Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1205: Stealing Semiconductor Manufacturing Company’S Technology? Travel Through Time And Spa

Liang Mengsong was dumbfounded.

What did he receive?

Complaint from Raising Semiconductor Manufacturing Company!

The key is.

The words inside were extremely harsh, telling him to stop leaking secrets immediately and resign from Pangu Semiconductor.

Is it a joke to lift up Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.?

Although I was annoyed by the operation of promoting Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

However, Liang Mengsong informed Lu Yi of the matter immediately.

After Lu Yi learned about it.

He was also suddenly startled.

What kind of confusing operation is this to promote Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.?

Prosecute Liang Mengsong?

Are you sure you're not mistaken?

In 2005, he replaced Liang Mengsong's free body with 45nm technology.

The two parties signed an agreement.

Now that Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. has announced such a move, Shen Mengsong is asked to resign from Pangu Semiconductor.

Are people like Zhang Zhongmou crazy?

To this.

Lu Yi told Liang Mengsong that he could just leave this matter to him, and that Liang Mengsong didn't have to worry about it and could just work with peace of mind.

Not to mention that it was Liang Mengsong's free agency.

Just say that Liang Mengsong has resigned from Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. for four years, and has already passed the two-year period stipulated in the agreement.

Semiconductor Manufacturing Company has no reason to sue Liang Mengsong for violating the non-competition agreement.

It's totally disgusting to criticize Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. for doing this.


After taking over the matter, Lu Yi threw it aside.

Do you want to file a lawsuit against Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.?


He will be the legal department of the future group and will accompany him to the end at all times.


There are rumors from the outside world.

The reason why Pangu Semiconductor developed the 28nm process technology was because it stole related technologies from Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 783

The person who stole the technology was none other than Liang Mengsong, the man who helped Semiconductor Manufacturing Company launch the 0.18um copper process technology in 1998 and catch up with Intel in the process field.

As soon as the news came out.

It immediately caused an uproar from the outside world.

In the wafer industry, the Yin family is naturally familiar with the name Liang Mengsong.

In 1992, Liang Mengsong was recruited by Zhang Zhongmou as the senior director of R&D at Semiconductor Manufacturing Company.

Just five years.

Liang Mengsong upgraded Semiconductor Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.'s chip manufacturing technology from 0.8um to 0.3um, completing a major technological breakthrough at the time.

Until now.

Liang Mengsong still holds the most personal technology patents for Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

In terms of technology, Liang Mengsong is undoubtedly a genius.

Only in 2005.

Liang Mengsong resigned from Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., and there has been no news since then.

Until now.

Everyone just learned that Liang Mengsong, who had resigned from Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., had lost his job in semiconductors.

For a while.

Everyone was talking about it.

"Watt Pangea Semiconductor's 28nm process was actually stolen from Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.?"

"real or fake?"

"It should be true. Some senior executives from Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. have come forward and said that they have sent a complaint to Liang Mengsong, demanding that Liang Mengsong immediately stop infringement and leave Pangu Semiconductor."

"Damn it! I didn't expect that Pangu Semiconductor's 28nm process was actually stolen."

"No wonder Pangu Semiconductor was able to develop the 28nm process, that's why."

"I just said that the technology accumulation in the country is very weak. How could it be possible to skip generations so quickly and directly produce 28nm, and even overcome the technical difficulties of 22nm? It turns out that it was all stolen technology that was used to promote Semiconductor Manufacturing Company."

"Liang Mengsong used to be in charge of Semiconductor's process technology. He now works at Pangu Semiconductor, and Pangu Semiconductor has come up with a 28nm process. The matter is very simple and clear.

People who didn't know the truth were talking a lot.

In their view.

Since Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. has sent a complaint to Liang Mengsong, it must be true that he is not running away.

For a while.

The tide on the Internet is beginning to change.

at the same time.

Major media organizations, like sharks smelling blood, flocked to Pangu Semiconductor.

Facing this circumstances.

Liang Mengsong was also very distressed.

This has already affected his work.

at the same time.

