Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1218: Counterattack: Launch The Second ‘Victory C Battle’

The technological breakthrough of Longguo's domestic lithography machine has completely panicked all the chip manufacturers in America.

Because this will change the existing world chip landscape.


before this.

Longguo's chip semiconductor industry is limited by photolithography machines, developing slowly and struggling.

And these American chip manufacturers, standing at the top of the entire industry, are making a lot of money by knocking the bones out of Long Guo's body.

As a result, the dilemma of lithography machines in Longguo has been strongly broken, and there will be no shortage of high-end lithography machines in the future.

That means.

Longguo's chip industry will develop rapidly with the breakthrough of photolithography machines.

If companies like them want to easily steal the marrow from Long Guo, it will not be that easy.

The rising Dragon Kingdom chip manufacturers will directly compete with them.

They will never allow such a thing to happen.

We must not let Longguo's chip industry become bigger and stronger and compete with them for meat.

This danger must be nipped in the bud.

Currently, although Longguo's lithography machine has achieved major breakthroughs.


The development of the chip industry cannot happen overnight.

They have plenty of time to suppress Longguo's domestic chips.

As long as they can suppress the development momentum of domestic chips in the Dragon Kingdom, they can still lie on the Dragon 28 Kingdom and suck out the bones and marrow.


This cannot be done by one or a few manufacturers.

They need all the chip manufacturers in America to join forces and jointly suppress Longguo's domestic chips.

A conference room in a five-star hotel.

The heads of American chip giants such as Intel, Qualcomm, Broadcom, INVISTA, Micron, Texas Instruments, etc. gathered together.

It can be said.

This is the first time that America’s chip manufacturers have come together in such numbers.


They have also launched such a gathering to join forces to suppress a certain country's chip industry.


Not many people were present.

Because no company from any country could threaten them in the chip field at that time.

If you join forces to suppress them, you will only lose your own interests.

But this time it's different.

Facing the rise of Longguo chip manufacturers, they must unite.

The big guys present knew the seriousness of this matter.

"The breakthrough of Longguo's domestic lithography machine is a bolt from the blue for us!"

"According to the temperament of the people of Longguo, once a certain technology breaks through, the price of related products will soon become cabbage prices."

"Everyone, we don't have much time left!"

"Therefore, we must unite and take the lead in attacking the Longguo chip industry before it has developed, and nip the danger in the cradle!"

As the big brother in the American chip industry, Intel CEO Paul Otellini stood up and made a strong appeal.

It seems that in the next second, America's chip industry will suffer a devastating blow from the Dragon Kingdom chip manufacturers.

"I agree with what Paul said, we must take a heavy blow against Longguo's chip Changye!" Sanjay Mehrotra, CEO of Micron, patted the table in agreement.

As one of the world's largest manufacturers of semiconductor storage and imaging products, its main products include DRAM, NAND flash memory, NOR flash memory, SSD solid state drives and CMOS image sensors.

It is easier to break through these technologies than to break through Intel's CPU.


Meiguang can be said to be the most panicked among the big guys present.

Naturally, he wanted to strike hard at Longguo chip manufacturers and eliminate all competitors that could threaten it.

"Everyone, it's time for us to launch the second 'Victoria C Battle' against the Dragon Kingdom!" Little Jacob, the leader of Gaotong, said with sharp eyes.

The ‘Battle of Victoria C’ he refers to dates back to 1996.

Vitamin C, also known as vitamin C, is a polyhydroxy compound and one of the essential elements in the body. It can enhance our resistance and promote the utilization of iron, calcium and folic acid, thereby converting it into what our body needs. Nutrients can ultimately improve our body's immunity and reduce the occurrence of colds and other diseases.


With such a small pill, some people with ulterior motives did not hesitate to file lawsuits against Chinese pharmaceutical companies in order to hinder the development of scientific research in our country. Their intentions can be described as extremely sinister.

In 1933, Swiss chemist Tadeus-Reichstein invented the industrial production method of vitamin C. This patent was purchased by Roche in 1934.


Roche has joined forces with the three countries of Hans and Island to form a so-called Vitamin C Alliance to monopolize technology.

Because the technology is monopolized by them, as the market demand increases, the price has risen to 18 meters per kilogram with the addition of OnePlus and Plus. Other countries dare not speak out and can only let them dominate.

in this case.

Longguo chemists invented the "two-step fermentation method" to produce vitamin C in the 1970s.

This method undergoes two microbial fermentations and finally converts glucose into vitamin C, which not only avoids raw material contamination, but also simplifies the production process, so the cost is greatly reduced.

Because this process has huge economic and social benefits, my country has become a major producer of vitamin C in the world, accounting for 85% of the international market.

In 1996, the International Vitamin C Monopoly Group began to cut prices to compete with Chinese pharmaceutical companies, cutting prices by 10% every month.

By 1997, the price of vitamin C dropped to 4 meters per kilogram, forcing 22 of the 26 domestic vitamin C pharmaceutical factories to close, leaving only the four giants Northeast Pharmaceutical, CSPC Weisheng Pharmaceutical, and Huayao Weikang Pharmaceutical He Jiangshan Pharmaceutical is struggling to support itself.

This is what little Jacob calls the ‘Battle of Dimension C’.

In one fell swoop, 22 vitamin C pharmaceutical factories in our country were destroyed.

Although eventually.

The international vitamin C monopoly group reaped the consequences. Under the big stick of antitrust, they paid a fine of 990 million yuan for their price manipulation behavior.

But the 22 vitamin C pharmaceutical factories that closed down in our country will never come back.


In 2005, some companies in America shamelessly accused four vitamin C-producing pharmaceutical companies in my country on the grounds of price collusion and monopoly, and demanded that they compensate America for losses of 1.57 billion yuan.

This lawsuit has been ongoing until now with no result.

Little Jacob's words instantly caused most of the big guys present to nod in agreement.

Launching the second "Dimension C Campaign" against Longguo chip manufacturers will undoubtedly effectively combat the rise of Longguo chip manufacturers.

after all.

They have an absolute advantage in terms of production scale and production cost.

The related chip manufacturers of Dragon Kingdom are at an absolute disadvantage in terms of scale, cost and technology.


For the same type of chips, domestic chips are not only inferior to America's chips in terms of quality, but also much higher in price.


As long as America's chip manufacturers increase prices and lower the price below the cost line of domestic chips.

If domestic chips want to compete with them, they must follow suit and lower prices.

And with the price reduction, it means that if you sell one chip, you will lose one chip.

How long can domestic chip manufacturers endure losses?

On the other hand, America chip manufacturers, even though they have significantly reduced prices, still have objective profits.

Because they keep costs low enough.

After domestic chip manufacturers lose money and go bankrupt, they can raise prices again.

By then.

All the domestic chip manufacturers in Longguo were bankrupted and closed down by them.

Long Guo could only hold its nose and buy chips from them at a high price. .

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