Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 626: 50,000 Rice M1 Units, Over 3 Million People Made Reservations

December 24th.

The third generation of pinnacle mobile phones goes on sale as scheduled.


Due to the limited production capacity of R-IPS screens, major direct stores around the world do not have much inventory.

It can be said.

The supply of third-generation pinnacle mobile phones is quite tight.

There's nothing we can do about it.

Although there is help from Huaxing Optoelectronics.

But it will take some time to transform and upgrade the production line.

To this.

The top fans around the world also express their support.

Especially with the post "The conspiracy behind the Sanxing display fire", it became popular all over the Internet, not only domestically, but also spread to the outside world.

It aroused widespread heated discussion around the world.

Although Sanxing Group has repeatedly stated.

The content in this post is fabricated and malicious.

But what is it and what is not.

Everyone has a steelyard in their hearts.

There are not so many coincidences in the world.

if so.

That's mostly man-made.

To this.

These days.

Affected by this, the stock prices of Sanxing Group and Fruit Company fell sharply for several days.

Because it is done in a disgraceful way and can easily arouse people's resentment.

And once consumers become disgusted with a certain brand, sales will naturally drop sharply.

Sanxing is the best and most direct example.


The sales of Sanxing mobile phones have fallen sharply due to this impact.

If sales decline, performance revenue will inevitably decline.

How can we sustain such a high stock price without good performance support?

There’s nothing to say.

Investors vote with their feet, vote first as a token of respect!

Just a few days.

The market value of Sanxinghe Fruit Company has evaporated by 20 to 30 billion yuan!

This made both Li Jianxi and Steve Jobs very angry.

What the hell!

It’s just that the conspiracy of both parties went bankrupt.

Now it has been revealed, causing the stock price to plummet.

Who can I talk to to reason with you?

If their plot succeeds.

Even if they are exposed and the stock price plummets, they can still accept it.


This is really unacceptable!

Although the third-generation peak mobile phone is limited by the screen, the supply seems to be tight.


Users who bought the third-generation Pinnacle mobile phone all said online that the R-IPS screen of the third-generation Pinnacle mobile phone is really great.

the voices of these people.

This made many consumers who had not bought it feel less angry.

I originally planned to buy brands such as Huaban, HTC, LG, and Soai.

But I see people praising the third generation of top mobile phones everywhere on the Internet.

They thought about it and decided to forget it and wait. They were not in a hurry.

Blue Star Electronics is not idle here either.

We have been working hard to expand the production of R-IPS screens.

no way.

They are so short of screens.

at the same time.

While Blue Star Electronics was worrying about screen production capacity, the top management of DaMi Technology breathed a sigh of relief.

October 20, two months ago.

Rice M1 is officially on sale.

With its ultimate cost-effectiveness, M1’s sales have set many historical records.

As the saying goes.

There are many popular people.


Just because the sales here are so good, it has taken over the cakes of manufacturers such as Sanxing, Soai, LG, and HTC.

This caused these big manufacturers to jointly put pressure on Futukang in Baotuan City.

Futukang is required to reduce the production capacity of rice M1.

Futukang side.

Due to pressure, it had to reduce the production capacity of Rice M1.

Rice said that Futukang has no extra production lines.

This made Rebus and all the rice executives angry to death.

I thought that the rice M1 was about to start the random killing mode.

As a result, Futukang has no production capacity.

How is this method of cutting off people's money different from killing their parents?

But there is no way!

Although they are the fathers of Party A, they have no ability to counterattack in front of Fu Tukang, the son of Party B.

To blame.

I blame myself for being too conservative.

We did not place a large number of orders on Futukang from the beginning.

no solution anymore.

If Futukang does not provide large-scale OEM for itself, then it will find other OEMs.

Although the second batch of M1 has been delayed, it is a bad reputation.

But there is really no way.

It’s not that they want to play hunger marketing, it’s because they really don’t have the production capacity.

After two months of searching for new partners, the reduced production capacity of Futukang was finally made up.

And this time.

Rebus and the others also learned to be smart.

Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

As long as they have OEM business, including Flextronics, BYD, and Lixun Precision, Rice has made contact with them all.

Not only that.

On the rice side and on the material supplier side, some spare tires were also selected.

after all.

This time it is forcing Futukang to reduce its foundry capacity.

Next time, who knows if they might get their necks stuck on the material?

The example of Pinnacle mobile phone is right in front of us.

Even Blue Star Electronics was plotted and was cut off from supplying screens.

What's more, they have rice.

I have to guard against it!

And done all this. (Haohao Zhao)

Everyone in the company breathed a sigh of relief.

It is impossible for companies such as Samxing, LG, and Soai to kill their rice.

At most, it will hinder their development.

On the other hand, Sanxing's reputation in China collapsed due to the "Screen Door" incident.

There’s nothing to say.

You, Sanxing, are bullying me because of your big business. Now I will take advantage of the fire in your backyard to take away your market share!

With the release of the second batch of rice M1, the news was announced.

Mi Fan, who has always been obsessed with red rice, was also excited.

The second batch of rice M1 totals 50,000 units.

The same goes for online shopping.

Different from the first time.

This time a reservation is required.

The result is.

More than 3 million people have made reservations to buy 50,000 rice M1 units. .

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