Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1185 This Is Going To Be A Big Deal

Zhang Zhongmou's attitude gave Jobs a headache.

Jobs said, you are making things difficult for me, Fat Tiger.

Although I felt very unhappy.

But one reality that Jobs has to face is that he is indeed controlled by Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Now you are like a bachelor when you promote Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. You will definitely defeat him.

"Zhang, this matter is not something I can decide by myself. I need to discuss it with Chairman Li Jianxi." Jobs frowned and said in a deep voice.

Zhang Zhongmou nodded and said: "Of course."


The meeting is temporarily suspended.

Jobs came to another reception room, took out his cell phone and called Li Jianxi.

whi, Steve, I guess you have some good news for me. "

Li Jianxi's happy voice came from the phone.


He has already taken care of Sanxing and agreed that Sanxing would spend 1 billion yuan to return to the Turing project.


Now Jobs called himself to inform him that he agreed that they would rejoin the Turing project.

"Chairman Li, I'm in Wanwan right now, meeting and negotiating with Zhang who promotes Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.," Jobs said.

"Huh?" Li Jianxi was stunned, "Steve, why did you go to build Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.?"

Jobs explained briefly and said: "Chairman Li, Zhang has already said that EMC can resolutely cut off the supply of Blue Star Electronics, but they need to make up for the losses caused by cutting off the supply of Blue Star Electronics. I hope we can Leave Turing’s chip foundry to China Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

These words immediately stunned Li Jianxi.

Co-author, why am I, Sanxing, going to be wronged again?

As if afraid of Li Jianxi's rejection, Jobs hurriedly explained: "Chairman Li, I think that in order for Turing to successfully replace Pinnacle Mobile, Sanxing can make some sacrifices. Because only by completely overthrowing Pinnacle Mobile can Turing take its place and lift Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. It is a very important helper for us to overturn the pinnacle mobile phone...""

Jobs chattered a lot.

All kinds of knowledge are moved by emotion and reason.

It can be summed up in one sentence.

Li Jianxi, you, Sanxing, should be the one who is taken advantage of this time.

Li Jianxi on the other end of the phone fell into deep silence.

He did not refuse directly, but weighed the pros and cons in his heart.

After a while.

Li Jianxi said: "Steve, I think I have to go to Wanwan."

"Oh? Do you want to come to Wanwan too? That would be great."

Jobs welcomed it.

After hanging up the phone.

Jobs returned to the reception room.

"Zhang, I have already spoken with Chairman Li on the phone. Chairman Li said that this matter needs to be discussed in person." Jobs said.

Zhang Zhongmou raised his eyebrows and said: "Hungry? President Li also wants to come to Wanwan?"

Jobs nodded: "Yes."

the other side.

Cold country.

Sanxing headquarters.

After hanging up the phone, Li Jianxi looked very unhappy and kept slurring his mouth.

Although Jobs said it was for the Turing project, he was still unhappy.

Why is it always me, Sanxing, who is taken advantage of?

Anger is anger.

But as Steve Jobs said.

If you want to completely overthrow the top mobile phones, promoting Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is an indispensable part.


Li Jianxi called his assistant in and told him to prepare for the Wanwan matter.

after an hour.

The assistant said that everything is ready and you can go to the airport and fly to Wanwan now.

Li Jianxi did not delay and took his troops directly to the airport.

Three hours later.

Li Jianxi's private plane was parked at an airport in Wanwan.

Jobs, Zhang Zhongmou and others were already waiting at the airport.

Seeing Li Jianxi and his party, he quickly went up to express welcome.

This scene.

The media reporters at the scene stared wide-eyed.

Originally they thought that Zhang Zhongmou was here to see Jobs off.

No idea.

Zhang Zhongmou and Jobs appeared at the airport again to greet Li Jianxi, the head of Sanxing.

"…"Big news! Big news!"

"Oh my god, I feel an undercurrent surging!"

"First Steve Jobs, and now Li Jianxi, what are you trying to do by promoting Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.?"

"There's definitely going to be a big earthquake!"

"Who said that those who support Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. will in turn be soft on Blue Star Electronics? I think Blue Star Electronics may be about to receive a thunderous blow from those that support Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd."

The media reporters at the scene felt that the blood in their whole bodies was burning.

It didn't take long.

News about Zhang Zhongmou and Steve Jobs welcoming Sanxing head Li Jianxi at the airport appeared on the Internet.

It caused a huge sensation again.

"I'll go! Is Li Jianxi going to Wanwan too?"

"What's going on?"

"How do I feel (money is good) that a conspiracy against Blue Star Electronics is taking shape with the appearance of Steve Jobs and Li Jianxi in Wanwan?"

"Hiss~ I guess that the reason why Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. didn't respond vocally before was definitely not a sign of submission to Blue Star Electronics. It should be that they were uniting Fruit Company and Sanxing Group to brew a bigger conspiracy against Blue Star Electronics."

"Somehow, seeing both Steve Jobs and Ken-sey Lee appearing in Wanwan, I felt a shiver.

Netizens went crazy eating melons.

It was only when Jobs appeared in Benwan that he set off a storm.

As a result, it wasn’t even half a day.

Sanxing's Li Jianxi also appeared in Wanwan.

What is this for?

This is going to be a big deal!

For a while.

Everyone turned their attention to Blue Star Electronics. .

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