Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1233 Iron Man Came To The Scene And The Whole Place Exploded

Annual meeting site.

The prelude of "Chasing Dreams" sounded.


"Where is the world full of flowers? If it really exists, I will definitely go there.

"I want the highest mountain to stand there, and I don't care if it's a cliff."

"Live hard and love hard, even if your heart and mind are ruined, don't ask for anyone's satisfaction as long as you are worthy of yourself.

"I never choose to give up on my ideals, even in the gloomy days."

"Maybe I don't have talent."

"But I have the innocence of dreams.

"I'm going to prove it with my whole life."

"Maybe I'm clumsy with my hands."

"But I am willing to keep exploring."

"Give all your youth and leave no regrets."

Everyone at the scene was shaking their heads while listening to the main song.

Just when everyone thought the verse was bland and was about to complain that a song with such a sound was still possible, the chorus came.

"Run forward~"

"Facing cold looks and ridicule."

“How can you feel the vastness of life without experiencing hardships?

Fate cannot make us kneel down and beg for mercy.

"Even if blood is spilled all over my arms."

"Keep running~with pure pride.

“How can you see the sparkle of life if you don’t persevere to the end.”

"It's better to burn than to linger."

"One day it will sprout again."


Whether it's live or online, I'm just about to complain that this song is mediocre.

It was as if the pause button had been pressed.

Countless people's goosebumps exploded the moment the chorus sounded, and lingered for a long time, and some even felt tears filling their eyes.

this moment.

The annual meeting was silent.

More than 100,000 people stared unblinkingly at Su Duo, who was roaring hard on the stage.

The trembling of souls swept through the whole body.

This feeling was felt not only by the employees at the scene, but also by the celebrities waiting to perform on stage backstage, who were all silent and quietly enjoying the song.


Jay Chou stood up directly from the sofa.

He clenched his fists.

This time I came to sing live at the annual meeting, but the money was really too much.

In addition, Jay Chou also wants to develop in the film and television industry, especially internationally and in Hollywood. Future Pictures is a good partner, so he came this time.


After hearing gala's "Chasing Dreams", Jay Chou felt that even if he came to sing for free, hearing this song would be worth it.


He called the staff and expressed that he wanted to see Lu Yi.

Jay Chou was so smart that the staff didn't dare to neglect him and contacted Lu Yi as soon as possible.

It didn't take long.

Lu Yi came to the backstage.

The moment he saw Lu Yi, Jay Chou rushed up and held Lu Yi's tail.

"Hey, Director Lu, can you write me a song called "Chasing Dreams"? I don't want any money for this annual meeting!" Director Jay Chou said excitedly.

Although his imperial lyricist Fang Wenshan is also very good.

But Jay Chou is not just singing songs written by Fang Wenshan alone.

After hearing Jay Chou's request, Lu Yi went straight to Sparta.


He smiled and said: "Dr. Jay, if there is a chance, we will have a chance to cooperate in the future. If you ask me to write a song directly for you now, you can't do it even if you kill me."

These words made Director Zhou smile shyly, let go of Lu Yi's hand, and said: "Yes, yes, I'm too anxious. Then it's agreed, Director Lu, you can't help me.

"Sure!" Lu Yi nodded and patted his chest.

Writing songs...

For someone like him, this is not easy to grasp.


The Internet is also in a frenzy.

There are too many netizens across the country watching the annual meeting through Sioux City TV and video space.


#gala chasing dreams pure heart#

It became a hot search topic on Weibo, and its ranking soared rapidly.

And this time.

Gala hasn't finished singing the song "Chasing Dreams" yet.


Annual meeting site.

The song is over.

The applause at the scene lasted for a long time.

Everyone chanted 'One more time'.


The gala band did not play again this time, but packed up their things and got off the stage.

And this time.

Some sharp-eyed employees discovered that there was actually a row of beautiful girls on the dark stage and were ready.

The outfit is exactly the same as when the protagonist appeared in "Iron Man 2".

The only difference is.

Now comes the stage show.

at the same time.

Above the stage dome where no one noticed, Lu Yi was already wearing a proportional steel suit and was ready.

The staff behind the scenes are busy, and medical staff are also on emergency standby.

"OK~ Director Lu counts down for 10 seconds."


The voice of the on-site instructor came from Lu Yi's headset.

When the sound counts to 1.

With more than 100,000 people in the audience unprepared, the stage lights suddenly gathered above the dome.

at the same time.

The director's shots also switched seamlessly, and Iron Man's voice appeared on the lake on the giant screen.

When the lights and cameras switched, Iron Man landed in the air with an extremely cool posture and settled in the center of the stage.

The audience who was caught off guard subconsciously let out an overwhelming exclamation.

Many people were stunned.

What situation is this?

How come Iron Man traveled from the movie to reality and came to the stage?

Should the annual meeting be linked with a movie for publicity?

This is too hardcore!

When everyone was still in a state of 310 confusion.

Under the gaze of everyone, the Iron Man suit slowly opened.

This scene.

It was clearly displayed on the giant screen at the scene.

As the suit slowly opened, everyone soon saw that it was Lu Yi inside.


The whole audience was suffocated by this.

But this silence lasted for less than two seconds and was broken by the roar of the audience.

Countless people roared wildly, their voices hoarse.

on site.

Because Lu Yi came out of the Iron Man suit and the whole audience exploded.


"Director Lu is awesome!"

"The richest man in Lu is mighty!"

"I got into a big trap, and it turned out to be Director Lu. This wave is so cool that I have no friends."

"The real version of Iron Man, Lu's richest man transforms into Iron Man to protect the company!"

"Director Lu really dares to play. It's twenty or thirty meters high. It's so exciting and makes my blood boil.

"But I'm uneducated, so I can go all over the world with just one word!"

On-site staff.

Whether it is Future Group or Blue Star Electronics, whether they are yellow-skinned, white-skinned or dark-skinned employees, the atmosphere of the venue has been pushed to the extreme.

They never expected it.

Lu Yi will appear in this exciting and cool way.

The strong visual impact instantly ignited the enthusiasm of the audience. .

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