Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 442 Spreads Around The World, People Are Panicked


Before this, because of Wall Street's cover-up, many people still had illusions and did not believe that the subprime mortgage crisis was really coming.

Then in August, bad news came one after another, which really gave people a feeling that the storm was about to come.

In this case, everyone's illusions were immediately shattered.



It's spreading!

This subprime mortgage crisis is no longer limited to North America and has begun to radiate around the world.

On August 9, BNP Paribas, the largest bank in Gaul, announced the freezing of three of its funds, a move that directly caused European stock markets to plummet.

On August 10, the next day, the European Central Bank came forward directly and announced intervention.

This time.

Panic is not just in the North American market, it has spread directly to the entire European market.

on August 11th.

Because of the North American subprime mortgage crisis, central banks around the world injected more than 326.2 billion yuan in gold to rescue the market within 48 hours.

The Federal Reserve even injected 38 billion meters of gold into banks three times a day to stabilize the stock market.


Once a fire breaks out, it is not easy to put it out.

after all.

The thunder continues.

August 13th.

Mizuho Group, the parent company of Mizuho Bank, the second largest bank in the island country, announced a loss of 600 million yen related to North American subprime mortgages.

Banks in island countries and cold countries have suffered losses due to the subprime mortgage crisis in North America.

According to estimates by UBS Securities Japan, the nine largest banks in the island country hold more than 1 trillion yen in North American subprime mortgage-backed securities.

In addition, five cold country banks, including Woori, invested a total of 565 million yuan in secured debt obligations (CDO).

Investors are worried that the subprime mortgage problem in North America will have a strong impact on the global financial market. However, analysts from island countries are convinced that the vast majority of secured debt obligations invested by banks in island countries have the highest credit ratings, and the impact of the subprime mortgage crisis will be limited.

However, it is obviously impossible to stabilize the sentiment of market investors based on just a few words from analysts from the island country.


This subprime mortgage crisis began to radiate to East Asia.

On August 14, dozens of companies, including Wal-Mart and Home Depot, announced huge losses due to the subprime debt crisis.

U.S. stocks fell sharply to multi-month lows in direct response.

the same day.

The three major central banks of North America, Europe and island countries once again injected more than 72 billion meters of gold to rescue the market.

Asia-Pacific central banks further injected capital into the banking system.

Economies postponed interest rate hikes.

Until August 16th.

The nation's largest commercial mortgage company's stock price plummeted and it faced bankruptcy.

The U.S. subprime debt crisis worsened, and Asia-Pacific stock markets suffered their worst decline since 9/11.

August 17th.

The Federal Reserve lowered the window discount rate by 50 basis points to 5.75%.

August 21st and 22nd.

The island country’s central bank injected 1.8 trillion yen into the banking system within two days.

The Reserve Bank of Australia injected A$3.57 billion into the financial system.

The Federal Reserve injected another 3.75 billion gold into the financial system.

The European Central Bank stepped up its efforts to rescue the market and added an additional 40 billion euros in refinancing operations.

Over the next week, the Federal Reserve continued to inject capital into the financial system to rescue the market.

In just one week, the total capital injection reached 32 billion meters.

But obviously.

Just relying on continuous injection of capital into the stock market to save the market is of no avail.

on August 31st.

Bernanke said that the Federal Reserve will work hard to prevent the credit crisis from damaging economic development, and Bush promised that the government will adopt a package plan to save the subprime mortgage crisis.

For a while.

The focus of people's attention and discussion is on the subprime mortgage crisis.

The subprime mortgage crisis that started in North America has begun to spread around the world.

Even among the domestic melon-eating masses, North American subprime mortgages are a hotly debated topic.

Any huge movements in the peripheral market will soon appear on the domestic Internet, and then appear on Weibo hot searches, triggering discussions among countless netizens.

Although at this stage, the domestic public does not feel deeply about the North American subprime mortgage crisis, because no domestic bank has disclosed that it has incurred huge losses due to its participation in the North American mortgage market.


Unlike places like North America, Europe, and island countries, today it was revealed that this bank had suffered huge losses due to the explosion in the North American mortgage market, and tomorrow the bank had another similar explosion, which made investors' mentality explode.

But this does not mean that there will be no domestic impact.

You must know that domestic exports are highly dependent on the North American market.

Research by the central bank shows that domestic exports to the United States are highly correlated with changes in U.S. consumption data. If U.S. economic growth slows down by 1 percentage point, domestic exports will fall by 6 percentage points.

It is clear.

The economic downturn in North America and the depreciation of rice gold will have a certain negative impact on domestic export demand.

At present, domestic exports to the United States mainly include consumer goods such as electronic products, furniture, toys, footwear, and clothing.

Demand in North America has declined, and domestic and foreign trade companies with North America as their main export market are likely to encounter the embarrassment of shrinking orders.

at the same time.

The decline in the growth rate of domestic exports will directly lead to the decline in the growth rate of GDP, investment, and imports (imports required for processing trade), and through these changes, in turn, will further lead to the decline in the growth rate of domestic GDP.

The decline in GDP growth rate means that the national income has declined, and the decline in income affects the quality of life.

Those foreign trade companies will no longer be able to sell their goods, factories will go bankrupt, and workers will be laid off. These problems are all very serious.

It can be said that no country can escape this subprime mortgage crisis!

Dragon Kingdom is no exception!

during this time.

Lu Yi also puts most of his energy on Future Group.

As the subprime mortgage crisis intensifies, its impact on Future Group continues to become more prominent.

According to the second quarter financial report.

In the second quarter, the total revenue of Future Group was 4.177 billion meters, a decrease of 26.7% from the previous quarter; the net profit was 701 million meters, a decrease of 45.7% from the previous quarter.

When this financial report was disclosed and made public, it immediately aroused heated discussion in the market.


Because the second-quarter financial report was disclosed in July, by that time, although the subprime mortgage crisis had broken out, it was not as fierce as in August. Many investors were deceived by the voice of Wall Street and did not know that the crisis had already broken out and was raging.

In the second quarter financial report, the sharp decline in revenue and profits was expected by Lu Yi and the senior management.

Moreover, in Lu Yi's opinion, the second quarter financial report is still very eye-catching.

Because judging from the intensive disclosure of financial reports of listed companies in July, many companies that were previously profitable turned from profits to losses in the second quarter due to subprime mortgages, and many companies even lost money.

In Lu Yi’s view, the decline in revenue is just the beginning.

The next three quarters, fourth quarters, and even next year will be the most difficult time for the group.

In addition to the sharp decline in future group revenue, Waichen.

On the Blue Star Electronics side, sales of Pinnacle mobile phones have also seen a significant decline.

Now the subprime mortgage crisis has swept across the world, inflation is rising, money in people's hands is depreciating, and people are panicking.

Even life has become a problem. How can I still have money to buy expensive electronic products?

Even the affordable Honor R1 and HTCG1 have seen a significant decline in sales after two months of brilliant sales. .

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