Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1271 Wechat Version Update Conference Triggers Heated Discussion In The Industry

Lu Yi's aggressive acquisition of game developers abroad has attracted the attention of gaming peers at home and abroad.

Everyone in the industry thinks so.

Lu Yi spent 11 billion yuan to acquire three well-known game developers.

There must be big moves in the gaming industry.

As a result, everyone waited and waited for a long time, but there was no movement at all from the Future Group.


Some people found connections to contact people within the Future Group to get some exact information, but all they got were answers like, What are you talking about? A big move? I don’t know, I haven’t heard anything about it.


People in the industry are just Muggles.

Could it be that they are overthinking?

When Lu Yi went overseas, he simply acquired three game developers to add some strength to his own game business. He had no other purpose at all?

Industry insiders did not wait for Future Group to announce any big moves in the gaming industry.

Instead, on May 24th, the Future Group announced that it would hold a WeChat version update conference on May 30th.

As soon as the news came out.

Everyone was stunned.

To update the new version of WeChat, you will hold a special press conference?

Did you, Lu Yi, take the wrong medicine?

"What the hell? Just update the WeChat version when it is updated, and hold a special version update conference?"

"I smell something extraordinary!"

"If the Future Group doesn't take action, it will be amazing. Once it does, it will be amazing! A version update conference is specially held for WeChat. This press conference is absolutely extraordinary. You must attend it and go to the conference site to see it."

"Is this because you have too much money?"

"There are big moves. Future Group will definitely make big moves in WeChat."

"Convene a special press conference, there will definitely be big news to be announced!"

"Previously, Goose Factory announced that it would restart QQ, and Rebus of Rice was also recruiting people in the field of instant messaging. There was internal news that it would make efforts in the field of instant messaging. Now Future Group is going to launch a version update release for WeChat. Yes, it’s worth pondering.”

People in the industry were stunned for a while.

Then they started to use their brains and think.

Lu Yi will never hold a press conference for no reason, and it is only a press conference for version updates, not a new product conference.

There is nothing ordinary about this kind of mobilization of troops and crowds.

If you think that Future Group is doing this because it has too much money and no place to spend it, then you must be mentally retarded to say such a thing.

For a while.

Many people in the industry have taken action to mobilize their own connections to win tickets to Fu Dao's on-site press conference.

I want to go to the scene to see what the future group is doing.


Goose Factory.

Naturally, Brother Xiao Ma also saw the relevant news.

after all.

Future Group represents traffic. If there is any slight disturbance, the news will be all over the street.

Brother Ma was holding a cup of coffee and standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, looking at the busy traffic outside the window.

But if you look carefully, you can see that Xiao Ma's eyes are not focused.

He was not looking at the busy traffic outside the window at all, his mind was already in another dimension, thinking about the possibilities behind what the group would do in the future.

"If you hold a special version update conference, you must have a big move to make."

"WeChat has the fewest users among all major businesses of Future Group."

“With such a big fanfare, Future Group is trying to put its focus on WeChat?”

For a moment.

Brother Ma's mind was spinning, and various possibilities were presented to him.

On their side, the plan to restart QQ has been tested by fishing boats some time ago.

Half of the netizens support and half oppose it.

This fishing boat environment gave Xiao Ma the confidence to restart QQ.

Xiao Ma wants to return Goose Factory to its dominant position in the domestic instant messaging field.

Because he knows it very well.

In the Internet industry, competition is based on the number of users of each company's products.

Users do not need to purchase online through Taobao.

.........Please give me flowers 00


Absolutely inseparable from communication software.

Communication is something that everyone needs every day.


In Xiao Ma's opinion, social networking is the Internet industry with the most potential for development.

Goose Factory started out as a social network, and QQ has reached the position of being the dominant social network in China.

It's a pity that they underestimated Future Group back then and were about to make a mistake, causing them to lose everything and had to tear up QQ.

But Xiao Ma never gave up his social dream.

He closed QQ as a temporary measure.

I want to use time to make users forget their past unhappiness.



QQ is about to make a comeback.

But I didn’t expect that at this time, Future Group would make a big move for WeChat.

This not only made Brother Ma think deeply, but also made him extremely vigilant.



Rice Company Headquarters.

Rebus took advantage of his free time to chat with his founding team.

While chatting, the topic came to WeChat.

"Future Group is going to hold a version update conference for WeChat with great fanfare. I predict that it will probably make a big move on WeChat, a social software." Rebus said with squinted eyes.

Lin Bin, one of the Eight King Kongs of Rice, said: "Judging from the financial report data released by Future Group, WeChat ranks at the bottom in terms of the number of users among the various businesses of Future Group. This time, Future Group is making such a big splash, is it because it wants to use WeChat as a social software? Going up to exert force?"

"I have said before that one of the next trends in the Internet is instant messaging, so we at Dami want to develop MiLiao and enter this field. Judging from the current situation, this time the Future Group held a press conference for WeChat with such great fanfare, it should be We need to focus on supporting the WeChat project and focus on the field of instant messaging," Rebus said.

"On the day of the press conference, should we go to the site to see what kind of medicine is sold in Lu Yi's gourd?" Hong Feng, one of the founders of the rice team, asked Ling Ling. .

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