Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 601 The Author Income Ranking List Is Popular All Over The Internet

Shanghai International Studies University.

A girl's dormitory.

After class.

Liu Jia returned to the dormitory as if stepping on hot wheels.

Without saying a word, I opened the Shenzhou laptop and started today's translation work.

The XH Literary Society has thought of all their difficulties.

Shenzhou laptops are provided by the XH Literary Society to facilitate their translation work.

after all.

People like Liu Jia are all students whose family conditions are very difficult, otherwise they would not be able to get this part-time job as part-time work-study students.

Computers are definitely out of reach for students like Liu Jia.

Without computers, how can they complete the translation work?

It's not realistic to go to an Internet cafe every day.

Take everyone's actual plight into consideration.

Without saying a word, the XH Literary Society immediately decided to provide each of Liu Jia and others with a Shenzhou laptop.

It's been more than a month.

When Liu Jia is busy, he can translate 8,000 words a day, and when he is low, he can translate 3,000 words. The average translation per day is 4,500 words.

Liu Jia cherishes this part-time job very much.

In every day’s translation, we try our best to ensure both quality and quantity.

At this time.

Her copycat phone rang with a text message alert.

Liu Jia opened the text message and jumped for joy.

The text message is a notification of the arrival of the royalties from the bank————Your debit card account 1234 received RMB802.65 (remuneration) on December 8, and the balance after the transaction was 1009.79 yuan [Longguo Bank]

Look at this text message on your phone.

Liu Jiazi repeated it carefully three or five times.

I counted the remuneration received over and over again.


This amount is equivalent to her family’s three months’ income from farming!

this moment.

Liu Jia's eyes suddenly turned red, tears welling up in them.

at this time.

The other people in the dormitory also came back.

Seeing Liu Jia's eyes were red, she thought she was being bullied, so she quickly said indignantly: "Jia'er, what's wrong? Who bullied you? Tell us, and we'll settle the score with him.


"No one bullied me, you misunderstood."

Liu Jia quickly waved her hand and denied that she was not bullied.

"Then why are your eyes red, as if you've been crying?"

Liu Jiadao: "I'm just so happy! I just received a text message that the royalties for my translation for the XH Literary Society last month have arrived. It's more than 800 yuan in total. I'm so happy that I can't help it. ....`||."

"Real or fake? More than 800 yuan!"

After hearing Liu Jia's words, several other people quickly gathered around.

After reading the text message.

Several people believed it.

Everyone is happy for Liu Jia.

Among the dormitories, Liu Jia's conditions were the most difficult.

The monthly living expenses are only about 100 yuan, and it is common to eat steamed buns and eat pickles.

Didi didi~

At this time.

WeChat alert sounded.

Liu Jia opened the [Shanghai Foreign Language Translation Group].

There are a total of 34 people in the group.

Thirty-three of them are translation students, and one is an editor from the XH Cultural Association who works with them.

[Xiaoxing Editor: @Everyone, have you all received your royalties? Some bank transfers may be slower. Please wait a little longer. If anyone still hasn’t received their payment tomorrow, remember @

[Editor Xiaoxing: By the way, the quality of everyone's translations in the first month was very high, and it was recognized by foreign readers on international sites, so I will give you an extra 100 yuan as a reward this time. I hope you will continue to work hard. 】

[Li Wen: Received! I asked why I got an extra 100 yuan. It turned out to be a reward. Thank you Xiaoxing! 】

[Zhao Yougen: The account has been received, thank you Xiaoxing, thank you XH Literary Society! 】

[Liu Jia: I just received the credit message. Thank you to XH Literary Society for giving me this job. I will definitely keep up my efforts and work hard to live up to the expectations of XH Literary Society. 】


People in the group bubbled up one after another, saying that they had received the notification text message about the payment of royalties, and expressed their gratitude to the XH Literary Society.


33 people all received SMS notifications from the bank today.

Look at the numbers arriving.

Like Liu Jia, they were all very excited.

Some people actually cried a lot.

