Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1274 Goose Factory: This Damn Competitiveness

At the press conference, Lu Yi's words shocked all the big guys present.

Xiaonei network is the application that the group will start from in the future.


In order to promote WeChat, Future Group is using the school network as a stepping stone?

This is too crazy!

at the same time.

What made the big guys’ hearts tremble even more was what Lu Yi said – WeChat will always be a hot spot in the mobile Internet era.

real or fake?

If these words were said by other people, everyone would definitely sneer and ridicule them.

But when these words came out of Lu Yi's mouth, he had to think carefully.

So far.

In the field of the Internet, Lu Yi never misses every step he takes.

This horrific record made Lu Yi's fans believe that what Lu Yi said was the truth.

Even industry leaders pay 120% attention to this.

The industry bosses sitting in the front row had gleaming eyes.

www, there are not many faces with Lu Yi in his previous life.

Users can capture photos at any time and share them with each other.

at present.

The number of domestic Internet users exceeds 400 million.

The number of domestic users of Xiaonei Network is 300 million.

That is to say.

More than 75% of domestic Internet users have a school network account.

The international version of Face already has 500 million users around the world, which is absolutely unprecedented for a social networking site.

The number of Face users continues to grow rapidly, especially in areas where no influential website has appeared before.

The domestic and international versions combined have more than 800 million users.

at the same time.

The mobile advertising revenue of (Face) has the fastest and brightest growth.

Although in absolute terms, it does not exceed the PC side, the growth rate is too amazing.

With the popularity of mobile Internet, the popularity of smartphones will inevitably surpass that of PCs and become one of the most important growth points in the future group's huge social landscape.

"What can WeChat do?"

At this time.

Lu Yi's words brought the minds of all the industry leaders who were lost in thought back to the real world.

Lu Yi held a small remote control in his hand and paced back and forth on the conference stage.

"In the era of WeChat version 1.0, the function of WeChat was to chat with added friends.

“Sending text and pictures can replace SMS and MMS messages sent by mobile operators for free.

"Frankly speaking, I am very dissatisfied with WeChat version 1.0."

"So, what should we do?"

“Of course we will continue to develop more features.

"So, today's WeChat version 2.0 was born!"

Lu Yi's words echoed throughout the press conference.

Off stage.

Rebus and other industry leaders who came to the scene listened carefully.

And more bigwigs who were interested in spying on the hinterland of the Future Group's social kingdom, such as Xiaoma Ge from Goose Factory and Teacher Alima, etc., although they did not come to the scene.

But without exception, they were all silently watching the live broadcast of the press conference in a conference room of the company.


Goose Factory Headquarters.

In the conference room.

The person in charge of restarting QQ, or now Q Chat, was stunned when he heard Lu Yi's speech and didn't know what to say.

Because the currently restarted Q Chat is mainly about sending text and pictures. In terms of functions, it is a step further than QQ.

And according to the plan, Q Chat will be launched in June.


Now hearing Lu Yi's words, everyone in Goose Factory felt a little heartbroken.


Lu Yi is very dissatisfied with WeChat's basic functions of sending text and pictures only.


Let the technical team continue development.

This time WeChat version 2.0 held a special press conference, which was so exciting and mobilized the public.


WeChat version 2.0 must satisfy Lu Yi in terms of functionality.

When they were still thinking about completing the basic functions of Q chat, sending text and pictures, and then launching it online, for Future Group, these functions were the most basic and could no longer satisfy Lu Yi.

This is damn competitiveness!

If in June, they just launch Q Chat with basic functions of sending text and pictures, will users really buy it?

after all.

The users' mouths have already been fed by the Future Group.

The press conference stage.

"..." To be honest, in my opinion, the WeChat version 1.0 era is actually not much different from the mobile version of QQ, so WeChat has been tepid since its release.

"Then why was I not very satisfied with WeChat version 1.0 in the first place and why did I not commit to a major version update?"

"Because there are some things that we couldn't negotiate with the mobile operators."

"But now, these problems have basically been solved."

"As a result, some of the functions I once envisioned for WeChat can be realized and rolled out without resistance."

"For example, the voice function!"

When Lu Yi said this sentence.

Not only at the scene, the pupils of the big guys who were hiding in their offices watching the live broadcast shrank suddenly.

Will WeChat version 2.0 have a voice function?

Oh my God.

This is definitely poaching mobile operators.

No wonder Lu Yi just said that some things have not been negotiated with mobile operators.

It's weird that we can finally come to an agreement like this. .

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