Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1229 Passing Through 2009 And Entering 2010

Everyone's hot discussion about Pinnacle 4's first-day sales exceeding 1.5 million units in overseas markets has not stopped yet.

January 3, 2010.

Blue Star Electronics has announced its first-week sales data, which exceeded 10 million units.

As soon as the news came out.

The outside world was once again in an uproar.

"This is a crazy selling rhythm!"

"Before, I thought that Blue Star Electronics's target of annual shipments of 100 million units would be a stretch. Now, it seems that it is not so far-fetched."

"It can be seen that a good product, no matter which country it comes from, will be loved by consumers all over the world."

“There is no doubt that Pinnacle Mobile, the leader in smartphones, has an unshakable position in the industry.

"Nokia: I'm shaking!"

"Although Nokia still ranks first in the world in terms of shipments, it has to be said that with the rise of peak mobile phones, Nokia's influence is constantly weakening, and there will never be the same kind of Nokia that promises Nokia and shows off Nokia like 05106. scene.

"The decline of Nogeia is inevitable."

People who eat melons at home and abroad are talking about it.

A large number of overseas netizens have also posted videos to the VideoSpace platform to share their own experiences of Apex 4.

between words.

All were compliments.

You can constantly hear these overseas netizens shouting words such as "Er no shadow" and other exclamations, like country bumpkins.

Domestic melon-eating people are constantly laughing when they see these videos from overseas netizens, and a sense of pride arises in their hearts.


Longguo finally has a product that has gone global and can make overseas consumers exclaim and act like country bumpkins.

To know.

Before that.

But they behave like country bumpkins in front of foreign products.

"Seeing the videos of these overseas users, I suddenly felt so proud."

"Yes, a sense of pride arises spontaneously. 11

"This feeling is brought to us by Pinnacle mobile phones."

"It's normal, because we used to be envious of foreign high-tech products, but now our country also has high-tech products that make foreigners keep exclaiming and acting like country bumpkins."

"The Pinnacle mobile phone not only represents the progress of our country's science and technology, but also shows the huge improvement in our country's comprehensive strength. The nation is rejuvenating and the country is rising."

"Come on Dragon Kingdom! Come on Blue Star Electronics!"

The hot sales of Pinnacle 4 in overseas markets has also made all employees of Pinnacle Mobile Phone Division even more excited.

A small target of 100 million annual shipments was set above.

If you complete this small goal, you can get a huge bonus of 100 million.

before this.

They don't have much confidence yet that they can pull it off.

But after seeing the overseas market sales data on the first day and the first week, their eyes immediately lit up.

With such popularity, is it really impossible to complete 100 million units?

"Apex 4 is selling well in overseas markets!"

"Apex 4's first-day sales in overseas markets exceeded 1.5 million units, and first-week sales exceeded 10 million units, setting a new record!"

"Apex 4 is a global hit, and its status as the smartphone leader is unshakable!"

"Nokia's status as the industry leader is in jeopardy, and top mobile phones are eyeing it!"

"Is annual shipments of 100 million units really out of reach? The hot sales of Pinnacle 4 in overseas markets tell us that things don't seem to be what everyone thinks. 》

Domestic and foreign.

News articles reporting on the crazy sales of Apex 4 were overwhelming.

The popularity completely overshadowed the news that Xiwa was about to go bankrupt.

There are a lot of news reports, plus videos posted on the Internet by consumers who have bought Pinnacle 4.

It also makes more consumers who are still considering whether to spend 600 to 700 meters gold to buy a Pinnacle 4 become determined.

Everyone said it was great value for money.

That’s right!

The sales frenzy caused by Apex 4 in overseas markets completely overshadowed the Greek debt crisis.

During the period when Pinnacle 4 was popular in Europe and the United States, the news that Xiwa was about to default on its debts became more and more popular.

On January 6, 2010, the EU will conduct a preliminary review of Greece's Growth and Stability Plan.

On January 11, 2010, the rating agency Moody's warned Putao that if effective measures were not taken to control the deficit, the country's credit rating would be downgraded.

As soon as this news came out.

The European market, which was already in panic, suddenly felt like a storm was coming.

Originally, I just hoped that there would be a possibility of thunder.

As a result, Moody's warning about Grape is now out.

The European people immediately panicked.

People are a little stupid.

What's the meaning?

It's not enough to have a thunderstorm. Spain may also have a thunderstorm?

Moody's warning to Spain.

Like a tsunami, it caused intense concern around the world.

For a while.

Everyone once again turned their attention away from the hot sales of Peak 4 and returned to Europe.

So much so.

During this time.

America's trial of the scapegoat Fujiwara did not create any waves.

Last year, the Long-Mei hacker war finally evolved into a global hacker melee.

During this period.

Lu Yi invaded America's NSA and stole a large amount of top-secret information.

at the same time.

The blame was directly passed on to the island country.

In order to appease America's father's anger, the island country had no choice but to push Fujiwara out as a scapegoat.

After two or three months of interrogation and investigation, it was discovered that Fujiwara, who had reached an agreement with the government of the island country, was killed by himself.


On January 10, America held a trial against Fujiwara.


Because of the thunder incident in Xiwa, there was not much turmoil.

Because everyone's attention is on Europe.

On January 14, 2010, Greece promised to reduce the fiscal year 2010 deficit by 14.5 billion meters.

On January 15, 2010, Greece stated that it would not withdraw from the Eurozone or seek help from the IMF (International Monetary Fund).

On January 17, 2010, the Greek government lowered the inheritance tax rate.

On January 19, 2010, the Greek Finance Minister stated that the Greek tax reform draft will be submitted to parliament at the end of February.

On January 21, 2010, Greece's debt alert was hard to get rid of, and the euro plummeted to a five-month low.

A whole week.

News headlines around the world are all about Greece and the European Union.

But no matter how turbulent the outside world is.

Neither Blue Star Electronics (which got it well) nor Future Group cared too much, but just did their best.

Time is flying.

2009 has passed.

This year.

It has been a year of ups and downs for Lu Yi, for Future Group, for Blue Star Electronics, and even for the world.

The financial disaster that has affected the world has been the most serious this year.


Both Future Group and Blue Star Electronics have performed extremely well this year, bucking the trend and going strong.


For Future Group, the hacker war in 2009 directly promoted the performance of Wisdom-Cloud at the end of the year.

Of course.

There have been a lot of bad things this year.

For example, the pinnacle mobile phone was sniped by Turing.

Cooperation negotiations with Gao Tong,

Blue Star Electronics was forced to cut off power supply.

If it weren't for its strong strength, it would be ready to face all challenges.

Maybe Blue Star Electronics will go downhill after being hit by such a series of blows this year. .

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