Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 652: Thousand Degree Frame Calculation


Qiandu headquarters.


A high-level meeting is also being held.

According to FTSE's financial report, companies such as Guge and Microsoft have increased their investment in cloud computing.

This has led to the resurgence of cloud computing in the industry and has become a current craze.

As one of the few Internet giants in China.

Faced with this situation, Qiandu naturally would not do nothing.

In recent days.

Many domestic news media have translated Li Yanhong's speech at the IT Summit two years ago.

As for Teacher Ma and Li Yanhong, they were nicknamed "Wolong and Phoenix" by the melon-eaters who watched the show and didn't take it too seriously.


What a shame!

This made the arrogant Li Yanhong very angry!

It’s no longer a matter of being embarrassed or not!

"What do you think about cloud computing, which is currently being discussed so much? You might as well tell me." Li Yanhong looked around and said.

Liu Shuanlin, chief architect of Qiandu Group, said: "Mr. Li, at present, cloud computing will become the general trend. The potential of this 477 market is at least a large market worth hundreds of billions of dollars."

“I think that at present, Qiandu, we should seize the time to establish a cloud computing project, strive to develop the Qiandu cloud platform as soon as possible, seize the market high ground, and become the third cloud in the country.

Liu Shuanlin's speech immediately aroused the echo of many people.

They were shocked when the financial report data of SAIFSE was disclosed.

Because two years ago, they, like Li Yanhong, were not optimistic about cloud computing.

I have the same idea as Li Yanhong, thinking that cloud computing is just old wine in new bottles without any new things.

But who knows.

Just two years.

Cloud computing has opened up unlimited prospects.



In early 2007, when cloud computing was first pushed to the forefront, they did not make a bet, which was a major strategic mistake.

But the good thing is.

In the first echelon of cloud computing league, having a bad teammate like Saifushi gave them time to react.

After seeing the development prospects of cloud computing and understanding that the essence of cloud computing is the development of distributed computing, parallel computing and grid computing, they have full confidence that they can "preempt others ahead of others."

Let’s not talk about catching up with Future Group’s Future Cloud, but catching up with and surpassing Huachang’s Petal Cloud should not be a problem.


Qiandu's Hadoop distributed system has 300 machines and 2 clusters.

That is to say.

in terms of technical capabilities.

Qiandu is definitely the Internet company in China that is most capable of developing cloud computing besides Future Group!

It can be said.

They have a natural advantage over other less advanced companies.

This advantage allows them to catch up better and faster with companies such as Huachang, Guge, Microsoft, and SEF.


As early as 2001, Liu Shuanlin joined Qiandu.

I mentioned to Li Yanhong that we wanted to do enterprise-level cloud computing.

However, this suggestion was not adopted by Li Yanhong.

From the end of 2006 to the beginning of 2007, the first wave of cloud computing hit.

At that time, within Qiandu, Liu Shuanlin once again suggested Ji Yanhong to develop Qiandu Cloud.


Rejected by Li Yanhong again.

This time made Liu Shuanlin a little frustrated.

But I didn't expect it.

Two years later, a turning point occurred.

Cloud computing has once again become the center of attention.

And this time, it was even more violent.

The key is.

Salesforce has made a lot of money in cloud computing.

Liu Shuanlin thinks.

There are no more than three things.

Faced with this situation this time, Li Yanhong was called a crouching dragon and a phoenix by the melon-eaters, so he should agree to develop cloud computing.

And this time.

The number of people supporting him has also increased.

But the ideal is very full, and the reality is very skinny.

Although Li Yanhong allowed everyone to express their opinions freely.

But within Qiandu, it is Li Yanhong who has the final say.

Although cloud computing is currently causing a huge stir, voices from all parties are optimistic about the future development of cloud computing.

What a super market worth hundreds of billions of gold.

The future is a cloud world.


Even if it is called mud by the outside world, it is a crouching dragon and a phoenix.

But Li Yanhong still looks down on cloud computing.

I still think that cloud computing is old wine in new bottles and there is nothing new.

Of course.

The main reason why he despises cloud computing is because Qiandu has a major strategy - box computing.

The so-called frame calculation.

To put it simply, Qiandu’s search box can solve almost all the needs of users, which means that Qiandu will become the entrance to all information and even services.


in the domestic search engine market.

Jisou of Future Group has become the new big brother, occupying more than half of the domestic market.

Qiandu, once the top domestic search engine, has stepped down and ranks second, with a market share of nearly 40%.

As for its subsidiaries such as Guge Search, due to the lack of adaptability to the climate, their market share has been reduced repeatedly and they are no longer viable.


Currently, in the field of domestic search engines, Qiandu’s only competitor is Future Group’s Jisou.

As the former overlord, Qiandu was naturally not willing to step down and become the second best, and wanted to regain his dominance.


Li Yanhong proposed ‘frame calculation’.

We plan to use frame calculations to regain the lost market and status from the Future Group.

Doesn’t your Future Group put user experience first?

With the help of frame calculation, I Qiandu can solve all the needs of users.

In this case, how can your future group compete with me?

Li Yanhong has absolute confidence in frame calculations. .

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