Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1215 The Whole Country Rejoices, Celebrities Gather Together To Gain Traffic

Shen Bo was completely stunned.

There is a feeling of being in a dream, unreal.

Even after watching Loongson International's video, he still couldn't believe it was true.


How come you, Shanghai Microelectronics, have made a technological breakthrough to a level comparable to their ASML in such a short period of time?

Do you think that ASML's current position in the industry was achieved overnight?


It took twenty or thirty years of hard work to obtain it.

in this process.

They have been questioned and suppressed.

He finally joined America's official family and returned to America to show his loyalty.

With the strong support of America's official government, ASML has achieved its current results and gained its current dominance.

But what about Shanghai Microelectronics?

It has only been 7 years since its establishment in 2002.

The research and development funds received every year are only 60 million yuan.

With so little support, Tang Ran has completed the journey of ASML for more than ten or twenty years.


How can Shanghai Microelectronics do this?

Anger rolled in Shen Bo's chest.

What followed was panic.

In the field of lithography machines, ASMU is unrivaled.

It is necessary for Longguo to kneel on the ground and beg ASML to sell lithography machines.

But now Longguo's photolithography machine technology has made a major breakthrough.


ASML will completely lose the Dragon Kingdom market.

This is not the most cruel.

The most cruel thing is.

Steady-state micro-focused light source can theoretically process chips below the nm level.

This is the fate of ASML.

Although ASML is currently developing EUV lithography machines that can upgrade the chip manufacturing process to below 7nm.


The research and development of EUV has just begun.

We don’t know when it will be developed yet.


Whether it can be successfully developed or not is still a question.

On the other hand, Longguo's domestic lithography machines do not have this problem.

As long as other subsystems can keep up, not to mention 7nm and 5nm, even 0.1nm and even picometer-level chips can be processed.

It can be said.

In front of Longguo's domestic lithography machines, there are basically no mountains that are too difficult.

Because the most difficult problem to solve, the light source, has been completely solved.

That is to say.

As time passes.

The performance of photolithography machines continues to improve.

The further back ASML goes, the less competitive it becomes when facing the domestic lithography machines of Shanghai Microelectronics.


Even if ASML develops EUV, it will eventually be limited by the light source, and the technology may be stuck at the nm level.

However, Shanghai Microelectronics’ domestic lithography machines do not have this problem.

When ASML's lithography machine is stuck at the nm level.

However, the photolithography machine of Shanghai Microelectronics has gone one step further, reaching the picometer level.

At that time.

ASML will be completely eliminated by the market.

Just like in recent years, ASML has eliminated other competitors.

Longguo's domestic lithography machine has made a major breakthrough. This is undoubtedly a historic technological change that will cause serious damage to ASML.

Shen Bo's face was dull.

He looked at the messages and comments scrolling on the screen and felt the cheers and excitement of domestic netizens.

Although he is also a dragon countryman.


His heart was already white.

He didn't show any joy at all, only a cold feeling.


"The news must be sent back immediately.

"The head office and America's government must find a way to sanction Shanghai Microelectronics. They must not let Shanghai Microelectronics rise, otherwise the Dragon Kingdom will come back to attack the neck of the West!

Shen Bo came back to his senses, his eyes were cold.

He immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of the headquarters on the other side of the ocean.


There was great joy.

The news that domestic lithography machines have achieved major technological breakthroughs has broken the circle.


It is no longer limited to the technology circle, but has spread to other circles.

Some of the smarter singing stars.

It was also the first time to publish a blog post on Weibo congratulating the domestic lithography machine for its major technological breakthrough, in order to gain popularity and attract traffic.

After all, they are celebrities and have a huge fan base.


The blog posts of these celebrities quickly became hot searches on Weibo.

for example:

#神仙 Sister sent a message to congratulate the domestic lithography machine for its major breakthrough#

#liutao posts congratulations#

#杨小米congratulates Shanghai Microelectronics#

#Hu Gelikes Loongson International Video#


A large number of celebrities immediately posted messages to celebrate, successfully gaining popularity and receiving likes and cifg love from netizens.

And in the stock circle.

The investors (cai) are also having a great time.

The technological breakthrough of domestic lithography machines is a natural boon for the concept of domestic chips.


The chip and semiconductor sector has seen an influx of Emperor's funds.

More than 20 stocks hit their daily limit, and most of them rose by more than 5%.

The whole section can be said to be in a state of joy.

at the same time.

Because Shanghai Microelectronics is not a listed company.

However, the major shareholders behind Shanghai Microelectronics, Shanghai Electric and Zhangjiang Hi-Tech, are listed companies.


The stocks of these two companies were directly bought by investors to the limit.

And there are still billions of closing orders hanging on the daily limit board.

Look at this situation.

The stocks of two companies must be at least several shares in a row.

This made the investors who had successfully bought the stocks of Shanghai Electric and Zhangjiang Hi-Tech burst into laughter and filled their positions in the stock bar.

Hong Kong stocks here.

The stocks of Loongson International and BYD were immediately bought up.

during this time.

Everyone's mentality was driven up and down by these two stocks.

Good news about Blue Star Electronics came out before, so the stock prices of Loongson International and BYD skyrocketed.

But soon.

Promote Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. to crack down on counterfeiting.

The stock prices of Loongson International and BYD plummeted in response, which was terrible.

I don’t know how many leeks’ wealth was wiped out in an instant.


Domestic lithography machines have made major breakthroughs, which are good for many reasons.

The stocks of Loongson International and BYD were once again bought up by investors.

One second ago, I didn’t know how many people were constantly MMP because they were cutting meat on two stocks.

But the next second.

The body blows the charge horn with great honesty and charges to buy.

Of course.

For stock investors.

It’s okay to be slapped in the face.

As long as you can make money.

And this time, it’s time to make big money!

News like this has already come out, so there shouldn’t be another reversal!

Countless investors have been shaken psychologically.

The fishing boat exploded.

A second ago, the media who were publishing various articles questioning Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory, at this moment, all bowed at 90 degrees and said that we were wrong.


Articles praising Bluestar Electronics and Flower Factory, Shanghai Microelectronics Technology, and Coastal Semiconductor's steady-state microtechnology technology appeared overwhelmingly.

For these media organizations, face does not exist.

Traffic is everything.

As for a slap in the face?

If I delete the questioning article I posted earlier, won’t I be slapped in the face?

after all.

I deleted it. Can any of you still say that I questioned Blue Star Electronics and Loongson International before?

Shameless, they are experts!

at the same time.


Yangshi TV building.

A program team received a call from their superiors, asking them to immediately sort out information related to domestic lithography machines and introduce it to the people of the country on the seven o'clock news tonight.


The staff looked at each other and became busy.

They also understand orders from their superiors.

after all.

Domestic lithography machines have made major technological breakthroughs. Such good news must be released to the outside world as soon as possible.

Not only to show the outside world that Longguo has made major technological breakthroughs in the high-tech field.

at the same time.

It is also to boost national self-confidence!

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