Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 614 Steady-State Micro-Bunching Technology

Neither He Rongming nor Yin Zhiyao spoke, and fell into deep thought.

Huge waves surged in my heart.

Regarding the cooperation proposed by Lu Yi, they felt that it was a bit whimsical, but they were also excited.

As a practitioner in the semiconductor industry.

They know very well how big the gap is between domestic semiconductors and foreign countries.

And as a dragon countryman.

They all want to change this backward situation.

We want to help the country's semiconductor industry catch up with foreign countries.

They are well aware of the difficulty involved.

The etching machine is fine.

Compared with photolithography machines, etching machines are much less difficult.

Yin Zhiyao is also confident.

Give him ten or twenty years, and he will be able to lead Long Micro Semiconductor to catch up with and surpass those giants in North America in terms of technology.

But the photolithography machine......

"One, three, seven" let alone ten or twenty years, even if it is thirty or forty years, it may not be possible.

The manufacturing of photolithography machines is really too complicated.

A photolithography machine has tens of thousands of components, hundreds of actuator sensors, and an ultra-complex thinking system composed of tens of millions of lines of code.

Most of these parts come from island countries, North America, Europe and other countries.

Even Helan's ASML must use parts from these countries.


In terms of parts and components, we still need to cooperate with the world.

Just relying on one company to develop a lithography machine alone is just a dream.

Regardless of the fact that ASML is the only company in the field of lithography machines, it controls the lifeblood of major foundries around the world.

Once a certain parts company stops supplying ASML, ASML's production will be greatly affected.

This is why.

ASML is a Helan company, but that is why North America has spared ASML.

First, the major shareholder behind ASML is Wall Street.

Second, many of the parts ASML needs come from North American companies.

Asmai's destiny is also controlled by the North American government.


North America is so confident about ASML.

There were no direct sanctions because ASML was a Helan enterprise.


Asmai also knows that his destiny lies in the hands of North America.

So I listen to North America very much.

ASML is not so much a Helan enterprise.

Rather, it is a North American company based in Holland.


Foreign countries have severely blocked the Dragon Kingdom in this regard.

Buying these high-end photolithography equipment parts is no less difficult than buying an entire photolithography machine from ASML.

It took a while.

He Rongming was the first to speak: "Director Lu, I am not saying anything discouraging. It is really unrealistic for just a few of our companies to surpass high-end lithography equipment.

"The blockade imposed on us by foreign countries in this area is too severe. Some core components are simply unavailable."

"The quality of parts and components produced by relevant domestic manufacturers is far different from those abroad."

"you know too."

"Optical technology is a precision machine. Even if the accuracy of the parts is one thousandth of a hair, it will cause a large difference in the accuracy of the entire machine.

"These can be ignored, but the light source, the core equipment component of the lithography machine, is too difficult to break through."


Yin Zhiyao couldn't help but nodded and said: "Yes! The difficulty of etching machines is much smaller than that of photolithography machines. I am also confident that if you give me ten or twenty years, I can help the country catch up in the field of etching machine equipment. Go to those giant foreign companies.”

"But when it comes to lithography machines, there is at least a thirty-year gap between us and ASML!"

"Just talking about the light source issue, whether we can catch up with ASML within thirty years is a question."

Facing the two people's complaints and disapproval, Lu Yi's expression remained unchanged.

If he were not a reborn person, facing this situation, he would be more desperate than the two of them.


"In terms of light sources, Blue Star Electronics has made some breakthroughs."

Lu Yi said with a smile.

These words.

A thunderbolt fell, He Rongming and Yin Zhiyao were stunned and couldn't recover for a long time.


Lu Yi's words kept echoing in their minds.

Has Blue Star Electronics made a breakthrough in light sources?

How can it be?

Isn’t Blue Star Electronics a mobile phone company?

How could there be a breakthrough in light source?


It must be fake!

Neither He Rongming nor Yin Zhiyao believed what Lu Yi said was true.

Lu Yi took out a piece of information from his briefcase and handed it over, saying: "Professor He, if you look at this information, you will know whether what I said is true or false..."

He Rongming was still a little confused, so he mechanically picked up the information and started reading it.

Steady-state microbunching?

He Rongming was stunned when he saw this term.

He didn't understand what it meant.

But that's okay.

Then look down.

The more I look.

He Rongming looked more and more shocked.

Because the following content explains what steady-state micro-marrying is.

Steady-state-microbunching in English can be abbreviated as SSMB.

In the experiment.

The relevant research team of Blue Star Electronics uses a laser with a wavelength of 1064nm to control the electron beam in the storage ring, so that the electron beam forms a fine microstructure after a full circle, that is, micro-bunching.

Micro-bunching will radiate high-intensity narrow-bandwidth coherent light at the laser wavelength and its higher harmonics. The experiment verified the formation of micro-bunching by detecting this radiation.

The formation of micro-bunching proves that the optical phases of electrons can be correlated circle by circle with a precision shorter than the laser wavelength, so that electrons can be stably bound in the optical potential well formed by the laser, verifying the working mechanism of SSMB.

As an expert in lithography machines, He Rongming is very aware of the important role of light sources in lithography machines.

The exposure resolution of the lithography machine is directly related to the wavelength.

The working principle of the lithography machine is to use a laser beam to "carve" circuits on the wafer. 0.3 will eventually make a chip the size of a fingernail contain dozens or tens of billions of transistors. This equipment technology demonstrates the top level of human technology development. .

High-power light source is the core foundation of lithography machine.

As chip process nodes continue to shrink, the requirements for light source power will continue to increase, reaching kilowatt ratings.

in short.

The more high-end lithography machines require light sources, the requirements are short wavelength and high power.

Breakthroughs in high-power light sources are crucial to the further application and development of photolithography.

SSMB-based light sources are expected to achieve large average power and have the potential to expand to shorter wavelengths, providing new solutions for breakthroughs in high-power light sources.


Naturally, there is hope to solve the core "stuck neck" problem in domestic independently developed lithography machines. .

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