Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1184: I’M Going To Ask Steve Jobs Whether He Agrees Or Not.


Lift up the Semiconductor Manufacturing Company headquarters.

Reception room.

"Mr. Jobs, welcome to Wanwan."

Zhang Zhongmou expressed his welcome with a smile.

Jobs also smiled and said: "Zhang, I am also very happy to meet you.

The two exchanged pleasantries for a few words and then got straight to the point.

"Zhang, as I said on the phone before, I hope you can resolutely and without hesitation cut off the supply of Blue Star Electronics chips."

Jobs repeated his position.

I just hope that Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. will not have any hesitation towards Blue Star Electronics and just make a heavy and deadly move.

If it were before, Zhang Zhongmou would definitely be very angry when he heard this.

Because Jobs had no intention of intervening in their internal affairs at Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

but now.

He was not angry at all, his face was always calm and calm. 28

He picked up the tea cup in front of him, took a sip, put it down, and said slowly: "Mr. Jobs, although we are very angry about Blue Star Electronics' attitude, I have to refuse your proposal."

Jobs immediately raised his eyebrows.

What the hell is going on?

Does Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. plan to cut off supply to Blue Star Electronics?

It doesn't make sense.

Blue Star Electronics has slapped you in the face with a shoehorn, and now you tell me, you still want to greet Blue Star Electronics with a smile?


Jobs looked very surprised and puzzled, and his tone of voice became higher.

"Zhang, Blue Star Electronics has stepped on your head now. Are you not angry at all? Are you still going to humbly continue to cooperate with Blue Star Electronics?"

have to say.

Jobs was definitely a master of sowing discord.

Zhang Zhongmou sighed and said in a very helpless tone: "Mr. Jobs, we also hope to teach Blue Star Electronics a profound lesson. However, the situation is stronger than the people!

"Since this year, our company's development has been in trouble."

"Profit decline, layoffs, customers canceling orders, etc., a series of things have put our company in a deep quagmire."

"Blue Star Electronics is our major customer and the main source of our company's performance."

"If the supply to Blue Star Electronics is cut off, it will cause huge losses to our company's performance."

A wave of complaints made Jobs aware.

Although Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is currently a leader in the wafer foundry industry, the scenery inside is not what it seems on the surface.

"Zhang, I know everything you said."

But, haven’t these problems been solved after you took charge of Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. again?”

Jobs said.

Although you mentioned that Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is indeed having a hard time this year.

But no matter how hard it is, the supply to Blue Star Electronics will have to be cut off.

If you insist that Semiconductor Manufacturing Company does not do this, how can our Turing project be brought back to life?

"That's just the appearance." Zhang Zhongmou sighed.

Jobs frowned and said: "Zhang, even so, do you really want to surrender to Blue Star Electronics as stated on the Internet? In this case, your company will become an industry joke."

"Between becoming the laughing stock of the industry and ensuring the normal operation of the company, I choose the latter." Zhang Zhongmou said.

These words made Jobs frown even more deeply.

This means that Zhang Zhongmou is a bit unsophisticated.

It shouldn't be.

According to his plan, under his instigation, Zhang Zhongmou should be extremely angry at what Blue Star Electronics did and announce on the spot that he would cut off the supply of chips.

Why now...

Just when Jobs was puzzled.

Zhang Zhongmou added: "Of course, if there are major customers who can make up for the losses caused by the interruption of supply to Blue Star Electronics, our company is very willing to teach Blue Star Electronics a lesson.

Jobs looked stunned.

Why do I feel like this means something?

"Zhang, what do you mean?" Jobs asked.

Zhang Zhongmou stared at Jobs as if looking at a fat sheep and said: "Mr. Jobs, if you can transfer Turing's chip orders to us for Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, then we will have the confidence to cut off supply to Blue Star Electronics. .”


Jobs finally understood.

Having said so much before, it turned out that the idea was decided on him.

"Zhang, you know, I am not the only one who has the final say on Turing Company. I also need Wang Xing's consent."

Jobs put the blame directly on Sanxing.

Under his lobbying, a very important condition for Sanxing to join the partnership was to have Turing's chips manufactured by Sanxing 403 Electronics.

You can tell by thinking with your toes.

It is absolutely impossible for Sanxing to hand over this piece of meat.

Faced with Jobs' scapegoating, Zhang Zhongmou had no choice but to shrug and said: "If there are no major customers to make up for the losses caused by the interruption of supply to Blue Star Electronics, then it is impossible for us to fall out with Blue Star Electronics. After all, Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. has thousands of employees I need to eat. I must be responsible for my employees.

Zhang Zhongmou sneered in his heart.

Since you, the fat sheep like Steve Jobs, have taken the initiative to enter the game, how can I not squeeze some oil and water out of you.

Steve Jobs' heart MMP.

He felt a bit difficult to handle.

Now Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. seems to have a handle on him.

If you are willing to hand over Turing's chip orders to Tier Semiconductor, that's no problem. Tier Semiconductor is very willing to cut off supply to Blue Star Electronics.

If you don't want to, then I'm sorry, you are going back and forth from wherever Steve Jobs came from.

This gave Jobs a headache.

This is obviously because you wanted to cut off supply to Blue Star Electronics because of your support for Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Why are you still threatening me now!!?

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