It is really the company of Longguo.

He is born with a sense of social responsibility.


Even if it takes 10 years, the research and development expenses will only be ~600 million yuan.

The average annual R&D expenses are 60 million yuan.

He also gritted his teeth and developed a domestic photolithography machine.

Even though.

The performance of domestic lithography machines is vastly different from that of ASML.


We finally have a domestic lithography machine, right?

Who dares to say that our country cannot build photolithography machines?

Let's say it's a company from North America, Europe, or island countries.

The government has allocated 600 million yuan in research and development expenses over 10 years.

Can they develop a photolithography machine?

Don't even think about it.

If the government says, the research and development expenses will be 60 million yuan per year.

that goes without saying.

Let alone developing photolithography machines, related companies cannot be established!

It can also be seen from this.

The greatness of Shanghai Microelectronics!

even if.

The lithography machines produced by Shanghai Microelectronics are very backward, low-end among low-end.

Not to mention compared with Asmai, even Ni Kang and Jianeng can't compare.


Shanghai Microelectronics is an experience of the spirit of the Dragon Kingdom.

That kind!

Don’t be afraid of hardships and hardships, but also have the spirit of never giving up to create a lithography machine that belongs to Dragon Kingdom!


It's still the same conference room as in the morning.

But the people meeting him changed from Zhang Rujin and Jiang Shangzhou to He Rongming and Yin Zhiyao.

"Professor He, Professor Yin, it's an honor to meet you two."

Seeing He Rongming and Yin Zhiyao arriving, Lu Yi quickly stood up with a smile to greet them.

"Director Lu, I know your name very well." He Rongming said with a smile and shook hands with Lu Yi.

The same is true for Yin Zhiyao.

Although he is 64 years old, he is a legendary master of etching machines and has already achieved fame.

But he is not a blind person.

For Lu Yi, a young man who has risen like a comet in recent years, he is also very popular.

As someone who has lived and worked in North America for many years.

He knows it very well.

How old are the founders of technology companies in Silicon Valley in North America now, and how long did it take to bring the companies they founded to where they are now?

And what about Lu Yi?

Founded Future Technology in 2003.

It only took a few years.

The original future technology was developed into a giant aircraft carrier with a market value of hundreds of billions of dollars.

The key is.

Lu Yi, the helmsman, is incredibly young.

Not only that.

That’s all for Lu Yi’s great success on the Internet.

Spend 500 million yuan to establish Blue Star Electronics across borders.

After two or three years of dormancy.

It was also in 2006 that he became famous with his pinnacle mobile phone, leading a new era of smartphones.


Looking at the energetic Lu Yi in front of them, both He Rongming and Yin Zhiyao felt that they were really old.

Kind of!

The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves in front, and it feels like the waves in front die on the beach.

The two sides exchanged a few words and then got straight to the point.

"Professor He, Professor Yin."

"This time, on behalf of Blue Star Electronics, I want to have an in-depth cooperation with you two to solve the current difficulties faced by the domestic semiconductor industry."

Lu Yi directly stated his intention to come to Shanghai this time.

Just to cooperate.

And it’s an in-depth cooperation!

He Rongming and Yin Zhiyao both frowned.

0......Please give me flowers......


What kind of cooperation law?

Does Blue Star Electronics want to buy their company's equipment?


Is Lu Yi preparing to cross over again and want to enter wafer manufacturing?

Otherwise, why cooperate with them?

Blue Star Electronics produces pinnacle mobile phones, and pinnacle mobile phones need chips, and they know this.

But these two companies are not responsible for the manufacturing and production of chips.

They are just upstream equipment companies that produce lithography and etching equipment.

If Lu Yi wants to cooperate, he should go to Loongson International for cooperation.

He Rongming asked: "Director Lu, what kind of cooperation do you mean by cooperation?"

Yin Zhiyao said nothing, but looked at Lu Yi intently.

"Professor He, just call me Xiao Lu."

Lu Yi said with a smile: "I would like to invite the two of you to form an alliance and jointly establish a semiconductor company focusing on the R&D and production of chip equipment and chip manufacturing."

When He Rongming and Yin Zhiyao heard this, they both raised their eyebrows.

Joint venture to form a new semiconductor company?

Lu Yi continued: "To be honest, I have met with Professor Zhang and Professor Jiang from Loongson International this morning and proposed the idea of ​​cooperation."

“My idea is to gather the strength of our four companies, Blue Star Electronics, Loongson International, Shanghai Microelectronics and Longmicro Semiconductor, to jointly fund and establish a joint venture to make technological breakthroughs in chip equipment and processes, thereby opening up domestic The upstream, midstream and downstream industrial chain of the semiconductor industry.

These words.

The expressions of He Rongming and Yin Zhiyao changed.

have to say.

Lu Yi's ambition is too great.

This is to pool the efforts of several of their companies to open a new path for the domestic semiconductor industry.

Full of courage!

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