That afternoon.

A large banner appeared on the PC main website of the XH Literature Society.

The content is to congratulate its great writer Tian Tianba Chang on the sale of the film and television copyright of "Ghost Turns Out" to Future Pictures.

It also vaguely stated that Future Pictures is creating the first "Devil's Lights Out" series of movies.

Although smart phones have become popular currently.

But most of the readers who read online articles still read it through computers|on the PC main website.


As soon as readers enter the website, they will see this banner immediately.


Many readers who have never read "Ghost Turns Out the Lights" clicked on "Ghost Turns Out the Lights" one after another because of this banner.

I didn’t expect this from the website.

Because of this banner, it actually brought a large wave of new traffic to "Ghost Turns Out the Lights".

The authors of the XH Literary Society also became excited after seeing this banner.

"Lights Out" is no stranger to them at all. It was an absolute hit novel last year and even in the first half of this year.

It pioneered suspense tomb robbing novels.

"Zhu Xian Sword" by Xiao Ding is the most popular online article in recent years, with countless fans.

In July and August this year.

The online game of the same name "Lights Out" was launched, making everyone envious.


The film and television rights of "Lights Out" were also sold to Future Pictures.

This makes people in the circle even more envious and jealous.

Who doesn’t want the novels they write to be adapted into movies and TV series? 06

This not only means fame, but also benefits!

A matter of fame and fortune.

Author fees are indeed their main source of income.

But compared with these peripheral copyright fees, the manuscript fee can only be regarded as a small sum.

For example, "Ghost Turns Out" by Tian Tianba brought him over one million in royalties, which is indeed very high.


Compared with film and television copyrights, it’s really nothing.

If he hadn't chosen the second copyright option.

Now he has an extra 5 million in copyright fees in his bank card.

And because he chose the second option.

This means that he is likely to receive tens of millions or even hundreds of millions in copyright income in the future.

Compared with the tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of copyright shares, the one million royalties are really nothing, a drop in the bucket.

Cluster of cabbage.

Today is another very lively day.

[Wandering Frog: @天天巴歌, boss, is that banner on the website real or fake? 】

[Chen Xi: @天天八胜, boss, when will your movie start filming? 】

【I eat tomatoes: envy.jpg】

[Add three spoons of sugar: @天天巴歌 is waiting for the big brother’s movie to be released! 】

One after another, the members of the cabbage group expressed their envy by singing in the sky.

Although as early as the end of August.

Tian Tian Ba ​​Chang said in the group that his film and television rights for "Ghost Turns Out" were spotted by Future Pictures.

He also gave him two choices and asked them to help with reference and give some opinions.

But later on, there was no more news from Shang Sung Sing.

Someone even asked Tian Shang Ba Chang in the group before.

There was no reply from Tianshang Ba Chang.

Everyone thought that this matter might be a scandal, and the tyrant in the sky was happy in vain.


Just today.

A banner suddenly hung up on the main website, announcing that the copyright of "Ghost Turns Out" by Tian Tian Ba ​​Sing had been officially sold to Future Pictures, and implicitly stated that a related movie project was already underway.

This... is ready to start filming quietly?


Tian Tian Ba ​​Sing bubbled up in the group.

【Heavenly Bastard Sings: Ahem, it’s true. Just a few days ago, Wei Yu, the vice president of Future Pictures, brought someone to Tianjin to find me and formally signed a copyright agreement with me. 】

[Heavenly Ba Sing: Ahem, cough, cough~ I’m telling you something, please don’t spread it outside. Well...according to the plan of Future Pictures, "Ghost Turns Out the Lights" is expected to start shooting in March next year. Recently, I have been working overtime to write the synopsis of the story. As you know, Future Pictures Over there, you need to submit relevant outlines to relevant departments for filing...]

[Chen Xi: Boss 666! The vice president of Future Pictures went to meet the boss in person. This shows that Future Pictures attaches great importance to the boss, and also agreed to the boss as the script editor. He hopes that the movie of the boss will be released next year. . 】

At this time.

Message prompt: Tiancan Tuodou joins the group chat.

[Tiancan Tuodou: Hello everyone, I am Xiaomengxin Tiancan Tuodou, please give me your advice. 】

[Tian Tian Ba ​​Sing: Welcome new students. 】

[Chen Xi: Welcome Toudou to join our big family. 】

[Tiancan Tuodou: I worship the singing boss, I don’t know when Xiao Mengxin will reach the height of the boss. 】

[Xuehong: @天燵多豆, I read your book "Warcraft Sword Saint: Another World Aspects". It is very good. There is a great chance to become this year's Twelve Heavenly Kings, keep up the good work! 】

[Tiancantuodou: @雪红, thank you for your recognition, I will definitely keep up the good work! 】

[Uncle Three from the Northern School: Ahem, cough, cough, I also have good news. A few days ago, people from Future Pictures also contacted me...]

