Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1230 Another Year Of Ups And Downs

WeChat cabbage group.

[Tian Can Tuo Dou: Big brother, congratulations! I went to see the movie, it was really good. I look forward to the adaptation of the subsequent series! @天天巴歌]

[Chen Xi: I have to say that the special effects of "Ghost Turns Out the Lights" are really awesome. Anyway, I was quite frightened by some of the scenes. 】

[I Eat Tomatoes: After three weeks of release, the box office should have exceeded 200 million, right? @天天巴歌]

[Mighty as a god machine: Boss, what’s the box office score now? @天天Ba sing]

[Tiantian Ba ​​Sing: Thank you all brothers for your support. Ba Sing is here to thank everyone for your support. The current box office performance has exceeded 300 million, which can be said to be very good. @everyone1

[Uncle San from the Northern School: Boss, how much does it cost to make a movie?]

[Tian Tian Ba ​​Sing: If all the early expenses are added up, it should be nearly 50 million. 】

[Uncle Three from the Northern School: Assuming that the final box office revenue is 320 million yuan, the final box office revenue for the producer is about 96 million yuan. According to the sharing agreement you signed with Future Pictures, you can get 480,000 yuan. ,cowhide!]

[Xue Hong: I envy the boss! 】

[False: I envy the boss +1]

[Ear Lobe: Envy of the Boss +2]

[Tian Tian Ba ​​Sing: Bosses, stop making trouble! 】

have to say.

Three weeks since its release, "Ghost Turns Out the Lights" has performed very well at the box office.

On the first day of release, the box office reached 20 million yuan, making it the first-day box office champion of the day.

The single-day box office record of 673 was set on January 3, with a whopping 30 million yuan.

The box office performance in the first week was 143 million yuan, which is equivalent to a daily box office performance of more than 20 million yuan.

Among the movies released during New Year's Day, the results can be said to be quite impressive, second only to the blockbuster "Avatar" imported from America.

"Avatar" will be released in Dragon Kingdom on January 4th.

Before "Avatar" was released in China, the single-day box office champion was always won by "Devil".

After "Avatar" was released, "Devil's Lights Out" had to settle for second place.

There is nothing we can do about this.

"Avatar" is a North American blockbuster. Even before it was released in China, word-of-mouth has already spread around the world.

It can be said that both Future Pictures and Tiantianba Sing are quite satisfied with the box office results of "Ghost Turns Out the Lights".

no doubt.

The adaptation of "Ghost Turns Out the Lights" is very successful.

This also makes Future Pictures and Tiantianba Sang full of confidence in the subsequent series of "Ghost Turns Out".

When Future Pictures contacted Tianshangba Shang to purchase the copyright of "Lights Out", they came up with two plans.

First, a direct one-time buyout of 5 million yuan.

Second, it is divided according to 0.5% (cica) of the box office performance.

Tianshang Ba Chang did not choose a 5 million buyout, but chose a 0.5% share.

Don't look at it this time.

Tian Shang Ba can only get a share of 4 to 5 million, which is ten times worse than the 5 million buyout. It seems to be adulterated.

But in fact, the tyrant in the sky wins the game.

"The Ghost Turns Out the Lights" is a touchstone.

Now that it has been tried out, the market response has been very good.


I gained confidence in subsequent adaptations.

The first film achieved a box office of over RMB 300 million, and the subsequent box office will only be much higher.


Not just movies.

Future Pictures also revealed this to Tianshang Ba Sing.

Prepare to strike while the iron is hot and adapt "Jingjue Waste City" into a web drama.

It can be said.

Tian Tianba Sing's subsequent income from the big IP "Ghost Turns Out" is definitely far more than 5 million.

As for Future Pictures.

Not only are we actively building the big IP "Ghost Turns Out".

at the same time.

It is also actively operating the big IP of the Marvel Universe.

"Iron Man 2" will be released simultaneously in China and North America during the Spring Festival this year.

With the reputation of "Iron Man 1" there, everyone is also full of expectations for "Iron Man 2" to be released in February.

Bid farewell to 2009 and enter 2010.

Another year of ups and downs.

last year.

Whether it is Blue Star Electronics or Future Group, they have gained something but also encountered many difficulties.

It has been a year of ups and downs.

But overall.

2009 was a good year for both companies.

Although Future Group's share price has experienced a sharp decline, from a market value of more than 400 billion meters, it has dropped back to 250 billion meters, almost halved.

But the good thing is.

Some time ago, good news continued, and the stock price recovered rapidly.

However, at the end of the year, the Greek debt default was revealed, and the global market became turbulent again.

Investors' panic is spreading, and they are frantically withdrawing funds from high-risk assets.

And just right.

The Internet is a high-risk industry.



The stock prices of Internet technology stocks began to fall.


Compared with the plummeting stock prices of Silicon Valley giants such as Microsoft, Guge, and Yahoo, although Future Group's stock prices are also falling, the magnitude of the decline is much smaller.

First, after the previous negative news, the stock price has been cut in half, the market value has been cut in half, and the valuation has reached a relatively low position.

Second, Future Group’s Q4 performance is much more guaranteed than other giants.

This also gives investors more confidence than other giants.

In 2009, Future Group faced many ups and downs.


Compared to the storm faced by Blue Star Electronics, it pales in comparison.

In 2009, Blue Star Electronics first encountered a strong challenge from the Turing brand, and the negotiations with Gao Tong collapsed, and the crisis was raised that the power supply would be cut off.


A series of things.

It can be said.

If it were a company with a weak foundation and faced a challenge alone, the only result would be bankruptcy.

But Blue Star Electronics not only withstood these challenges, but also grew stronger amid the challenges.

Pinnacle 4, launched in October, redefined the Pinnacle series of mobile phones and once again shocked the industry.

The traditional international mobile phone manufacturers finally realized that they were being irreversibly subverted, and finally panicked.

Such as Noah.

I have always stubbornly adhered to the Symbian system.

Available now.

The attitude has also softened a bit, and we are ready to build an N8-A equipped with Android system to test the waters.

This is a signal.

Faced with the strong rise of Pinnacle mobile phones, the traditional international mobile phone manufacturers have felt a strong crisis.


If they do not seek changes and do not follow the development trend of the times, they will inevitably be eliminated by the times.

Entering 2010.

As far as the current situation is concerned for Future Group and Blue Star Electronics.

The focus is on the annual New Year’s Eve event.

This is the tradition of both companies.

It is also the time of year that employees of both companies are most looking forward to.

The holding of the company's annual meeting not only means that the Spring Festival is coming, but also that you can go home to celebrate the New Year and reunite with your family.


What’s even more exciting is the year-end bonus.

Same as last year.

The two companies jointly held the annual meeting ceremony.

Blue Star Electronics and Future Group are both Internet technology companies founded by Lu Yi. One is in the software field and the other is in the hardware field. Internal talent flows are very frequent.

One second, you might have been an employee of Future Group.

But the next second, I might go to Blue Star Electronics to report.

In terms of breaking down talent barriers, patent barriers, and resource sharing, both Blue Star Electronics and Future Group are doing the real job. .

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