Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1272 The Business Group System Requires A Major Overhaul Of The Group’S Internal Organizatio

Future Group.

CEO Lu Yi's office.

Lu Yi and Lu Qi were chatting.

"Director Lu, there is a lot of criticism on the Internet about our launch conference for WeChat version updates."

"There are even rumors that our Future Group no longer has the ability to innovate. Otherwise, how could we hold a version update conference for a software that has already been released?

Lu Qi said.

"It's normal."

"After all, in the eyes of these people, it's just a software version update, and it's not worth such an intensive development conference."

Lu Yi seemed to have already expected this situation to occur, so his mood did not fluctuate at all.

"Let these people speculate, they will be so shocked on the day of the press conference," Lu Qi said with a smile.

Although this time it is just a version update of WeChat.


This version update is different from before.

This version update will bring a gorgeous change to WeChat.

The previous WeChat was actually not much different from the closed QQ. It was just a chat software.

Although there have been version updates for more than a year, they are just patches.

But this version, which can be said to be WeChat 2.0, is a real big move.

The two chatted for a while about the fishing boat situation on the Internet.


Lu Yi said: "Lao Lu, I have something to discuss with you. Let's clear it up in advance."

"Oh? What's the matter?" Lu Qi's expression suddenly became serious.

If Lu Yi said it in this tone, it was definitely a big deal.

It may even cause a big shock within the group.

"This matter has something to do with the group's internal organizational structure."

"When the group was first listed, there were not many business sectors."

“So before going public, we made a major internal organizational adjustment.

"But as the group has grown larger and larger, more and more subsidiaries have been acquired and established, and the business sectors involved have become more complicated, and the internal affairs have become like a mess."

"I have been thinking about this matter for a long time, and finally decided to make a big move to the group's internal organizational structure."

Lu Yi's words were like thunder on the ground, exploding in Lu Qi's heart.

Knew it.

As he guessed, Lu Yi was going to make a big move within the group.

"indeed so."

“In the past few years, the group’s business has developed rapidly.

Not only domestic business, but also overseas business, wholly-owned subsidiaries, holding subsidiaries, etc. are intertwined, making the organization within the group hollow and looking like a messy ball of thread. "

"For now, the group's internal organizational structure is indeed a bit chaotic. It should be reorganized and integrated to avoid major chaos in the future."

Lu Qi said.

He agrees with what Lu Yi said that the current internal organization of the group has become chaotic.

The reason for the confusion is that the group has developed too fast in recent years.

"Yes, so before big problems arise, we must conduct a major operation to streamline and reorganize some departments and clarify the internal organizational relationships." Lu Yi nodded.

"I support the adjustment of the group's organizational structure. Since Director Lu has been thinking about it for a long time, he should have an adjustment plan, right?" Lu Qi asked.

Lu Yi nodded and said: "For the better development of the group, I am going to adjust the business structure and organization from a subsidiary system to a business group system.

"Business Group?"

Lu Qi looked thoughtful.

"Business groups, or multi-department structures, are product department structures or M-shaped structures of strategic business units. Business units are set up according to products or regions, and each business unit has its own relatively complete functional organization."

"The focus of the Internet has shifted to mobile Internet since 2007. With the popularity of various new smart mobile devices and the decline in the cost of storage devices, there has been an explosion of massive data."

"The operating model of the Internet and mobile Internet has also begun to undergo profound changes from extensive operations to refined operations..."

"The pace of update of the entire industry structure is no longer the same as a few years ago. Companies must adjust their strategies, tactics and organizational structure to cope with future competition."

"Future Group originally started with photo sharing. Now, it has transformed into a future empire covering cloud services, portals, games, audio and video, e-commerce, social networking, search, and entertainment.

Lu Yi explained.

Lu Qi also instantly understood the beauty of the organizational structure of this business group.

Integrate resources, reduce costs, strengthen management and control, and improve efficiency.

"Director Lu, I think it will work!"

"Precisely divide the major business segments of the group so that the relevant subsidiaries can collaborate and better utilize the resources at hand to promote the development of the segment business, without causing a large-scale waste of resources. Improved work efficiency.”

Lu Qi nodded in support.

If divided according to the structure of business groups, the group can be divided into only several business groups, and the organizational structure will be streamlined to facilitate internal management of the company.


This is also very beneficial to Lu Qi and can greatly reduce his workload.

Now the inside of the Future Group is in chaos.

Because there are too many subsidiaries.

1.1 The person in charge of each subsidiary will report to Lu Qi whenever there is a problem.

Lu Yi spends more than half of his working day just listening to the reports from the subsidiaries below, let alone dealing with other things.

If it is adjusted to a business group system.

The subsidiaries under the business group should report the situation to the person in charge of the relevant business group, and the person in charge of the business group should just report to him, Lu Qi.

This can greatly reduce his workload and improve work efficiency.

This also gives him more time to think about the group's strategic development direction and better implement Lu Yi's customized development plan for the group.


Lu Qi raised his hands and feet to show his support. .

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