Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 651 I Used To Say No, But Now My Body Is Very Honest.

Cloud computing has become a hot word nowadays.

Whether it's people in the industry or the general public.

can all be heard.

During this period, the most talked about thing is cloud computing.

These people don't care whether they really understand what cloud computing is.


Talk about cloud computing as if you are awesome.

And in the industry.


I had some doubts before.

So now, I believe it unswervingly.

all of a sudden.

The entire industry seems to have changed.

All parties have begun to increase investment in the field of cloud computing.

no way.

Seth Fusel's financial report has well reflected to them the broad (money) prospects of cloud computing.

The global economy was in such bad shape last year.

From its cloud computing business alone, the revenue of Saifushi exceeds 1 billion yuan.

What else can be said against this?

A big piece of meat is right in front of you, how can you still say, against your will, that this is shit?

At this time, don’t hurry up and get involved and seize the market.

When the service field of cloud computing truly matures, it will be difficult to enter.


Major companies that used to dislike cloud computing have now become very honest. They have begun to focus on cloud computing internally, re-evaluate cloud computing, and establish their own cloud computing projects as soon as possible.

They are very grateful to Saifushi Company.


If it weren't for Salesforce's initiative to disclose the revenue data of its cloud computing business, it would have dropped a blockbuster in the market.

These people will continue to be kept in the dark.


Future Group, Guge, Amazon, Microsoft and other companies have divided the cake of the entire cloud computing market, and then dropped a blockbuster into the industry.

At that time.

When they reacted, it was already too late!


Although they started later than Future Group and Gu Ge.

But late is limited.

Future Group and Amazon, which were the first to launch cloud computing business, were only two years earlier than them.

Gu Ge, Microsoft, Huachang, IBM, etc. are only about a year ahead of them.

This gap is not big, and it’s not so big that we can’t catch up!


Ahri headquarters.


In the huge conference room, a high-level strategic meeting was being held.

The theme of the conference is just one, and that is cloud computing.

Teacher Ma sat at the head of the table, his sharp eyes scanning all the senior officials present.


Teacher Ma coughed twice first.

"Recently, domestic and foreign media are reporting crazily on cloud computing."

"The unscrupulous media in China dug up the speech I made at the IT summit two years ago and whipped it into pieces. They really had nothing to do."


Teacher Ma's words made the atmosphere at the scene suddenly become relaxed and happy.

They are naturally very clear about the fact that Teacher Ma and Li Yanhong were dug up and whipped to death by those good-faith media, becoming negative examples of "if you don't listen to Lu Yi, you will suffer the consequences."

at the same time.

They also know.

Teacher Ma was completely speechless about this matter.

during this time.

I saw that Ma Laoge always lowered his head, for fear that others would find him.

Of course.

If it were them, they would also feel embarrassed.

Don't slap it too loudly in the face!

Teacher Ma and Li Yanhong are now big-shot figures in the domestic Internet industry.

As a result, he is now being ridiculed by the crowd and has become a negative example.

Besides being embarrassed, it’s still embarrassing.

“Last year’s financial report from Salesforce stirred up the entire industry and brought cloud computing, which had been dormant for two years, to the forefront of the news again and to the public’s attention!”

"No one expected that cloud computing would develop so fast."

"In just two years, the overall market size has reached 10 billion meters of gold, and the potential is huge. In the future, it will be a large market with at least 100 billion meters of gold."

"In the second half of last year, companies such as Guge, Microsoft, and IBM, which had a very ambiguous attitude towards cloud computing in 2006, secretly increased their investment in cloud computing business and frantically seized the market."

"Our Ali Group, due to strategic mistakes at the time, was unable to take the first bite of meat and get on the first train."


"It doesn't matter!"

"Safe's financial report forces these companies that are preparing to develop and expand their market share in secret to be exposed to the public, which also gives us the opportunity to get on board."

"Then this time, we can't just watch the opportunity slip away from our hands."


"Is there any objection to entering the field of cloud computing?"

Teacher Ma's angry voice rang in everyone's ears. They looked around, but no one stood up to express opposition.


The future of cloud computing is already so clear.

If you stand up to object at this time, you are definitely not qualified to continue sitting in your current position.

Teacher Ma nodded with satisfaction and continued: "Very good, no one objects, everyone agrees to launch cloud computing business.

"Because we got on the bus later than others and want to catch up with other companies, not to mention Future Group and Amazon, but domestically, we at least have to catch up with the Petal Cloud of the flower factory.

“So, at this point, we can only spend a lot of effort and resources to catch up.

"I decided to set up a subsidiary to develop a cloud computing platform system belonging to our Ali Group..."

After some free-flowing discussion.


Ali Group has formulated an internal cloud computing strategic plan and established a CDN team.

At the meeting.

Determine a strategy centered on ‘cloud computing’ and ‘data’.

Independently developed the large-scale distributed computing operating system "Feitian" - Aliyun's core operating system.

The goal is to connect thousands or even tens of thousands of ordinary PC servers together.

It is like a multifunctional supercomputer, achieving super computing performance.

at the same time.

Ali Cloud Computing Co., Ltd. was established.

Ali Cloud is composed of the original Ali Software, Ali Baba Group R&D Institute, and the underlying technical teams of B2B and Taobao.

It is led by Wang Jian, chief architect of Ali Baba Group and dean of Ali Group R&D Institute. .

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