Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1214 Wanwan’S Stock Market Crashed

Zhang Zhongmou looked at the news information on the Internet helplessly and furiously.

no doubt.

Domestic 28nm lithography machines have already occupied the front pages of major news media platforms.

The more I look.

The panic in Zhang Zhongmou's heart quickly amplified.

He kept mumbling words like 'Impossible! Absolutely impossible!'

Although the reports have been overwhelming.

But Zhang Zhongmou still didn't want to admit this fact in his subconscious mind.

He is looking for reasons to convince himself that these reports are false.

Because if it is true.

He couldn't bear the consequences!


It was not only Zhang Zhongmou who was panicked and confused.

The Wanwan stock market was also in complete chaos.

The chip industry chain is a pillar industry of Wanwan.

Now there is news from across the strait that domestic lithography machines have made a major breakthrough.

This is absolutely shocking news for the crooked chip and semiconductor industry chain.


It is also bad news for the government in Wanwan area.

How important are semiconductor chips to Wanwan?

It accounts for as much as 16% of the GDP of the Wanwan region and is almost the lifeblood of the Wanwan economy.

How powerful is the Wawan chip industry?

Wanwan has a total population of more than 23 million, but its chip manufacturing capacity accounts for nearly two-thirds of the world.

The overall chip industry capability is second only to America, ranking second in the world.

It ranks second in the world in chip design, ranks first in manufacturing and packaging testing, and has the most proven chip industry chain in the world.

When Wanwan Chip coughs, the global high-end manufacturing industry will catch a cold.

In Wanwan, a complementary upstream, midstream and downstream industrial chain has been formed from raw materials, equipment, silicon wafers to IP design services, IC design, manufacturing, packaging and testing, and even brand factories, distributors, etc.

As for Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., the leader of the Wanwan chip industry, if it coughs, the global supply of chips will be tight.

before this.

With America's technological support, Wanwan can obtain the most advanced photolithography equipment and chip manufacturing technology, and can obtain the largest number of chip orders, firmly suppressing the development of the mainland's chip semiconductor industry.

Mainland China's chip and semiconductor industry can be said to be struggling under the external blockade.

The most important part is the photolithography machine.

It can be said.

The lithography machine is just the thread in a ball of wool.

Only by grasping this thread can domestic production develop rapidly.

After the millennium.

The state has increased investment support in the field of chip semiconductors, but with little effect.

The industry generally believes that it will take at least twenty years or even longer to make a breakthrough in domestic chips.

But now.

The 28nm domestic lithography machine was born.

Reaching the international advanced level in one fell swoop.

A big mountain restricting the development of the domestic semiconductor chip industry has been removed, and the dawn has emerged.

It is naturally an ultimate benefit to the mainland’s semiconductor chip industry.

With the breakthrough of domestic photolithography machines.

In the past, everyone was timid about investing in domestic chips, fearing that it would be in vain.

But that's different now.

The breakthrough of domestic lithography machines will inevitably ignite the enthusiasm of domestic investors for investing in the domestic chip industry.

Because there is no lithography machine stuck, the success rate of output will be greatly improved, and everyone will not worry about wasted investment.

But for Wanwan.

This news, like a bolt from the blue, is the ultimate bad news.

Once the mainland's chip industry develops and expands, the crooked chip industry will inevitably be severely impacted.

This is the economic lifeblood of the Wanwan region.

If it suffers a strong impact, the crooked economic development will inevitably be greatly affected.

This is an obvious question.


As word spread.

The crooked stock market suddenly collapsed.

It’s not just one company whose stocks have plummeted.

The stock prices of a large number of companies such as United Microelectronics Co., Ltd. were sold in a panic by investors.

for investors.

The ultimate bad news has struck, and it is irreversible bad news.

It has become an established fact that the crooked chip industry has been impacted by the mainland.

The crooked economy is bound to experience a sharp decline.

Why don't you sell your stocks as soon as possible and wait for the cold wind to blow on the top of the mountain?


The competition is who can run faster!

the other side.

Shen Bo, president of ASML Longguo District, was also deeply shocked.

He stared at the news at the top of the computer screen, disbelief written all over his face.

Shanghai Microelectronics and Coastal Semiconductor have developed a 28nm lithography machine?

Can the theoretical limit of steady-state micro-bunched light source reach below the nm level?

Are you kidding?!

Not to mention him, Shen Bo, even if he were to pull an ordinary person over on the street, he would definitely not believe such nonsense.

Shen Bo has been the regional general manager for so many years and is responsible for ASML's sales and trade in Longguo. He knows very well what the situation of domestic lithography machines in Longguo is.

In 2002, Long Guozhengfu indeed increased its investment in the research and development of domestic photolithography machines.

But with the information he has.

Shanghai Microelectronics only receives a mere 60 million yuan in funding each year.

With this little money, what can be done for a project like developing a photolithography machine, an industrial pearl?

It’s not even enough to fill the gap between your teeth!

Although in 2007.

Shanghai Microelectronics has developed a 90nm prototype.

But since then, there has been no news.

He also specifically inquired about this matter and learned that there was no way to finalize and mass-produce it, so it was simply left in the warehouse to gather dust.

It can be seen from this.

What is the situation of Longguo's lithography machine research and development?

The result was suddenly told to him now.

Longguo's domestic lithography machines have made major breakthroughs and have developed 28nm advanced lithography machines.

Shen Bo wouldn't believe it even to death.


After watching the video released by Loongson International.

Shen Bo was silent.

The facts were before his eyes, and he couldn't help but not believe it.

Longguo does have a 28nm domestic lithography machine.

The technology is comparable to ASML’s most advanced DUV lithography machine.

As a foreign company, ASML has entered the Longguo market for 10 years.

The company is naturally open to exporting photolithography machines to Longguo.

after all.

As a business, the purpose is to make money.

Longguo is the world's largest market, and its demand for photolithography machines accounts for more than half of the world's share.


Although ASML is a Chinese company, it is under the jurisdiction of America.

America issued an order, telling ASML not to sell high-end lithography machines to Longguo Continent. Even if ASML covets the huge market of Longguo, it can only obey the order.

if not.

America's government has plenty of means to deal with ASML.

On Longguo's side, there is no way to purchase ASML's advanced photolithography machines.

But now.

Longguo no longer needs their ASML photolithography machines.

Because domestic lithography machines have made major breakthroughs, there is no need to beg grandparents to ASML to sell lithography machines.


The rise of Shanghai Microelectronics will become their strong competitor to ASML.

The lithography machine market is just that big.

If Shanghai Microelectronics sells one more photolithography machine, it means ASML will sell one less.

In addition, ASML has no relationship with the Longguo market.

One can imagine.

What an impact this will have on ASML!.

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