Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1189 Intel: Steve Jobs, Are You Crazy? Teach Me How To Do Things!

[Update Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. officially announced that it will cut off supply to Blue Star Electronics] - Free Times

[SMC announced that it will cut off supply to Blue Star Electronics: it will stop supplying Blue Star Electronics after November 30] - Phoenix News

[Is it a fatal blow to Blue Star Electronics to cut off the supply of Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. to Blue Star Electronics?]————Poppa News

[It’s really here! Raise Semiconductor to cut off supply to Blue Star Electronics]————Zhalang News

[SMC officially announced: If Bluestar Electronics does not make changes, supply will be cut off from December 1st] --- Wangyi News

[Inspiring Semiconductor to cut off supply to Blue Star Electronics [Where should Blue Star Electronics go? - The Wall Street Times

[It’s still here! Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. announced that it will completely cut off supply to Blue Star Electronics. Experts: Losing 800 to oneself and killing 1,000 to the enemy] - Washington Post

[The power supply to Blue Star Electronics is cut off by Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.! Is this a fatal blow? Where should Blue Star Electronics go?] - Ta Kung Pao

[The darkest moment! Raising the power supply and cutting off the supply of Blue Star Electronics will prevent the rise of Blue Star Electronics]————Mirror

For a while.

All the major mainstream media newspapers at home and abroad reported the private information on their front pages.

One stone stirs up a thousand waves.

Countless people around the world are talking about this.

Two days ago.

Everyone is still discussing whether Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.’s silence is a compromise with the tough-minded Blue Star Electronics.

The result is the next second.

Semiconductor Manufacturing Company directly officially announced that it would cut off supply to Blue Star Electronics.


Regarding the operation of promoting Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., most of the melon-eating people said that it was a practice of killing eight hundred enemies and losing one thousand.

It would have been difficult to raise Semiconductor Manufacturing Company this year.

As a result, supply to two heavyweight customers, Bluestar Electronics and Huachang, was directly cut off, which is bound to affect TiMC's future revenue.


The first time after the official announcement was made.

In the stock market, if the stock price of Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. rises, it will plummet.

Gamblers who bravely bought the bottom and wanted to take a gamble were directly buried.

In everyone's opinion.

Although Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is a leader in the foundry industry.

However, Intel, Sanxing, GlobalFoundries and other manufacturers are not much different from Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

If Semiconductor Manufacturing Company does not provide OEM services to Blue Star Electronics, Blue Star Electronics can definitely find other wafer foundries.

Blue Star Electronics has stockpiled enough chips for a year.

One year is enough time to solve the relevant problems.


The outside world is not optimistic that cutting off the power supply will plunge Blue Star Electronics into its darkest moment.

"Zhang Zhongmou is already old and confused. His decision will inevitably push the company to a point of no return."

"In my opinion, this is a stupid decision that will cost you one thousand and kill one hundred enemies."

“Manufacturers such as Intel and GlobalFoundries applauded Semiconductor Manufacturing Company’s decision.

"There is no doubt that the only one who will be injured in the end is Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd."

Semiconductor Manufacturing Company officially announced that it would cut off supply to Blue Star Electronics.

The stock price of Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. has plummeted like crazy.

On the other hand, the stock prices of manufacturers such as Intel and GlobalFoundries have risen sharply in response.

Because in everyone’s eyes.

After Semiconductor's power supply is cut off, Blue Star Electronics will definitely seek cooperation with other manufacturers such as Intel as soon as possible.

Obtaining orders from Blue Star Electronics and even flower factories is undoubtedly a big order for a group of wafer manufacturers such as Intel and GlobalFoundries, which will ensure substantial growth in performance next year.

And Intel CEO Paul Otellini.

After hearing the news, I was indeed very happy and waited for Blue Star Electronics to come to my door.

Among the fabs that have replaced Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., there is no doubt that Intel's technical strength is the strongest.

Even compared to Li Semiconductor, it is not weak at all.

If Blue Star Electronics is looking for alternative manufacturers, Intel is undoubtedly their first choice.


Paul Otellini did not wait for Blue Star Electronics to come to his door. Instead, he waited for Steve Jobs to come to his door.


In the conference room.

After hearing Jobs' request that Intel not cooperate with Blue Star Electronics, Paul Otellini stood up directly and looked at Jobs in disbelief.

"Steve, do you know what you're talking about?"

"..."Are you sure you're not drunk?"

Otellini by Steve Jobs.

I need your guidance here, Steve Jobs, on how Intel does things.

Also asked us not to cooperate with Blue Star Electronics.

Who do you think you are, Steve Jobs?

Why should I listen to you, Steve Jobs?

"Steve, go slowly without seeing me off. Intel doesn't welcome you!"

Paul Otellini didn't even bother to say anything to Jobs and just saw him off.

What the hell.

I'm waiting for someone from Blue Star Electronics to come and cooperate.

Turns out you told me not to cooperate.

Then you, Steve Jobs, will replenish the profits I have lost, which are tens of billions of dollars in gold?


Otellini lost interest in talking to Jobs.

In his opinion.

Is Jobs going crazy for making such a request?

Jobs was directly bombarded out of the Intel headquarters building by Otellini.

He was very helpless.

He had expected this scene.

If you were yourself, you would do the same thing.

This is really an offending job.

But there is no way.

For the Turing project, he had to do this.

"In this case, we can only let the vampires on Wall Street come forward."

Jobs sighed in his heart.

This kind of thing.

Steve Jobs would definitely not be able to do it based on his reputation alone.

after all.

This involves at least hundreds of millions of dollars in profits. How could Intel give up because of Steve Jobs?


We have to let the shareholders behind Intel put pressure on Otellini before we can fight. .

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