Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1206 The Purpose Of Promoting Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

An impromptu press clarification meeting.

The wind direction of the fishing boat changes instantly.

At this time, the melon-eating people suddenly realized.

I slapped my thigh and exclaimed, yes, in 2005, Semiconductor Manufacturing Company had a shitty 28nm process~.

Let alone the 28nm process.

At that time, Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. probably did not even have a 32n-m process.

That Liang Mengsong stole shitty technology!


This is completely a slander against Liang Mengsong.

So shameless!


Hundreds of millions of domestic netizens launched an attack on Semiconductor Manufacturing Company.

"Shameless! I have never seen a company as shameless as scorning Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.!"

"Old man Zhang thought he could fool around with people, but he was exposed and exposed. This old guy's face is thicker than the city wall."

"To paraphrase Zhuge Liang - I have never seen such a shameless person!"

"From this point, we can see the pattern of upgrading Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

“I actually checked the news in 2005, and it’s true as the richest man Lu said, 45nm was promoted by Blue Star Electronics to Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. How dare you say that Pangu Semiconductor stole his technology to promote Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.? "

"I even blush for this old guy Zhang Zhongmou!"

"A man who is almost eighty years old still does such shameless things. Do his family members know?"

"It's not the old people who have become bad, it's the bad people who have become old!"

Domestic melon-eating people criticized Zhang Zhongmou online for criticizing Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

And major domestic media platforms.

They also used satirical headlines to highlight Semiconductor Manufacturing Company’s actions of slandering Liang Mengsong and discrediting Pangu Semiconductor.


Lift up the Semiconductor Manufacturing Company headquarters.

Zhang Zhongmou was watching the Internet in his office. Countless netizens were criticizing and criticizing Zhang Zhongmou.

Zhang Zhongmou was so angry that he almost spit out blood.

Why does Zhang Zhongmou become more shameless as he gets older?

Why would Zhang Zhongmou not be able to protect himself at the end of his life?


These words calling him Zhang Zhongmou are not just ‘kind greetings’ from mainland netizens.

More of them are local netizens.

Many people in Wanwan say that slandering and smearing their opponents is simply a disgrace to them.

Looking at the 'cordial greetings', Zhang Zhongmou clenched his fists and breathed rapidly.

This idea was proposed by Chiang Kai-shek again.


Zhang Zhongmou has to take the blame for this.

These days.

There is a lot of panic among people who are raising Jidian.

Not only the grassroots technical staff below, but also many people at the middle and senior levels began to be interested in contacting headhunting companies.

Facing potential crises.

Naturally, they cannot sit still and wait for death. They must find ways to solve the problem.

It was Jiang Shangyi who came up with an idea.

One is technical warfare.

Increase investment in technology and strive to catch up with Loongson International in a short period of time and surpass it again.

The second is legal battle.

Filed an infringement lawsuit against Liang Mengsong, accusing him of stealing company secrets.

In Jiang Shangyi's view.

The reason why Pangu Semiconductor can surpass them in technology is mostly due to Liang Mengsong.

They are all very clear about Liang Mengsong's technical ability.

This is a genius truly born for chip manufacturing technology.

Just drag Liang Mengsong into the whirlpool of litigation.

That would leave Liang Mengsong no time for technology development.

This way.

This can give them a certain amount of time to catch up with Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology.

These two moves.

They complement each other and cooperate with each other.

As for whether Liang Mengsong really stole Semiconductor's technology.

For Zhang Zhongmou and Jiang Shangyi, it is not important.

What matters is.

Liang Mengsong must be restrained.

This is the reason why they sued Liang Mengsong for stealing Semiconductor Technology.

As for 2005, before I retire, I let Zaomengsong go.

Zhang Zhongmou is becoming more and more regretful.

If he had not agreed to Lu Yi's request to use 45nm technology in exchange for Liang Mengsong's free body.


Maybe this won't be the case.

It is indeed remarkable that Blue Star Electronics was able to develop 45nm process technology in less than two years after its establishment.

But with the blessing of the technical genius Liang Mengsong, it will undoubtedly give Blue Star Electronics or the current Pangu Semiconductor a pair of wings to fly.


There is no point in regretting.

Who would have thought that back then, he directly sent Liang Mengsong to implement a newly launched "Beyond Moore Plan".

This plan sounds lofty.

But there are only two backward wafer fabs in use, and the office only has a small four-person room.

At that time, Liang Mengsong felt like he was in the cold palace every day when he came to the office.

Liang Mengsong even sat in the office during the day for more than eight months without going out or seeing his colleagues.

It is precisely because of this experience.

Let Liang Mengsong feel disheartened by Li Jidian.

…………please give me flowers……

He has made great contributions to promoting Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

As a result, seeing that Jiang Shangyi was retiring in 2006, he was undoubtedly the most suitable successor.

As a result, another peer who was inferior to him took over.

It was precisely because of a difference of thought back then.

The result is the current situation.

Just when Zhang Zhongmou was in the office, he regretted letting Liang Mengsong go.

The assistant knocked on the office door.


The assistant came in, holding a document in his hand.

"Director Zhang, this is... This is a lawyer's letter from Pangu Semiconductor." The assistant said carefully.

Hear the words.

Zhang Zhongmou raised his eyebrows.

"Lawyer's letter?"

The assistant nodded.


"Pangu Semiconductor requires us to immediately publish an apology in the newspaper and restore Liang Mengsong's reputation. Otherwise, we will file a lawsuit."

These words directly made Zhang Zhongmou's heart twitch.


Isn't this a slap in the face?

Then it would be a joke for him to criticize Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

"Director Zhang, how do you handle this matter?" the assistant asked cautiously.

Zhang Zhongmou glared and said sternly: "How to deal with it? Throw it aside of course! Apologize? There is no way!"


Zhang Zhongmou waved his hand and asked the assistant to go out.

Originally, the insults on the Internet about him and Zhang Zhongmou's shameless comments made him very annoyed.

As a result, now Pangu Semiconductor has sent them a lawyer's letter to ask for eye drops, which is like another stab in his heart.

The assistant slowly exited.

But this time.

"Wait a moment."

Zhang Zhongmou stopped him.

"You ask people from the relevant departments to investigate Liang Mengsong carefully and try to find some clues that Liang Mengsong stole our company's technology and used it in Pangu Semiconductor chip technology."

The assistant nodded, "Okay, I'll do it right away.

Wait until the assistant leaves the office.

Zhang Zhongmou sat on the boss's chair.

He looked at the computer screen with an expressionless face and read the comments from netizens.

His eyes were cold.

Let these internet trolls scold you as they please.

He won't be missing a piece of meat anyway.

The top priority now is to drag Liang Mengsong into the whirlpool of litigation and buy enough time for the technical department.

He believes it.

Just give them some time to raise the chip.

Technically, there is absolutely no problem in catching up with and surpassing Loongson International.

Does he have this confidence? .

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