Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1190 Blue Star Electronics Is Collectively Blocked By Global Semiconductor Manufacturers

After returning to America, Jobs immediately took action and approached Paul Otellini, the head of Intel, in an attempt to persuade Otellini not to cooperate with Blue Star Electronics.

But obviously.

Jobs was wishful thinking.

He was directly blasted out of the Intel headquarters building by Otellini.

This scene.

Of course it was what Jobs expected.

If he were in Otellini's position, he would do the same thing.

after all.

The interests involved here are not hundreds or tens of millions of meters of gold, but tens of billions of meters of gold.

Not being beaten by Otellini with a stick is the best outcome.


Jobs was not angry when he was kicked out of the Intel building.

Otellini couldn't make sense here, so he had to find another way.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to overthrow Blue Star Electronics.

If missed.

I'm afraid I won't have such an opportunity again in the future.


No matter how difficult it is ahead, for the Turing project, he must do everything possible to achieve his goal.

His own strength is not enough to make people like Otellini give up their own interests and cooperate with his actions.


The interests behind the fruit companies can.

At the last fruit company board meeting, he had already convinced the major directors.

his words.

It has also been brought to the real boss behind it by the major directors.

These big bosses all said that 243 would fully support him.

If you have any difficulties, just ask.

These big bosses will help him settle things.

That being the case.

Leave such offending matters to these big bosses.


The big bosses behind the fruit companies may also be the big bosses behind Intel.

As long as you tell your plan, these big bosses will know what to choose after weighing the pros and cons.

at the same time.

Otellini, who kicked Jobs out, was very angry.

Even though Steve Jobs has been fired.

But his good mood was also ruined by Jobs' visit today.


Otellini cursed under his breath.

I really don’t know what was going through Steve’s mind to make such an outrageous request.

Let Intel lose its own interests and pave the way for fruit companies?

I can really imagine it.

That afternoon.

Jobs went to meet with several big bosses behind the fruit company.

The plan for Blue Star Electronics was explained to these big bosses.

These big bosses are very interested in this plan.

They are very greedy for Blue Star Electronics' annual profits of 20 to 30 billion yuan.


Blue Star Electronics is not a listed company, and there was no (cibf) opportunity for them to invest at the beginning.



They could only look at the fat piece of Blue Star Electronics without being able to eat it.


If Blue Star Electronics is defeated, Turing will replace it.

That's different.


Only after they learned about Jobs' plan did they express their strong support.

if not.

Just in the past few years, Jobs has caused heavy losses to the fruit company, and they fired him some time ago.


Jobs' plan for Blue Star Electronics encountered difficulties.

Do not cooperate with Blue Star Electronics after learning that cooperation from Intel, GlobalFoundries and other manufacturers is required.

These powerful bosses thought for a moment and then said, no problem.

Anyway, they are not only the big bosses of the fruit company, but also the big bosses behind Intel.

Intel is not allowed to cooperate with Blue Star Electronics, although the losses will be considerable.

But they calculated it carefully in their minds.

Compared with the losses on Intel, if Turing can replace the top mobile phones, they can earn more.

after all.

Blue Star Electronics is not under their control.

But the fruit companies are under their control.

With the full support of several big bosses, Jobs was greatly relieved.

This time.

Blue Star Electronics will completely reach a dead end.


Otellini early in the morning.

I received calls from several big bosses.

The instructions of several big bosses all have the same meaning, that is, they are not allowed to cooperate with Blue Star Electronics.

This immediately made Otellini stupid.

What the hell.

Is Steve Jobs so energetic?

Yesterday, he came to the door and asked Intel not to cooperate with Blue Star Electronics, but he refused.

Results the next day.

The big boss behind the scenes personally called to give instructions.

Otellini argued a few words, expressing the benefits to Intel of cooperating with Blue Star Electronics.


The big bosses are very determined.

That means you must do what they say and you are not allowed to cooperate with Blue Star Electronics.

This time Otellini was at his wits end.

Although he is the head of Intel.


The real controllers behind the scenes are the big bosses.

If he doesn't do what the big bosses say, he may be kicked out tomorrow.



Otellini couldn't understand why the big bosses were willing to lose their own interests for the benefit of the fruit company.

Otellini was so angry that he called Jobs directly.

Just connected.

Otellini scolded him three times in a row.

"Steve, Fuck Squid, Shet, Bitchi!"

After scolding, hang up the phone immediately.

Jobs on the other side was stunned when he heard Otellini yelling from the phone as soon as the call was connected.

He didn't come back to his senses until Otellini hung up the phone.

Then a smile appeared on his face.

Otellini called him early in the morning to scold himself, often looking angry.



The big bosses behind the scenes have already dealt with Otellini.


It's not just Intel.

GlobalFoundries, Micron, Texas Instruments and other American IDM manufacturers (IDM refers to integrated component manufacturers, semiconductor vertically integrated companies that do everything from design, manufacturing, packaging and testing to sales), and even Toshiba, Hynix, STMicroelectronics, UMC and other semiconductor manufacturers in Japan and Europe have all been told that they are not allowed to cooperate with Blue Star Electronics.

In order to completely cut off the supply of Blue Star Electronics chips.

These Wall Street bosses with powerful skills and financial resources want to directly block Blue Star Electronics in the entire semiconductor industry to ensure that Jobs' plan will be 100% successful.

at present.

Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. has officially announced that it will cut off supply to Blue Star Electronics. Which manufacturer Blue Star Electronics will choose to replace Semiconductor Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is also attracting attention from the outside world.


Many media reporters conducted interviews with executives from Intel, Sanxing, GlobalFoundries, UMC and other manufacturers.

[The head of Intel said that due to some reasons that are inconvenient to disclose, it will not cooperate with Blue Star Electronics for the time being. 】——The Wall Street Times

[The person in charge of Sanxing Electronics said that Samsung Electronics’ chip production capacity is currently saturated and it is unable to accept new orders. ——Nanhan Daily

[GlobalFoundries CEO said that the company is currently facing obstacles in the development of 45nm process technology, and may not be able to OEM chips below 45nm process for Blue Star Electronics. 】-Washington Post

[Breaking news! An insider from Wanwan UMC said that the company’s photolithography equipment experienced a major technical failure and it will take at least three months to half a year for maintenance. 】——Free Times

[A fire broke out in Toshiba's semiconductor production line, and it may take at least a year to restore original production capacity. 】——Asahi Shimbun

As one piece of news was reported.

Everyone was shocked to find out.

The world's major wafer semiconductor manufacturers are either at full production capacity, or there is a problem with the lithography machine, or the process plan development is blocked, or there is a fire in the production line.

All the reports in that article said - we will not cooperate with Blue Star Electronics.

This situation.

It immediately confused the melon-eating people around the world. .

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