Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1216 The West Is Confused, Steve Jobs Vomited Blood And Fell Into Coma For The Third Time

Europa continent, west-north.

There is a small country here.

The land is dotted with windmills and tulips.

The Tulip Country is a small country on the continent of Europa.

But in the country of Tulip, there are two world-renowned companies, Philips and ASML.

Philips, founded in 1891, mainly produces products in lighting, home appliances, and medical systems. It has now developed into a large multinational company.

In 2007, the number of employees worldwide reached 128,100, with production bases in 28 countries, sales agencies in 150 countries, and 80,000 patents, showing outstanding strength.

ASML, an international lithography machine giant and industry leader, has a global market share of more than 2/3.

Jingle Bell.

The rapid ringing of the phone woke up Wen Kening, the current CEO of ASML, who was sleeping soundly.

I picked up the phone and saw that it was Shen Bo, the president of Longguo Branch.

Wen Kening suddenly lost all sleep, frowned, and felt a bad premonition in his heart.

His intuition told him that something was wrong!

"Sauri, boss, I'm sorry to disturb your sweet dream, but I have urgent matters to report to you now."

Shen Bo's anxious voice came from the other end of the phone.

The intuition came true.

"What happened?" Wen Kening asked immediately.

Shen Bodao: "Just today, Shanghai Microelectronics announced that it has successfully developed a 28nm lithography machine and delivered it to Loongson International for verification. Loongson International released a relevant video, using this lithography machine to produce 32nm chip.

Shen Bo's words were like a heavy hammer, hitting Wen Kening's heart directly.


Shanghai Microelectronics has developed a 28nm lithography machine?

Wen Kening's eyes suddenly opened as big as eggs and he couldn't believe it at all.

"Are-you-sure?" Wen Kening asked in a deep voice.

"Boss, I will send you relevant news and videos. You will know after watching them." Shen Bo said.

Wen Kening immediately said loudly: "Okay! Kuai Keli, send it to me immediately!"


Wen Kening picked up the Epad on the table and logged into his mailbox.


I received an email from Shen Bo, which also contained a link to the news video.

Wen Kening clicked on the link to read the news and videos.

A few minutes later.


"Shen, please tell me, this is fake, this must be fake!"

"How can this be!"

“Aren’t Longguo’s domestic lithography machines stuck at 90nm and unable to be mass-produced?”

"Why? They have now developed a 28nm lithography machine!"

Wen Kening could hardly control his emotions and roared angrily.

Such a gaffe should never appear on a mature CEO.

But there is no way.

This is so unexpected.

And the seriousness of the matter made it impossible for Wen Kening to remain calm.

He knows it very well.

Longguo's domestic lithography machine has achieved a major technological breakthrough. What does this mean to ASML?

This means that a storm, a disaster, is about to befall ASML.


He also uttered wild words, saying that even if all the lithography machine drawings were given to Longguo, Longguo would not be able to build a lithography machine.

But now.

Longguo directly developed the most advanced DUV lithography machine comparable to their ASML.

For ASML, this is no different than a bolt from the blue.

"Boss, the people of the Dragon Kingdom are too cunning!"

"They deceived the whole world."

Shen Bo's helpless voice came from the other end of the phone.

Time seems to have stopped.

At this moment, the silence was terrifying.

Deceived the whole world?

Wen Kening's eyes were so wide that they seemed to pop out of their sockets.


Shen Bo only heard Wen Kening's hysterical curses coming from the other end of the phone.

Then there was a 'bang'.


There was just a blind tone in the microphone.

Shen Bo knew that it must be because Wen Kening didn't hold back and lost his temper, smashing his phone to pieces.


A high-end ward of a hospital.

Jobs has recovered well in the past two days and his face has become much rosier.

The reason.

Naturally, it was previously reported that Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. was cracking down on counterfeiting of Loongson International’s 28nm process.


Steve Jobs is sleeping peacefully.


The shrill ringtone of his cell phone woke him up.

It was a call from one of his former subordinates.

"Morse, is there something urgent that calls me so late?" Jobs asked, holding on to his sleepiness.

"Mr. Jobs, I have some very bad news, and I don't know whether I should tell you."

"Oh? What bad news?"

"I'm afraid that after you know this news, your mood will fluctuate violently again, so..."

"Morse, don't worry, you know me, I have a big heart. And now I am not the CEO of the fruit company. No matter what the news is, it will not make me emotional. Just tell me."

.........Please give me flowers,



"Okay! After listening to this, you must keep your mind calm and don't get excited."

"Morse, I don't want my mother-in-law anymore. If you don't say anything anymore, I'm going to hang up the phone."

"Okay! I just got the news that Longguo's domestic lithography machine has made a major technological breakthrough and has successfully developed a 28nm lithography machine... Hey, Steve Jobs, what's wrong with you? I bought it, but you won't do it again. Are you so excited that you vomited blood?"

Morse on the other end of the phone was talking when he heard a 'pop' sound coming from the phone and the sound of something falling to the ground.

This startled him.

I quickly called Jobs, but got no answer.


In the high-end ward where Jobs is currently.

The equipment monitoring Jobs's physical condition started beeping the alarm.

The nurses and doctors on duty received the alarm signal from the instrument.

He also rushed to Jobs' ward as soon as possible, only to find that Jobs had vomited blood for the third time and passed out.

Just when Morse on the other end of the phone didn't know what was going on.

Then I heard the frantic voices of doctors and nurses coming from the microphone.

What injection of epinephrine 0.1mg, electric shock defibrillation, etc.

After hearing this, Morse stopped calling.

he knows.

Jobs must have been unable to control his emotions. He vomited blood and fell into a coma again. The situation was so critical that he was given an electric shock.

This night.

Many of America's bosses were awakened by the urgent ringing of the phone.

After they are connected.

Everyone was told the big news.

Longguo lithography machine has achieved major technological breakthroughs, which will have a disruptive impact on the entire industry.

It wasn’t just these capital tycoons who got the news immediately.

America's Minister of Commerce, Minister of Finance, and even President Obama.

They were all asleep and were woken up by a call from their assistant and learned the news.


Neither Opama nor Minister So-and-so is sleepy.

They all looked confused.

what's the situation?

I just took a nap, and the Dragon Kingdom broke through the sanctions blockade of the lithography machine?

Today is not April Fool's Day, so I don't want to make such a joke!

They couldn't afford this joke even if they returned to America!

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