Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 625 Sanxing: Don’T Talk Nonsense, Be Careful If I Cross The Border!

Sanxing headquarters is a little panicked.

To know.

The mobile phone business is a pillar business of Sanxing Group.

Before the advent of Pinnacle mobile phones to redefine smartphones, Sanxing was not ranked in the global mobile phone market.

Just after the pinnacle mobile phone came out, the Android system was launched.

Sanxing seized the opportunity and took a gamble.


The bet was right!


In the past two years, the performance of its smartphone business has surged.

It is only a matter of time before it surpasses established giants such as Nokia and Motorola.

And among them.

The Longguo market is particularly important to Sanxing.


Today's Dragon Country's per capita GDP is still very lagging behind.


The economic development of Dragon Kingdom is very rapid!

In 2006, the GDP of the Dragon Kingdom was 2.75 trillion meters, accounting for 5.35% of the world, ranking fourth.

In 2007, the GDP of the Dragon Kingdom was 3.55 trillion meters, accounting for 6.1062% of the world, surpassing the Hans Kingdom and rising to third place.

And this year.

The GDP of the Dragon Kingdom is expected to reach a new high, reaching 4.5 trillion meters.

It will only take one or two years to surpass the second island country.

these past few years.

Longguo's GDP growth rate has maintained a rapid growth of 10 points.

All over the world, it can be said that they are the best, which is jaw-dropping.

at the same time.

The Dragon Kingdom is a large country with a population of over 1.3 billion.

The market here is definitely a blue ocean!

The Longguo Market alone can keep a company well fed.

Whether Sanxing mobile phones can surpass old giants such as Motorola and Nokia and become a smartphone brand second only to Pinnacle mobile phones, the Longguo market is a top priority.

Wait until a few years later.

The per capita GDP of the Dragon Kingdom has increased, and people have money in their pockets.

The sales volume of their Sanxing mobile phones will definitely increase by one or two levels.

No company can ignore the Longguo market.


This company no longer wants to make money.


before this.

The brand Sanxing is still very popular in Longguo.

But now the 'Screen Door' incident has come out.

It will be a huge blow to Sanxing's brand reputation.

One is not handled well.

It is very likely that the reputation built up over many years will collapse in an instant.


Here in the Han Kingdom, they are robbing Qu Yuan, the Dragon Boat Festival, the Spring Festival and so on, which makes the people of the Dragon Kingdom disgusted and disgusted.

Now this one comes out.

I want to shoot them Sanxing directly into hell!


Li Jianxi held an emergency meeting.

In meetings, get angry.

Keep Xiba, Axi!

no way.

When this incident broke out, it greatly affected their image of Sanxing.

What does this make other partners think?

This time you, Sanxing, can use your tricks to cut off the supply of screens to Blue Star Electronics.

Then next time, can we also cut off the supply?


Sanxing came up with a response strategy.

Stealing people from the country, he has no other ability, he is just thick-skinned.

An impromptu press conference was held that day and the three consecutive denials were made on the spot.

And the expression of righteous words.

Everything said on the Internet is slander and a slander on the image of Sanxing Group.

Their Sanxing Group has begun to collect relevant evidence and reserves the right to pursue prosecution, etc.

no solution anymore.

I can only bite the bullet and refuse to admit it.

Not only the Sanxing headquarters severely condemned someone for maliciously spreading rumors and slander.

The branch in Longguo also expressed condemnation and issued a lawyer's letter.


"Look! He's anxious! He's anxious!"

"I knew Sanxing wouldn't admit it!"

"You really think we are fools. You think a lawyer's letter can scare us!"

"Sanxing: I'm not! I didn't! Don't talk nonsense! Be careful if I cross the border!"

"Sanxing, what a disgusting brand! What's even more disgusting is that I actually thought about buying a Sanxing mobile phone before... It's so disgusting that my mother opened the door to disgusting people, it's so disgusting!"

"Brothers upstairs, isn't the rice phone delicious? Don't ask for 4999, don't ask for 3999, just 1999, you can take home a high-end flagship smartphone!"

"Shit! How much advertising money did Dami give you? I will give you double the amount from Charming Mobile Phone!"

"My flower factory will pay you three times!"

Sanxing's announcement did not calm the domestic fishing boats.

On the contrary, in everyone’s eyes.

Sanxing looked so angry and frustrated, it was just a guilty conscience.

after all.

The content analysis of that post is well-founded. Although everyone is a melon-eater, they are not idiots.

The ability to discern is still there.


Why is it such a coincidence that Sanxing Display caught fire just before the third generation of its top mobile phone was about to be officially launched?

But again.

After Huaxing Optoelectronics announced that it had developed an R-IPS screen, it immediately jumped out and announced that it would jointly establish a joint venture brand with a fruit company, Turing, to hit the high-end market?

Domestic netizens have praised Huaxing Optoelectronics.


Fortunately, Huaxing Optoelectronics developed the R-IPS screen and successfully defeated the conspiracy of Sanxing Group and the fruit company.


They really succeeded!

It is not easy for Longguo to create a high-tech company that can be ranked among the best in the world.

If this is achieved by the conspiracy of Sanxing and the fruit company.

It is definitely a huge loss to the Dragon Kingdom!

Think of this.

Netizens from the Dragon Kingdom are even more disgusted with Sanxing!

For a while.


There have been many videos or pictures of netizens who used to use Sanxing mobile phones, smashing and burning their Sanxing mobile phones in various ways to show that they have turned from fans to fans!

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