Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1217 The Breakthrough Of Domestic Lithography Machines Will Reshuffle The Global Chip Indust

Zhongdu time.

At seven o'clock sharp.

News about domestic lithography machines was on the seven o'clock news on time.

The host spent five minutes introducing the historical development of domestic lithography machines, as well as the current success of Shanghai Microelectronics and Coastal Semiconductor in transforming 28nm lithography machines based on 90nm domestic lithography machines. .

On the thirty-minute seven o'clock news, it took five minutes, one-sixth of the time, to introduce domestic lithography machines.

It can be seen from this that the above attaches great importance to domestic photolithography machines.

There is a lot of hidden information behind the seven o'clock news in the evening.

For those with a keen sense of smell.

Tonight's key report on domestic lithography machines, in the eyes of these people, the information interpreted does not represent the so-called major technological breakthroughs in domestic lithography machines.

They see a deeper message.

Right now.

The country attaches great importance to the domestic semiconductor chip industry chain. "940"

Now domestic lithography machines have achieved technological breakthroughs.

Many of the pain points and difficulties that previously restricted the development of domestic semiconductor chips will now be resolved.

This also means.

The state will increase policy support and provide more special funds in the field of domestic semiconductor chips.

This is the new code of wealth.

Of course.

For ordinary melon-eating people.

The seven o'clock news in the evening is just news. Find out what major events are happening at home and abroad.


After the seven o'clock news.


Another wave of fishing boat craze started.

More domestic news media platforms have published comment articles.

A group of official media outlets that had questioned Blue Star Electronics, Huachang, and Loongson International before were also generous in their praise and called on domestic companies to learn from companies such as Blue Star Electronics, Shanghai Microelectronics, and Coastal Semiconductor and increase their efforts. R&D investment has broken the overseas technology blockade.

The country is full of joy and excitement.

But for Europe and America.

That's another story.

Early in the morning.

Opama, who lives in a white house, quickly invited a group of senior ministers and officials from the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Finance and the Secretary of State to come over for a meeting.

Last night, I was woken up by a phone call from my assistant in the middle of the night. After hearing the news that Longguo's domestic lithography machine had made a major technological breakthrough, Opama and others couldn't sleep for most of the night.

It was as if he had been awakened by a basin of cold water.

Thinking about how to continue to cause trouble to the Dragon Kingdom.

Why is the West as a whole, especially America, so keen on blocking the high-tech technology of Dragon Kingdom, especially not allowing A$ML to export mid-to-high-end lithography machines to Dragon Kingdom mainland?

It is to restrict the technological development of Dragon Kingdom Continent and suppress the rise of Dragon Kingdom.

After twenty or thirty years of dormancy, the Dragon Kingdom's comprehensive strength has increased too much.

It's not like America just sends troops to teach those small African countries if they don't like it.

Use force against the Dragon Kingdom?

This is something America doesn't dare to do, and the price is something America can't bear.

The Dragon Kingdom is not like those small countries in the Middle East or Africa. It is not a soft persimmon that can be pinched if you want.

Since there is no way to use force to interrupt the development and rise of the Dragon Kingdom.

That can only restrict the development of Dragon Kingdom's science and technology and hinder the speed of Dragon Kingdom's rise.

Chips are high-end manufacturing, and Longguo is the largest importer of chips.

The consistent routine of the United States and Europe is to hand over low-end manufacturing to other countries, keep high-end manufacturing in their own hands, and then sell them at "sky-high prices."

For America, Longguo can only develop low-end manufacturing.

In this way, he will not compete with America for food, and will not threaten America's status.


For the Dragon Kingdom.

No matter how good the low-end products are, they can only make ends meet.

It is impossible for the Dragon Kingdom to rise and achieve national rejuvenation by relying on low-end manufacturing such as clothes and shoes.

To rise and revive, the manufacturing industry must transform from low-end to high-end, increase the added value of products, and enhance the international competitiveness of products.

if not.

It is to work in vain for the United States and the West and to benefit the Western people.

The rise of technology is inseparable from chip semiconductors.

The United States and Europe have imposed sanctions on Longguo's chips, preventing ASML from exporting advanced photolithography machines to Longguo mainland.

This way.

The Dragon Kingdom has no way to develop the chip semiconductor industry, so it can only buy a large number of chips from America.

This is equivalent to putting the life gate into America's hands.

America can also use the method of cutting off the supply of chips at any time to interrupt the rapid development of Dragon Kingdom.


In terms of photolithography machines, the sanctions are very good.

Results now.

Longguo's domestic lithography machines suddenly broke through the blockade and reached the international advanced level in one fell swoop.

The collar around Long Guo's neck was also lost.

This frightened the main house of America.

Without restrictions, the Dragon Kingdom would not be able to grow and develop at a faster rate?

Isn’t it true that my status as the overlord of Blue Star is not guaranteed?

This is a big problem that threatens America's life and death!


The white house is busy...

Meeting after meeting was held continuously to discuss how to deal with this matter, how to continue to suppress the technological development of the Dragon Kingdom, how to hinder the revival of the Dragon Kingdom, etc.

While America's official officials are busy looking for strategies to suppress the technological development of Dragon Kingdom.

America's stock market.

Also because of the breakthrough of Longguo's domestic lithography machine, everything is going crazy.

ASML listed on Nasdaq.

As soon as the market opened, it was frantically sold by investors, with a drop of more than 20%.

As a global giant in lithography machines, this news is fatal to ASML, and investors naturally choose to sell ASML's stocks as soon as possible and run away.

In addition to ASML's stock price plummeting.

A large number of chip design and manufacturing manufacturers such as Intel, IBM, AMD, Broadcom, Texas Instruments, and Advanced Micro Devices have also seen their stock prices plummet.

Longguo is the world’s largest importer of chips.

And America imports the most chips.

Per year.

America's chip companies can earn tens of billions of dollars in profits from Longguo.

Now Longguo lithography machine has achieved a breakthrough.

Then Longguo chip manufacturers, which are limited by photolithography machines, will definitely benefit from this, rise rapidly, and compete with them for the market.

In the past, Longguo needed to import chips from American chip companies, but now they may no longer need them. They can purchase them directly from Longguo’s domestic chip companies.

This will inevitably lead to a sharp decline in the profits of American chip companies.

However, Longguo is still in a period of rapid development, and the demand for chips will only increase in the future.

But because Longguo's domestic photolithography machine technology has achieved a breakthrough.

With such a big piece of cake, America's chip company could have eaten 90% of it.

Now things have changed.

90% of the cake may become 70%, 60%, or even 50%.

This loss is too great.

The plummeting stock prices of a large number of heavyweight companies also directly caused the Nasdaq index to plummet by four or five points, which was quite a bit like a stock market crash.


The leaders of these companies no longer have the energy to pay attention to the plummeting stock prices of their companies.

They are also holding emergency meetings to discuss countermeasures.

How can we keep our market in Dragon Kingdom?

Said without politeness.

The breakthrough of Longguo's domestic lithography machine will reshuffle the global chip industry.

This has the greatest impact on America’s chip companies. .

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