Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1232 Chasing Dreams With A Pure Heart, The Richest Man In Lu

Friday, February 5, 2010.


Employees of Future Group and Blue Star Electronics only worked for half a day and then got off work.

The afternoon time is used to prepare for the annual meeting.

Annual meeting.

Naturally, not only Lu Yi and other senior executives will perform, but ordinary employees will also perform on stage.

More than 100,000 people gathered in the newly built Sioux City Stadium, which can be described as a sea of ​​​​people.

You can imagine the pressure on the planning team for such a large-scale party and carnival.

Fortunately, I already have enough experience and can organize myself with ease.

Outside the stadium, at regular intervals, there is a special car of the operator, carrying a mobile signal base station to ensure that the mobile phones or other electronic products of more than 100,000 people on site have a smooth network.

at the same time.

The security team, medical team, etc. are also ready.

This time.

The number of people was actually too many.

The venue still seemed not big enough, so there was no banquet on site as usual.

The annual carnival night has become one of the coolest corporate cultures of the two companies.

Those straight male coders who look dull turn into disco guys every minute in this scene at night.

One sentence.

Just be happy and that's all!


As night falls.

The annual meeting activities are ready to be held.

At the beginning, it was the theme song of "Iron Man 2".

The explosive melody made everyone at the scene shake their heads. It felt very familiar, as if they had heard it somewhere.

"This music has a lot of feeling! It just feels very familiar, as if I have heard it somewhere.

"Hey, I feel the same way."

"You must be familiar with it, this is the theme song in the trailer of "Iron Man 2","

"Yes, yes, I remembered it as soon as you said it. It's this, that's right."

"Haha, the bosses are so good at saving money that they directly advertised "Iron Man 2" at the annual meeting."

"Iron Man 2 is released during the Spring Festival. Anyway, I plan to go and watch it on that day."

Everyone at the scene was talking a lot.

at the same time.

Netizens watching the live broadcast on TV or online are also talking about it.

Many people are familiar with the theme song of "Iron Man 2".

after all.

The pilot trailer of "Iron Man 2" was released during New Year's Day, but it created a wave of popularity.

There is an endless stream of expectations for "Iron Man 2" on the Internet.

as time flows.

At this time.

The lights on the stage focused on the slightly coquettish lead singer.

Surprisingly, it was Su Duo from the gala band.

When I saw the gala band coming on stage, the place immediately became excited.

Since the average age of employees of Future Group and Blue Star Electronics is under 32 years old, they are naturally no strangers to gala, a unique band, and are even very popular.

In January 2004, gala band was established in Zhongdu.

In March of the same year.

The gala band came out with a song "young-for-you". Once it was released, it aroused the attention of the entire Internet, directly silencing both those who knew English and those who didn't.

It is this group that goes out of tune when playing bass, breaks when playing high notes, and performs like a car accident scene. Not only has it not been judged by netizens, it has been loved and sought after by thousands of fans.



The scene was filled with overwhelming cheers.

As the prelude of "young-for-you" sounded, everyone started jumping together with the host Su Duo.

"Haha, I didn't expect it to be the gala band! Although their singing is off-key and broken, I really love them!"

"Me too, gala~"

"It sounds good. It sounds so good. Although it is a little off-key and broken, I don't know why, but it has to be sung this way to have the charm."

"Haha, we are like-minded."

The scene became a sea of ​​joy.

As soon as the gala band came on stage, it immediately brought the atmosphere to a climax.

And on the Internet.

On the Video Space website, the number of people watching this annual meeting increased dramatically.

Countless bullets drifted across the screen.

"I'm so envious that Jill turns purple!"

"I can actually listen to gala's out-of-tune and broken sounds live. The employees of Blue Star Electronics and Future Group must be so happy."

"I love gala's song "young-for-you" so much. Just like the title of the song, you should take advantage of your youth and be yourself without fear of worldly judgment!"

"Gala's uniqueness perfectly interprets this song."

The song ends..………………

Everyone at the scene shouted for an encore.

Originally, everyone was just having fun.

did not expect.

After singing "Young-for-You", the gala band did not step off the stage, but looked at each other and nodded immediately.

This scene.

Let the scene stagnate for a while.

Then an overwhelming cheer erupted.

"A song of "Chasing Dreams" is dedicated to all employees of Future Group and Blue Star Electronics. I hope that everyone can be like what Director Lu wrote in the lyrics, even if they encounter setbacks and are ridiculed

We must also run forward bravely. "

The voice of lead singer Su Duo resounded throughout the audience.


When everyone heard that the song Su Duo sang was "Chasing Dreams", everyone was a little confused.

Because everyone who knows the gala band knows that this song is not among the songs that the gala band has released.


This is the new song to be released by gala band.


He actually sang directly at the annual meeting. How much money did the company spend?

As a result, Su Duo's words in the next second made everyone's eyes widen.

"Lyrics... written by Mr. Lu???"

Everyone at the scene was confused.

Ah this.........


Countless netizens were instantly excited.

"Oh, Mr. Lu wrote a song for the gala band?"

"I asked why the gala band directly sang new songs at the annual meeting. It turns out that they have a 4.7 relationship with Director Lu.

"I suddenly remembered that at the first annual conference of Future Technology in 2004, we invited the superstar Britney to sing a song "Outrageous". This song was written and composed by Director Lu."

"Awesome! I can't find any other words besides "Awesome"! Look at Lu, the richest man in the world. Not only is he a business tycoon with a net worth of trillions, but he also writes songs and composes. This makes the man in the Dragon Kingdom How to live?"

"My girlfriend always compares me with the richest man Lu, I'm so difficult!"

"He is indeed the richest man with many talents. Even if the richest man Lu does not make a fortune in the business world, I believe that with his talent, he can make a great career in the entertainment industry.

on the Video Space website.

Thousands of barrages passed by in an instant.

The entire screen was directly flooded with 'many wealth and many talents'. .

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