Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1124 Greek Wax Thunder Explodes, Global Panic, The Sky God Comes To Europa

America's sanctions against Shanghai Microelectronics and Coastal Semiconductor caused an uproar internationally.

It even aroused dissatisfaction among all the people of the Dragon Kingdom, and they all denounced America's banditry.

The government of the Long Kingdom did not stand still and strongly condemned and protested America's sanctions against Shanghai Microelectronics and Coastal Semiconductor.

All major official media outlets in the country also criticized America's hegemony.


America is an old gangster.

He turned a deaf ear to the protests and condemnations from the Longguo government departments.

Even at a foreign press conference, I was asked by reporters.

It is also an understatement to say that the sanctions against Shanghai Microelectronics and Coastal Semiconductor are based on considerations of ensuring America's national security, and do not deliberately target companies from certain countries.

When the reporter asked, how did Shanghai Microelectronics and Coastal Semiconductor threaten America’s national security?

America's spokesman couldn't explain why.

They can only express it in a rogue manner, saying that Shanghai Microelectronics and Coastal Semiconductor threaten America's national security.

Domestic netizens are extremely angry at America's boss's rogue attitude.

Isn’t this just playing rogue because it is the only superpower in the world?

Countless Chinese people have called on the government to take reciprocal countermeasures.


The government behaved very conservatively in this area.

Apart from the initial protest and condemnation, there was no other action.

This disappointed many netizens.

So much so that many people accused the government of being weak.

This makes the Longguo government departments in trouble.

Although they are also very angry about what America has done, they also want to retaliate against America's company.


After all, there is a big gap in the comprehensive strength between the two sides.


The development of Dragon Kingdom also requires America, the largest exporting country, to earn the required foreign exchange.

I'm really going to have a fight with America.

For now, the damage caused to Dragon Kingdom is definitely far greater than America.


The higher-ups didn't get carried away by America's domineering behavior, and immediately counterattacked in equal measure whenever they disagreed.

The Dragon Kingdom still needs to hibernate for a few years and save up to 500 yuan.

But this cannot be said clearly.

I saw many voices on the Internet criticizing the government for being weak, which made the people in the government feel very sad.


They can still bear this grievance.

Time flies and five days pass.

December 8th.

A piece of news detonated the global financial market.

this day.

The world's three major credit rating agencies, Fitch, Standard & Poor's and Moody's, have successively lowered Greece's sovereign credit rating.

Fitch lowered Greece's credit rating from A- to BBB+.

This is the first time since the establishment of the Eurozone that the Greek national credit has dropped below A, triggering huge market panic.

This directly led to a sharp decline in European stock markets, with the Greek stock market plummeting 6% that day.

As soon as the news came out.

Global uproar.

Originally, everyone's attention was on America's sanctions on Shanghai Microelectronics and Coastal Semiconductor.


The world's attention has shifted to Xiwa.


As early as October 20, an email was sent from Greece to Brussels and spread like wildfire. Concerns about Greek debt had already begun to spread in the capital market.

in this email.

It is claimed that Greece's deficit in 2009 is expected to reach 12.7% of GDP, and its debt to GDP ratio will reach 113% or even higher, far exceeding the 3% and 60% upper limits stipulated in the EU's Stability and Growth Pact.

Not only that.

The email also included Xinzhengfu’s revision of financial data for the past ten years.

The shocking figures allowed the EU to see clearly the financial scam from ten years ago.

This is a distress email sent by Greece to the EU, hoping that the EU can lend a helping hand to Greece.

But what Xiwa didn't expect was.

They did not wait for the EU's aid, but instead waited for the downgrades of the three major credit rating agencies.

This was the beginning of the Greek debt crisis.


The three major rating agencies downgraded Greece's credit rating, triggering a global panic.

Because Greece is likely to become the second bankrupt sovereign country after the Icefall.

The key is.

Greece is a member of the Eurozone.

Since Greece joined the Eurozone, it has relied on the credibility of the Eurozone to borrow heavily to survive, and owes a huge debt.

And most of the creditors of these foreign debts are countries in the Eurozone, such as the Hans Country and the Gallic Chicken Country.

If Xiwa goes bankrupt, the impact will definitely be much greater than Bingdao going bankrupt.

It is likely to bring the entire European Union down.

The European Union is the world's largest economy.

If there is a thunderstorm on the EU side, the storm will be more terrifying than the global financial crisis caused by the American subprime mortgage crisis and will destroy the global financial system.


As soon as the news came out, the whole world was in uproar and panic.

""France! As soon as the global financial crisis caused by the American subprime mortgage crisis has passed, the EU will be in trouble again because of Greece"?"

"Damn, run, the stock market is going to crash!"

"No! The storm of the subprime mortgage crisis has just passed, and global finance has just stabilized, and it will suffer another devastating impact?"

"If the EU explodes, it will be more serious than America's subprime mortgage crisis and will destroy the global financial system!"

"I have sold all my stocks."

Countless people in Europe and the United States are discussing and panicking.

European stocks plunged.

The American stock market also plummeted.

During the subprime mortgage crisis, technology stocks, whose market capitalization and share prices were cut in half, had emerged from the gloom and began to thrive.

With the outbreak of Greece's debt crisis, it was suddenly sold wildly by investors.

The stock prices of Internet technology giants such as Microsoft, Gu Ge, IBM, and Future Group plummeted that day, and countless institutional and retail investors ran away frantically.

No one knows what kind of good Zhaozi the Greek debt crisis will turn into.

If it really drags down the entire European Union, its destructive power will definitely be comparable to mushroom eggs.


It's better to run away now.

Investors are panicking.

But there is a group of people who are having a party.

That's the short sellers on Wall Street.

On the night Fitch downgraded Greece's rating.

New York.

A high-end restaurant.

Two top tycoons are having dinner talks.

One is Soros, the tycoon who once attacked the British pound, looted the wealth of Southeast Asia, and finally encountered Waterloo in Hong Kong.

The other is that during the subprime mortgage crisis in 2008, Lu Yi and Linqing secretly made tens of billions of gold, and the big short seller John Paulson became a god in the first battle.

In the fall of 2007, Ross hosted John Paulson for a banquet and asked for advice on how to short CDS.


Suo Ross once again invited John Paulson to go to Europa to recreate the arrival of the Sky God. .

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