Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1273 Wechat Will Always Be A Hot Spot In The Future Mobile Internet Era

"As long as you support it, I'm afraid you won't agree." Lu Yi said with a smile.

"I definitely agree. There is no reason to object." Lu Qi shook his head and said, "Director Lu, do you know how busy I am now? Just listening to the work reports from the people below can take up most of my time every day."

"If the internal organizational structure is adjusted to a business group system, then my future workload will be greatly reduced. I only need to listen to the reports from the heads of each business group, and I will be able to better implement the company development plans set by you, Director Lu. strategy."

"I've really worked hard on you these past few years, Lao Lu." Lu Yi said solemnly.

Since Lu Qi took over as COO of Future Group, his work attitude and ability have been obvious to all.

If Lu Qi hadn't been his right-hand man, Lu Yi might not have had so much time to focus on Blue Star Electronics.

"Haha, Director Lu, with your words, I won't feel wronged."

Lu Qi laughed.

"Well, since you also support it, after the press conference, we will hold a board meeting to discuss and finalize the matter. This matter should be done sooner rather than later." Lu Yi28 said.

Lu Qi nodded and said: "No problem, I will completely obey the company's arrangements."

May 30, Sunday.

Future Group’s WeChat version update conference was held today.

There are more than 500 media organizations that have been invited or applied on their own.

The number of people participating in the announcement is about 4,500.

This number of people is not low.


Everyone smelled a different flavor from this press conference.


Even if it is just a software version update conference, the media organizations and the number of people attending the conference are not small.

Now the outside world is speculating.

In the future group's version update conference, there may be major features launched.


Both Future Group and Blue Star Electronics have moved their headquarters to the already built Taiji Galaxy.

The location of the press conference is in the multi-functional hall of Tai Chi Galaxy.

It can accommodate up to about 5,000 people.

In the past, when we didn’t build our own headquarters, we had to rent someone else’s venue to hold a product launch conference.


It can be opened directly at the headquarters.

The last time a press conference was held here was in March, when Blue Star Electronics released its new spring product Red Star Computer.

The time for the press conference is this afternoon.

During the period before the press conference, viewers with tickets can visit the new headquarters of Tai Chi Galaxy.

Except for some restricted areas involving business secrets, you can check in and take photos in other places.

For those who come to Taiji Galaxy headquarters for the first time, it is like entering a science fiction world.

It’s full of technology and modern deconstruction.


"The employees of Future Group and Blue Star Electronics who work here are so happy."

"Who says it's not? He is not an employee of Future Group."

“It’s lined with green trees, it’s like a natural oxygen bar.”

“When I’m tired from work, I stand in front of the window and look out. I feel absolutely relaxed and happy, and my fatigue is gone in an instant.

Many viewers who came to Tai Chi Galaxy for the first time sighed like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, and expressed great envy for the employees of Future Group and Blue Star Electronics.

High salary, high benefits, and such a comfortable working environment.

It simply makes ordinary working people jealous to the point of turning purple with envy.

to this end.

Many people took out their mobile phones, took selfies, and then uploaded them to the school website or Weibo.


All the friends who followed it liked it like crazy.

The time came to around two o'clock in the afternoon.

The press conference hall was officially opened to the public.

It was around 2:30 in the afternoon.

Nearly 5,000 attendees were already sitting at the conference site, waiting for the conference to begin.

As the lights dimmed, everyone stopped communicating unanimously and looked towards the stage.

Lu Yi walked onto the stage slowly and calmly, and immediately many Lu Yi fans below started screaming.

Never imagined.

This press conference was actually hosted by Lu Yi, who had already retreated ‘behind the scenes’.

This was something I had never thought of before.

Future Group had not disclosed this before.

at the same time.

The media at the scene were also crazy about taking photos.

Just the fact that Lu Yi hosted this press conference was enough to become a hot topic in the news.

Lu Yi gave a brief opening speech on the stage, bragging about Future Group's performance, achievements, etc. 860

Everyone at the scene cheered and applauded.


"I won't say any more nonsense. Next, we will introduce today's protagonist, an instant messaging and social AA application that focuses on the mobile Internet era - WeChat."

The scene became slightly quiet.

The industry bosses sitting in the front row immediately sat upright and their eyes became sharp.

Future Group, as the current global Internet social overlord, is making such a show for a software that has already been released. Lu Yi personally hosted it, making these industry leaders realize that this product is probably extraordinary within Future Group.

"The hot spot in the future mobile Internet era will always be not the APP based on picture sharing but WeChat!"

As soon as Lu Yi said these words, his voice spread throughout the audience.

Immediately, many people looked at him and looked sideways.

To know. is the beginning of Future Group's development and is the cornerstone and ballast of Future Group.

But now.

Lu Yi actually said that the eternal hot spot in the mobile Internet era is WeChat, and even used the school network to promote WeChat.


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