The emergence of the XH Literary Society is likely to change their lives.

after all.

Their family is too poor.

Maybe one day, I will drop out of school because I have no money to pay tuition.

but now.

This work-study part-time job is provided by XH Literary Society.

It was like a ray of sunshine shining into their hearts.

It gave them warmth and gave them hope.

Especially the first month of receiving salary.

The XH Literary Society gave out an extra 100 yuan.

It doesn't look like much.

But for poor students like Liu Jia.

This may be one or two months' living expenses, and it is life-saving money that can save lives at critical moments!

This also strengthened their idea to treat this job well.

this time.

The person with the least amount also received 500 yuan. After deducting the 100 yuan bonus, the translation fee last month was 400 yuan.

The largest number of people received more than 1,100 yuan, and the pure translation remuneration exceeded a thousand yuan.

This is for a student.

Especially for a poor student.

It's definitely a huge sum of money.

This also proves that their hard work has paid off!


December 10th.

On the Internet, a form suddenly hit the screen.

This table is an income table for online writers.

in this form.

I Eat Tomatoes ranked first with 2.2 million in royalties.

In 2008, I became famous for eating tomatoes.

First, it became an instant hit with "Legend of the Stars", which ranked among the top three in the sales list for a long time.


"Panlong Ring", released in May this year, once again stirred up the storm.

This work has long been ranked number one on the Jisou most popular list, its subscription ranking is also in the top five on the main site, and its monthly ticket has been in the top three for a long time.

and Chen Xi's "Tomb of the Gods" shined as double stars last year and this year.

In the cabbage group.

Everyone has always believed that if I eat Tomato and Chenxi, I have a good chance of being promoted to a platinum writer next year.

Ranked second is Xue Hong, with a royalty income of 2 million.

Xue Hong is the first writer of the XH Literary Society with a royalties exceeding one million, and the first platinum writer. She is also a prolific writer who writes more than 10,000 words a day. She once saved the XH Literary Society from fire and water with a wandering frog.

The third is Dancing, with a royalty income of about 1.8 million. The ongoing serialization of "Devil's Rules" has always occupied the first place in the XH Literary Society's monthly ticket list and has countless fans.

The fourth is to add three spoons of sugar, and the service scored 1.5 million.

Sugar Add Three Spoons is known for its hard work, and it has not stopped updating for a day since its debut.

After finishing "The Guardian of the Chinese Zodiac" in January today, the new book "Qin Xian" was shockingly released. The momentum is still strong, and the monthly votes are always in the top ten.

Fifth is Tiantianba Sing, with a royalty income of around 1.4 million.

Although "Lights Out" has ended, its popularity remains the same as before.

Even after it was completed, it was still in the top ten of the best-seller list, which shows how much stamina "Ghost Turns Out" has.

The sixth is Yueguan, with a royalty income of 1.3 million.

He became famous with "Go Back in Time and Be a Prince".

Although it ended at the beginning of the year, subscriptions are still very strong.

The seventh is Mengrushenji, with a royalty income of 1.2 million.

He became famous in one fell swoop with "The Tao Is the Buddha" and created a great career.

Subsequently, the series of "Black Mountain Old Ghost" and "Snake and Dragon Story" released this year have continued to gain momentum and have earned platinum status.

The eighth is Yu Yan, with a royalty income of 1.1 million.

The book "The Best House Servant" became a hit all over the Internet and became a rage.

Ninth is Chen Xi, with a royalty income of 1 million.

The book "Tomb of the Gods" has become a hit all over the Internet, and is often ranked among the top three on the Jisou Popularity Index. It is a platinum star that rises again and again.

No. 10 Mao Zhong has a royalties income of about 1 million.

"The Legend of Suzaku" became famous in one fell swoop.

"Qing Yu Nian", which was serialized this year, is also selling well on the website, with high subscriptions, and physical publishing is also starting to take off.

As soon as the income list of online writers came out, it immediately sparked a heated discussion on the Internet. .

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