Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1222 America’S Big Stick Of Sanctions Comes As Soon As It Comes And Is Included In The Entit

Internet literary circle.

WeChat cabbage group.

[Chen Xi: Boss, now the Internet has begun to promote your movie "Ghost Turns Out the Lights: The Demon Destroys the City", which will be released on New Year's Day, Niuhide! @天天八歌]

[Tian Can Tuo Dou: Yes, when I go online, no matter whether I open this web page or that web page, they are all promotions for the movie "Destroy the City". Will the singing boss book a venue for us to watch? Movie!]

[Chen Xi: Oh, Tudou has no coding? Your "Fights Break the Sky" has become very popular recently. It has swept the major charts of the website since last month. This is the rhythm of dominating the charts. 】

[I Eat Tomatoes: Congratulations on the upcoming release of the movie Ba Sing Gang. I am very much looking forward to it. I will definitely show my support on New Year's Day. Tudou's "Fights Break the Sky" is indeed well written. I read it and couldn't stop it. I couldn't sleep at night. Please update it soon!]

[Tian Can Tuo Dou: You two big guys, please stop teasing me. I just pounced on the "030" street. There is still a big gap between me and you. Others say that my writing about Dou Po is too naive.

It was written by a primary school student [crying.jpg]]

[Ear Lobe: Tudou, if you are just a kid, we can’t even be considered a gangster. I have to say that the first plot of breaking off the engagement in "Dou Po" is so well written, full of emotions and hatred, then "Thirty years to the east of the river, thirty years to the west of the river, don't bully young people into poverty." As soon as I shouted the sentence, my whole body trembled, and I raised my head directly. 】

[Fierce as a divine machine: @天 residual drag bean, update quickly, I can’t sleep at night! 】

[Tiancan Tuodou: Boss, don’t make trouble! @ fierce as the god machine]

[Tian Tian Ba ​​Sing: Haha, that’s okay. I’ll book the theater for New Year’s Day and treat you to a movie. Not damaged trailer]

Among the cabbages.

Platinum from all the great gods bubbled up one after another.

Some sang congratulations to the sky.

after all.

"Ghost Turns Out the Lights" has been heavily promoted by Future Pictures, and it can be said that everyone on the Internet knows about it.

This also made Tian Tian Ba ​​Chang very excited.

He is looking forward to the movie adapted from the Internet article he wrote to achieve good results on New Year's Day.

after all.

The scriptwriter is himself.

In addition to singing congratulations to the sky.

Another focal figure in the group is Tiancan Tuodou.

Because the current number one spot on the major lists on the website was directly rounded out by Tian Can Tuo Dou's novel "Fights Break the Sky", which has become a phenomenon-level online article and caused a sensation among readers.

"Fight to Break the Sky" is the second novel by Tian Can Tuo Dou, which was released in April this year.

After a few short months of serialization, it began to dominate the major charts last month, with a strong pace of dominating the charts.

"Fights to Break the Sky" is extremely popular among readers, and the sentence "Thirty years in Hexi and thirty years in Hedong, don't bully young people into poverty" has become a famous line.

Although Tiancan Tuodou just debuted not long ago.

However, the first novel won the title of "Newcomer King", and the second novel became an immediate hit, becoming a phenomenon-level online novel, and its future is limitless.

Chen Xi, Tianshang Ba Sing, I Eat Tomatoes, Meng Rushenji and other platinum masters now dare not underestimate the 'newcomer' Tiancan Tuodou, and have already regarded Tiancan Tuodou as a platinum master of the same level. .

Everyone said.

As long as Tiancan Tuodou maintains his current level, he will definitely become a god with a book and be directly promoted to the Platinum God!


The Internet forum is very lively.

People on the Internet are also talking about it.

Especially the book fans of Tian Tianba Sing were even more excited to buy it.


As early as the beginning of this year, Tianshang Ba Chang stated on his social account that "Ghost Turns Out the Lights" is ready to be made into a movie.

But fans of his books have been asking when it will be released.


The release date has finally been set.

New Year!

And it was hyped a month in advance.

"It's here! It's finally here! There is only one month left, you can go to the cinema to support!"

"I wonder what the quality will be like when adapted into a movie? I hope it won't be adapted beyond recognition!"

"Probably not! Didn't it mean that Tian Shang Ba Chang personally acted as the screenwriter? Tian Shang Ba Chang will polish the script himself, and it will definitely not ruin the novel he wrote. Please rest assured.

"Everyone, please support me more when the time comes. If "Devil's Darkness" does well at the box office, it will continue to be filmed and become a series. If it fails at the box office and the reputation is not good, then this movie series may be GG."

People in China are talking a lot about the upcoming release of "Ghost Turns Out the Lights".

America, far across the ocean, was also quarreling over something.

That is how to sanction Shanghai Microelectronics and Coastal Semiconductor.

The photolithography machine is an important means for America to hinder the development and progress of science and technology in the country.

Now this method is broken.

They must find a way to plug this hole...

Otherwise, allowing the domestic lithography machines of the Dragon Kingdom to rise will seriously threaten America.

For America's official family.

Anyone who threatens America's international status, whether it is a person or a company, must be destroyed!

In human terms, it is a direct physical and mental destruction.

As for the company, it will either go bankrupt or you will sell yourself to my company, America.

Neither the American Senate nor the House of Representatives has any opinions on sanctioning the development and rise of Longguo lithography machines.

What they are arguing about is how to impose sanctions and what reasons should be used to impose sanctions.

after all.

The Dragon Kingdom is now powerful and not easy to mess with.

Can the Longguo government agree to sanction Longguo Company without finding a justifiable reason?


The two houses of Congress, America's two parties, have reached an agreement on sanctions against Shanghai Microelectronics and Coastal Semiconductor.

December 3rd.

America's Ministry of Commerce announced that Shanghai Microelectronics and Coastal Semiconductor were included in the "entity list" because they were not in line with America's national security interests. It also stated that in the future, without the approval of America's official government, Shanghai Microelectronics and Coastal Semiconductor would not be included in the "entity list". Coastal Semiconductor will not be able to purchase components and technology from American Enterprises.

As soon as the news came out.

The whole country was in an uproar.


The news that Shanghai Microelectronics and Coastal Semiconductor were included in the entity list by America dominated all major domestic social media and triggered heated discussions among Yishi netizens.

"Fuck! Sanctions are so easy to come by! Damn it, Amélie's 3.4 card is so shameless. As soon as she saw our technological breakthrough, she just waved the sanctions stick. Shameless, so shameless!"

"It's over! As soon as the domestic lithography machine made a technological breakthrough, America's government couldn't wait to suppress it. Is the little glimmer of hope that just appeared about to be over?"

"I am both proud and sad to see America put Shanghai Microelectronics and Coastal Semiconductor on the entity list. What I am proud of is that America did such a shameless thing, which shows that they are afraid! What is sad is that a country Using national policies to suppress a company, for Shanghai Microelectronics and Coastal Semiconductor Company, is like hitting an egg with a rock!"

"America's official position is really too domineering, too shameless, and simply shameless!"

"Counterattack! Our country must reciprocally counterattack! We also sanction the development of some American technology companies in our country. Come on, let's hurt each other. Who is afraid of the other!"

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