need you, Steve Jobs, to give orders?

"Aha, Zhang, please don't be angry, I have no intention of taking over your company's internal affairs.

Jobs seemed to sense that Zhang Zhongmou was a little angry, and quickly explained.

But Zhang Zhongmou didn't buy it at all, and said coldly: "But you have already done this, Mr. Jobs, your hand is too long."

"Okay, I apologize," Jobs said.

Before Zhang Zhongmou could say anything, Jobs continued: "Zhang, I am very much looking forward to meeting you. I will go to Wanwan to meet with you in person and have a detailed discussion. I hope you will not refuse."

These words made Zhang Zhongmou frown even more.

He had no idea what Jobs wanted to do?

Isn't it enough to interfere with their internal decisions on the phone, but we also need to fly to Wanwan and come to their headquarters to give instructions on the spot in person?

"Sorry, Mr. Jobs, I've been very busy recently, I'm afraid I don't have time to see you."

Zhang Zhongmou immediately refused.

It was Mr. Jobs' words that really made him unhappy.

Jobs said: "Zhang, don't you want to completely defeat Blue Star Electronics? They are now standing on your head to shit on Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., and I have a way to help you. u

Zhang Zhongmou's heart suddenly moved when he heard this.

He then thought about it.

If Steve Jobs could really find a way, it wouldn't be impossible to meet him.


Many friends, many paths.

If Fruit Company and Sanxing fall out in the future, wouldn’t they think that Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. would have the opportunity to steal orders from Fruit Company and Turing from Sanxing?

"Mr. Jobs, I just asked my secretary to check my recent itinerary. I will be free the day after tomorrow." Zhang Zhongmou said.

Jobs responded: "Okay, let's meet the day after tomorrow morning. I'm very much looking forward to it."

"Me too, Tian Fen is looking forward to meeting you." Zhang Zhongmou said with a smile.

After hanging up the phone.

Zhang Zhongmou returned to the conference room with a confused mind.

As soon as he entered the conference room, everyone suddenly became quiet, and then all looked over.

They all want to know.

What did Zhang Zhongmou and Steve Jobs talk about.

before this.

They believe that there is not much overlap between Semiconductor Manufacturing Company and fruit companies.

It was really surprising that Steve Jobs called so suddenly.

"Chairman, what did Steve Jobs say to you?" Liu De asked impatiently after Zhang Zhongmou sat down.

Zhang Zhongmou didn't hide anything, and immediately explained the matter in general.

He was a little confused about Jobs' intentions.

It would also be good to talk it out and let everyone brainstorm and work together. .

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