Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1231 The Annual Grand Annual Meeting

Entering 2010.

It’s time for the annual annual meeting shows of major companies.

Starting from 2007.

The former ‘W-BAT’ has become today’s ‘WL-BA’.

The big guys in the technology world are becoming more active this year.

Whether it is a major annual meeting or a celebration.

The big bosses who usually go shopping in shopping malls have thrown away their idol baggage and joined in the employees' fun, showing off their wealth and multi-billion dollar side.

for example.

At Ahli's annual party, Mr. Ma performed an opera.

At Rice’s annual party, Rebus danced.

Even the Goose Factory, which has long been outdated, in order to motivate employees, Xiao Ma performed a hip-hop show and was dressed in social rock.

The annual meeting activities of technology giants are definitely better than the Spring Festival Gala series.

Future Group and Blue Star Electronics have been preparing for the annual meeting for more than a month, which will be held on Friday, February 5, at the newly built Sioux City Stadium.

It is expected that 100,000 people will arrive at this annual meeting.

To know.

The combined number of employees of Future Group and Blue Star Electronics worldwide now exceeds 150,000.

The annual meeting officially begins in the evening.

After a week's work, you can have a good time in the evening, and the next day is your rest day, where you can sleep happily until the sun shines on you.

at this time.

Wednesday, February 3rd.

Directly in the afternoon.

Lu Yi came to the stadium today for rehearsal of the annual meeting.

Other IT tycoons are singing, dancing or hip-hop.

Lu Yi is planning to play something new at this annual meeting - cosplay.

What he wants to cosplay is a classic appearance from "Iron Man 2".

During New Year's Day.

The preview trailer for "Iron Man 2" has already been released.

The movie's release date is set for February 14th, the first day of the first lunar month.

Producer Kevin Feige also went to great lengths to lick his boss.

Of course.

Kevin is not just licking Lu Yi, but also for the mainland box office market.

"Avatar" was released in the Mainland during New Year's Day, and its box office results can be said to have blinded the eyes of many people in the industry.

The success of "Avatar" being released in the mainland has also fully demonstrated that the mainland film market in Long Island can be described as a blue ocean.

Kevin Feige is naturally extremely enthusiastic.


He strongly suggested that Lu Yi, as the boss, cosplay Iron Man at this annual meeting to give "Iron Man 2" a strong promotion.

As the number one person in the technology world today, his influence is definitely at its peak.

If Lu Yi cosplays Iron Man at the annual meeting, it will definitely be the best advertisement.

Come to a real-life version of Iron Man, it’s simply not that awesome.

With Kevin's strong persuasion, Lu Yi nodded and agreed.

After all, it is a domestic film.

As a boss, I am also worried.

after all.

Future Group spent a lot of money to acquire Marvel.

"I'm so nervous! If the boss gets injured or something, I, the person in charge of planning, will definitely die."

At this moment.

At the rehearsal of the annual meeting, the person in charge of planning looked at the Iron Man hanging on the stage’s built-in wire system, made a nervous move, and muttered to himself.

after all.

The hanging one is their boss’s boss’s boss.

If Lu Yi fell from mid-air, it would definitely be a big event that would shock the world.

The two giant companies, Future Group and Blue Star Electronics, will be severely affected as never before.

For Future Group and Blue Star Electronics, they can live without anyone, but they absolutely cannot live without Lu Yi.

With Lu Yi here, everyone feels at ease.

It can be said.

He is definitely more nervous than Lu Yi from Diao Wei Ya.

Once something happens, he is a sinner!

"Three, two, one, get up!"

As the words fell.

I saw Iron Man volleying down from a height of more than 20 meters, and finally landed accurately, almost exactly the same as Iron Man's handsome action in the movie.

After a while.

The steel suit opened automatically, and Lu Yi walked out of it.




The staff at the scene immediately burst into warm applause.

This is not the first rehearsal, nor is it the first time Lu Yi flips over in his steel suit.

Basically, there aren't any potential problems anymore.

The steel suit sank far away with the disk.

This steel suit may be the most expensive movie peripherals currently.

It cost almost 15 million yuan to make it.

Although it is just a cosplay product, it involves a lot of high-end manufacturing and has a lot of technological content.

Just for the suit to open automatically, the internal hinge system is not simple.

The person in charge of planning breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Lu Yi landed safely.


The medical staff standing by at any time also breathed a sigh of relief.

After communicating with the on-site staff for a few words, Lu Yi left without staying at the site for long.

Today's rehearsal has ended. There are other personnel behind the Wia system test to ensure that all problems are detected until the night of the 5th.

"You guys are too courageous. You dare to play with such high risks. It's an altitude of more than ten or twenty meters. If something goes wrong, just wait and lie down in the ICU. I won't do anything for you. Keep the dew.”

Lin Qingya was a little angry about Lu Yi's risky behavior.

What if something goes wrong with Lu Yi?

But he couldn't defeat Lu Yi, so he was very angry.

"Crow's Mouth!"

Lu Yi smiled evilly.


"It's better to block it with something."


Time flies.

February 5th arrived as scheduled.

The much-anticipated annual meeting jointly organized by Future Group and Blue Star Electronics has officially arrived.

More than 100,000 people gathered in the Sioux City Stadium.

Looking around, there are huge crowds of people.

The annual meeting activities of other companies are completely insignificant compared with the joint annual meeting of Blue Star Electronics and Future Group.

The entire annual meeting process will be broadcast live.

And online.

Millions of melon-eaters also moved in early to watch the show for free through Sioux City TV or the Video Space and VideoSpace platforms.

For these people who eat melon on the Internet.

The annual meeting jointly organized by Future Group and Blue Star Electronics is definitely no less than a grand concert.

Those invited were all domestic and foreign superstars, and there were more than one or two.

This time, Jay Chou was invited.


The annual meeting jointly organized by Future Group and Blue Star Electronics was praised by netizens as a more beautiful annual meeting program than the Spring Festival Gala.

Because Future Group and Blue Star Electronics are really willing to spend money.

These superstars don't come to sing for free, but they pay a lot of money to invite them.

Everyone is not surprised by this.

Because it has been such a big deal since the first annual meeting of the Future Group.

As Future Group and Blue Star Electronics continue to develop and grow, the annual meeting activities become more and more lively every year, cost more and more, and become more and more beautiful. .

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