Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1223 Retail Investors: The More You America Suppress The Company, The More We Must Support I

December 3rd.

America’s Ministry of Commerce announced that Shanghai Microelectronics and Coastal Semiconductor have been included in the entity list.

It immediately caused an uproar in the country.

It aroused the anger of the people of the Dragon Kingdom!

Hundreds of millions of netizens have cursed America online.

More radical netizens went directly to the Internet to criticize America.

America's official behavior was really shameless, and the anger in everyone's hearts could not be suppressed.

"Shameless! I have never seen such a shameless country!"

"Sure enough, he is a descendant of robbers!"

"I really want to overthrow America!"

"Damn it! The domestic lithography machine has finally shown its light, but America can't wait to suppress it to death. It's such a hegemony!"

"America is such a shameless country. They keep shouting not to seek hegemony, but to be free and fair. As a result, once someone or a company threatens them,

They immediately took over long-arm jurisdiction and attacked everywhere with the big stick of sanctions. They also claimed that they threatened America's national security. Bah! You America are the biggest instability factor in the world. You America are a 28-card threat. How about global security?"

"America has already demonstrated to us what it means to be shameless and invincible!"

"Support Shanghai Microelectronics, support Coast Semiconductor!"

"Those companies that have not been included in the entity list by America should reflect and learn more from Shanghai Microelectronics and Coastal Semiconductor. Think about why Coastal Semiconductor and Shanghai Microelectronics were included in the entity list by America, and you No, shouldn’t you be ashamed of that?”

"Actually, I think America's sanctions against Shanghai Microelectronics and Coastal Semiconductor are also sanctions against Lonely. Shanghai Microelectronics and Coastal Semiconductor have no business dealings with America's companies at all."

"Haha, upstairs, if you think so, you are totally wrong. America has put a certain company on the entity list. This is actually using national policy to suppress the company, with the purpose of restricting the company's product sales. , and thus restrict the development of the company, the consequences are extremely serious. First, it will cause a shortage of production raw materials, disrupting production plans and rhythms; second, resources must be urgently mobilized to find alternative raw materials or suppliers; third, product sales will be affected. Due to restrictions, the scale of production cannot be expanded, and the market is seized by competitors; fourth, the company's globalization strategy has been seriously affected. Think about it, if domestic photolithography machines cannot be sold, what is the difference between them and a pile of scrap metal?"


Domestic netizens were filled with indignation and expressed strong protest against America's shameless act of sanctioning Shanghai Microelectronics and Coastal Semiconductor.

And internationally.

America's sanction also caused an uproar.

Even Ou Daohan's company shrinks its neck.

Although America is sanctioning companies in Dragon Kingdom.

But who knows, if he threatens America in the future, America’s government will directly wave the ‘iron fist of justice’ towards them?

Of course.

Regarding America's sanctions, the three major lithography machine giants ASML, Nicon and Canon expressed their welcome with both hands.

If Shanghai Microelectronics can be directly sanctioned and shut down, then they can safely take advantage of the Dinglongguo market.

at the same time.

on the stock market.

It also caused a shock because of America's sanction.

After America announced the sanctions.

The stock prices of a number of Longguo companies such as Loongson International and BYD plummeted.

But the decline soon stopped.

Because there was a lot of buying.

These purchases are not made by major institutions, but by domestic retail investors.

In the words of retail investors.

Although Shanghai Microelectronics and Coastal Semiconductor were sanctioned by America, they are more optimistic about these companies.


The companies listed on the entity list by America's government are all companies with real things, and they have things that are feared by beautiful ladies.

Although Shanghai Microelectronics and Coastal Semiconductor are not listed companies, they cannot directly buy the stocks of these two companies to support them.


You can buy stocks of companies related to these two companies.


Loongson International and BYD have become the first choices for retail investors to buy.

Don’t you, America, want to sanction and suppress the high-tech companies in our Dragon Kingdom?


The more you suppress, the more we need to support you.

on the contrary.

Those companies that are not suppressed by you, but are allowed to go by you with all kinds of praise, such as Xinxiang, will be abandoned by us.

The CEOs of Shanghai Microelectronics and Coastal Semiconductor also knew about the news that the company was included in the entity list by America.

To this.

Shanghai Microelectronics and Coastal Semiconductor also responded to the matter as soon as possible.

Shanghai Microelectronics stated that the company was included in the list of relevant entities and that this matter had no significant adverse impact on the company's current operations and financial status. The company is studying America's Commerce Department's decision to better understand its implications and reasons.

Coastal Semiconductor said that the company is actively responding to the possible risks of being included in the "Entity List". The company's sales of products and services to customers will not be directly affected by the company's inclusion in the "Entity List." At present, the company's various businesses are advancing steadily, and the operating and financial conditions are normal.

at the same time.

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Commerce said at a foreign press conference that day that the new 817 list of sanctions issued by the American Ministry of Commerce is not in line with the consensus reached by the heads of state of Long and the United States, and is not conducive to both countries and the global industrial chain. Supply chain security and world economic recovery.

The U.S. overextends its national security concept and introduces sanctions at will, which seriously lacks factual basis and the procedures are very opaque. Long Fang expressed strong protest and will make stern representations to the U.S. side.

Jiang Yu, spokesperson of the Ministry of Rites, held a question and answer at a regular press conference on December 4 regarding the inclusion of Shanghai Microelectronics and Coastal Semi-American Government on the Entity List.

Jiang Yu said that the United States has repeatedly generalized the concept of national security, abused state power, and unreasonably suppressed Longguo enterprises, which has seriously damaged the interests of Longguo enterprises, wantonly undermined the international order, economic and trade order, and free trade rules, and seriously threatened the global industrial chain. supply chain.

America can be said to be hysterical and unscrupulous.

Long Fang firmly opposes the above-mentioned measures by the United States and demands that the United States correct its mistakes immediately.

Longfang reserves the right to take necessary countermeasures against the United States.

All necessary measures will be taken to resolutely safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Longguo Enterprises.

at the same time.

Major domestic official media have also criticized America's wrongful act of abusing state power and suppressing Dragon Kingdom's enterprises, urging America's government to put down its prejudice against Dragon Kingdom's enterprises and give up the idea of ​​suppressing Dragon Kingdom's revival and rise. , get back on track as soon as possible. .

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