Liang Mengsong also has a new understanding of the shamelessness of promoting Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

I resigned from Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. in 2005.

At that time, you didn’t even have a trace of Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.’s 28nm process. Did I travel through time and space to the future to steal the technology you promoted Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.?

I can't help but compile it.

Regarding Liang Mengsong's distress, Lu Yi comforted him by saying that a press conference would be held soon to provide clarification.

same day.

Pangu Semiconductor issued an announcement on its official website, stating that it will hold a press conference tomorrow to explain Liang Mengsong’s theft of Semiconductor Semiconductor Technology.

The next day.

In front of the Pangu Semiconductor headquarters building.

There was a roar of people.

It can be seen that no less than a hundred domestic and foreign media outlets flocked to the event.


Lu Yi and Liang Mengsong appeared together at the makeshift press conference. (cidi)

Seeing the real owner appear, the reporters at the scene immediately became excited.

"Mr. Liang, I would like to ask if Semiconductor Manufacturing Company has accused you of stealing their 28nm process technology. What do you want to say?"

"Mr. Liang, Pangu Semiconductor has gone from being an unknown small company to becoming a blockbuster in recent days. Is it related to the theft of Semiconductor Manufacturing Company's technology?"

"Mr. Liang, Pangu Semiconductor technology is developing rapidly. Is there any credit to Semiconductor Manufacturing Company for this?"

Reporters on the scene posted articles in a flurry, hoping to get big news out of Liang Mengsong's mouth.


at this time.

Lu Yi's voice resounded throughout the audience.


Everyone was silent for a moment, and then all looked at Lu Yi.

"The purpose of holding this temporary press conference today is to explain the so-called technology theft.

"I can responsibly say that this is something that was made out of nothing."

"This is Semiconductor Manufacturing Company's deliberate smear campaign against Professor Liang Mengsong. We will hold Semiconductor Manufacturing Company accountable for its relevant legal responsibilities for its behavior of slandering and slandering Professor Liang Mengsong's reputation!"

Lu Yi said sternly.

But obviously.

The reporters present would not accept this.

"Director Lu, Mr. Liang used to be the technical director of IC Semiconductor. He participated in the research and development of many process technologies of IC Semiconductor. Although Mr. Liang has left IC Semiconductor and joined Pangu Semiconductor, he has been helping Pangu Semiconductor develop its technology. During the research and development, did it involve the related technologies of improving Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.?" A reporter from Wanwan asked sharply

Lu Yi glanced at the reporter and sneered: "Haha, what you said is pure nonsense!"

"Professor Liang left IC Semiconductor in 2005. Did IC Semiconductor have 28nm process technology at that time?"

"When he promoted Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.'s 45nm process, I, Blue Star Electronics, gave it to him. This allowed Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. to completely surpass Intel in terms of technology. Why, have you forgotten all of this?"

"In 2005, there was no trace of Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.'s 28nm technology. Tell me, where did Professor Liang go to steal it?"

"Travel through time and space to the future?"

These words immediately stopped the Wanwan reporter.


When Liang Mengsong resigned from Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. acquired the 45nm process, which caused quite a stir.

At the end of 2005.

Intel first announced the launch of 65nm universal process technology.

Just when the outside world was congratulating Intel.

Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. jumped out at an inappropriate time and said that they already have the 45nm process, which directly shocked the world.


It has also been reported that the subject of the technology patent for the 45nm process is Blue Star Electronics. Many people also ridiculed Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. for claiming that Blue Star Electronics' technology is their own, which is shameless.


Only then did everyone know.

In exchange for Liang Mengsong's freedom, Blue Star Electronics gave the 45nm process technology to Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

This incident caused quite a stir at the end of 2005.

It was also in 2005 that Blue Star Electronics, a company established less than two years ago, entered the public eye for the first time and shocked everyone in the top ten movies.

To say that Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. will have a 28nm process in 2005 would be unbelievable.

Since Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. did not have 28nm process technology at the time, the so-called Liang Mengsong stole Semiconductor Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.'s technology is a fiction and completely untenable. .

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