Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1284: All Peers Are Moving Quickly, But Fetion Is As Stable As An Old Dog

Momo and Tantan are not the only ones who see opportunities in WeChat.

Cheng Binghao, the founder of, also saw opportunities in this.

Founded in 2008, is the first social networking site in China that mainly targets office white-collar users. provides users with rich and easy-to-use social tools including diaries, photo albums, dynamic records, reposts, and social games, allowing them to maintain closer contact with family, friends, classmates, and colleagues through easy interaction.

In early December 2009. has nearly 70 million registered users, with more than 2 billion page views (PageViews) | more than 20 million logged-in users every day.

In the Alexa global website ranking, ranks eighth among Longguo websites.

at present. is already a well-known and popular social networking site in China, and its development momentum is very good.

In the opinion of many industry insiders. is expected to become the second-largest social networking site in China after


In the conference room of

An executive meeting is taking place.

28 hosted by founder Cheng Binghao.

"Have you seen the WeChat version update conference some time ago?" Cheng Binghao asked.

All the executives present nodded.

No matter whether it is domestic or foreign, there is no social company that does not pay attention to every move of the Future Group.

As the global social overlord, Future Group is the focus of attention and analysis by its peers.


There are many Internet companies that started by imitating the products of Shanzhai Future Group. They are currently doing quite well and have received financing from many investment institutions.

“Nowadays, WeChat Shake has become a phenomenal application scenario.”

"If you look at the streets and alleys, three out of five people are holding their phones and shaking them wildly. This shows how popular Shake Shake is."

“And this model based on LBS social networking, I think will become the mainstream in the social field in the future.

"Our is regarded by the outside world as the second-largest social networking site in China after This is recognition of and also a kind of pressure."

“If we want to maintain our position in the industry, or even advance to a higher level, we must keep up with the development trend of the times and cannot be abandoned by the times.

"Therefore, we must follow up on the social model based on LBS."

"What you are holding in your hands is Feidou, a chat software I designed based on the LBS social model these days. I hope that our can reach a higher level with Feidou."

In the conference room.

Everyone kept looking at the information in their hands and nodded from time to time.

at last.

During the show of hands voting stage, Cheng Binghao’s proposal was almost unanimously approved.

The company will mobilize its forces to develop Feidou, a social software, and bring it to the market as soon as possible to occupy a niche in this new social model.

Let’s not talk about whether we can break out of it, but we must occupy one of the pit positions.


Goose Factory headquarters, conference room.

“Q Chat can’t wait any longer for the voice function.”

"WeChat's LBS social model will set off a storm in the social field."

"We must put Q Chat online as soon as possible, first recruit a group of users, and then imitate the iterative development concept of Future Group, launch the product first, and then slowly update and add new features."

Brother Xiao Ma said in a very serious tone.

The popularity of the two application scenarios of WeChat shake and checking nearby people has also allowed people in the industry to see the terrifying potential of the LBS social model.


I am afraid that many people in the industry are leaning on this, hoping to occupy a pit in the LBS social field and get a share of the pie.

The time left for the goose factory is not sufficient.

There are only so many domestic users.

WeChat killed most of its users in one call.

The rest of the 'fish that slipped through the net' are shared by followers like them.

Whoever launches the product first will be able to catch the most fish.

For Goose Factory, this is no good solution and is a helpless move.

The quality of the products launched is too poor and users will not buy it.

But if it is delayed for too long, the consequences will be even more dire.

It's too late, there's no chance to get in.

One participant said: “Market survey data shows that WeChat attracted 500,000 new users overnight, thanks to the product’s two functions: people nearby and shake.

"This terrifying growth rate has left Fetion, and even the former QQ far behind. If this trend continues, WeChat will become a giant among domestic mobile instant messaging APPs within a year or two. Wu Ba exists," another participant said.

Zhang Zhidong asked doubtfully: "Why is WeChat's social networking with strangers so popular?"

Brother Ma hit the nail on the head: "Because it first meets the most fundamental need to impress human nature, there is no need to say more about this."

240 “Everyone has already used the WeChat product, so I believe everyone knows this aspect clearly.”

“Shaoke even manages to not only meet users’ needs for making friends, but also recognize music.

The last word.

Brother Xiao Ma gave the order to die.

"At the end of the month, Q Chat must be online."

"The new version will be launched within two months, even if some functions are cut off, we still have to fight for the launch time!"

As the chief technology officer, Zhang Zhidong nodded solemnly.

The development team is fighting to the end in order to gain valuable time.

Not just a goose factory.

On the rice side, Rebus also asked the rice team to speed up the progress.

The growth rate of WeChat really frightens the peers.

So far.

Goose Factory's QChat, Dami's MiLiao,'s Feidou, Momo, and Tantan, as well as numerous other niche social products from entrepreneurial teams, are all gearing up to launch a "Thousands of Letters" campaign. 'The posture of a war.


Only one did not move.

That is Fetion, a subsidiary of China Mobile.

Whatever should be done is still the same, as steady as an old dog. .

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