The words of the third uncle from the Northern School made the entire cabbage group fall silent.

Then, countless speeches came out.

[The Wandering Frog: What did I say? Internet articles such as tomb robbing suspense are very suitable for film and television adaptation. Look, first he is the boss of the Heaven Singing Group, and now he is the boss of the Northern Song Dynasty. I am really envious. 】

[Tiancan Tuodou: Envy.jpg]

[Chen Xi: @北pa三书, boss, does Future Pictures also give you two choices? 】

[Third Uncle from the Northern School: @陈西, um, but I’m still thinking about it, so don’t make a decision in a hurry. 】

[Xuehong: @陈西, your "Tomb of Gods" has been finished. When will the next book be released? To be honest, I am a loyal fan of your "Tomb of Gods" and a big fan of "Tomb of Gods". Okay, it’s so hot-blooded. I have some ideas in my mind. Maybe I will learn from your ancient suspense writing method of "Tomb of the Gods" to create a hot-blooded fantasy novel. 】

[Chen Xi: @雪红, let me go, boss, you are still my fan, I am flattered, haha! 】

[Chen Xi: I'll go, I'll go! I just received news from the editor that a game company has taken a fancy to my game copyright of "Tomb of Gods". Is it going to be adapted into a game? 】

【Wandering Frog: Congratulations!】

[Meng Rushenji: Congratulations! 】

【Heavenly Ba Sing: Congratulations, congratulations!】

As the leading website in the Internet literary circle.

What happened here at the XH Literary Society reached the ears of other stations almost immediately.

They are not surprised about the film and television copyright issues of "Ghost Turns Out".

after all.

In the two or three years from 2005 to 2007.

"Ghost Turns Out the Lights" and "Zhu Xian Sword" are the two most popular novels in the entire Internet literary circle.

This book created the tomb robbing suspense genre.

With its delicate writing style and vivid stories, this book has impressed countless readers, making everyone suddenly realize that martial arts can still be written like this.

The game copyrights of these two works were sold early.

These outposts are actually quite regretful.

If they had paid a high price to lure Tian Shang Ba Chang and Xiao Ding to their own website to serialize "Ghost Turns Out the Lights" and "Zhu Xian Sword", "perhaps the leader in the Internet literary circle today would be themselves.

The XH Literary Society also relied on these two popular books to attract countless readers.

And after "Ghost Turns Out the Lights" and "Zhu Xian Sword".

At the XH Literary Society, Chen Xi’s “Tomb of the Gods” and my tomato-eating “Panlong Ring” are taking over.

And these two people are also the 223 key targets of their poaching this time.

But it's a pity.

The two of them remained unmoved in the face of the price they offered.

This left them helpless.

They missed Tiantian Ba ​​Sing and Xiao Ding, but they didn’t want to miss Chen Xi and me eating tomatoes.

But if they can’t dig it out, what can they do?

The authors of external sites also knew about the situation at the XH Literary Society, and they were all very envious.

In particular, several great writers such as Yanyu Jiangbei, Fang Xiang, and Genggshu, who were recruited by 91 and ZH, felt a little regretful after learning that "Gold Touching Notes" by Uncle Beipai's "Gold Touching Notes" was also spotted by Future Pictures.

If you hadn't switched to an outside station, would your work have been picked up by Future Pictures?

But there is no regret in taking medicine.


It is really difficult for them to refuse the price offered by 91 and ZH.

Why do they write books?


Generating electricity for exam?

Stop making trouble!

It's for money!

Although they are great writers in the XH Literary Society, their annual income is three to five million.

But their ambitions go far beyond that.

They want to get more revenue.

I want to be over one million, or even two million.

But compared with the top masters and platinum writers in terms of their strength, their popularity is indeed about the same.

It's not that their abilities are worse than those of Tiantian Ba ​​Chang and Xue Hong.

But the audience for their works is not as large as fantasy and fairy tales.


Faced with the price of 1,000 or even 1,500 per thousand words offered by 91 and ZH.

They just thought about it and accepted it.

Because of this price, their annual income can directly increase from three to five million to one million!

But at the same time.

They also lost the huge user body of XH Literature Society, as well as the publicity channels and peripheral channels backed by Future Group.

I don’t know if it’s a blessing or a curse. .

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