Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 655 The Past Is Too Painful To Look Back On

In the conference room.

Everyone looked at Brother Ma who was sitting in the main seat.

Xiao Ma is indeed the anchor of Goose Factory.

The Goose Factory, which was on the verge of collapse, was about to become a symbol in the history of domestic Internet development.

Under the leadership of Xiao Ma, he came back to life.

Everyone is very excited as they see the goose factory getting better and better day by day.

This is especially true for those veterans who followed Xiao Ma and founded the goose factory from the early days of their business.


They have experienced the difficulties of Goose Factory in its earliest days, experienced the glory of Goose Factory at its peak, and even tasted the pain after Goose Factory's decline.

Early days of entrepreneurship.

Goose Factory’s QQ is not famous.

In order to promote QQ and retain users.

Even the boss, Xiao Ma, has to chat with girls in the middle of the night.

Who knows.

As soon as Goose Factory started to make some progress, it encountered the Internet winter era.

At that time.

For the first time, Goose Factory was forced into a desperate situation.

QQ was almost sold for 600,000 yuan.

Fortunately, there is always a way out.

06 received venture capital from IDG and Yingke Digital, which enabled Goose Factory to survive the cold winter.


The launch of QQ Show has enabled traffic to be monetized.


Goose Factory ushered in explosive growth and became the dominant social software company in China.

that time.

It is also the most glorious moment of the Goose Factory.

It is one of the most famous Internet companies in China.

Countless programmers are proud to join the Goose Factory, just like the current Future Group.


Just when Gouchang was at its happiest, Lu Yi founded Future Technology and launched the school network.

What makes goose factory founders such as Xiao Ma Ge and Xu Chengye regret it.

At that time, because QQ became the dominant social network in the country, their mentality became a little wandering.


Facing the school network that might threaten their dominance, Xiao Ma and the others decided to acquire the school network directly with a superior attitude.


Secretly planning to acquire the campus network and replace it with his own campus network.

At that time.

Goose Factory is one of the three unlisted Internet giants in China and a social overlord.

And what about the future technology founded by Lu Yi?

It's just a grass-roots team with only a dozen employees working in a room of tens of square meters.

Brother Xiaoma and the others feel that it is too easy for Goose Factory to acquire the school network.

Even if Lu Yi disobeys.

Then don't blame the goose factory for bullying the small ones, just use their special skills to let Lu Yi experience the dangers of society.

after all.

The arms cannot twist the thighs.

not to mention.

The future technology at that time could not even twist an arm, let alone a thigh.

But the result.

They were arrogant and looked like they were certain about future technology, so they were rejected by Lu Yi.


It followed Future Technology all the way and copied the school network, but could never surpass it. Even the person in charge of the campus network was fooled into vomiting blood and was finally completely defeated by the school network.

And this time.

Future Technology is no longer the small workshop with only a dozen employees.

Future Technology has grown into an emerging Internet company with a high reputation in the industry.

Countless well-known venture capital institutions want to spend money to invest in future technologies.


After several rounds of Fusion Future Technology, not only was it not crushed to death by Goose Factory, the domestic social overlord.

On the contrary, it is growing bigger and bigger in the constant confrontation and collision with Goose Factory.

Goose Factory is also helpless with its growing strength in future technology.


After his position as the social leader was shaken by Future Technology, he made a dirty move against Future Technology and colluded with overseas hacker organizations to hack Future Technology.

The idea is plump, but the reality is skinny.

Those overseas hacker organizations have not been able to technically complete the destruction of future technology.


Future Technology uses this to show the outside world how well its products protect user data.

Goose Factory's dirty tricks failed to defeat Future Group but instead angered Lu Yi.


It was revealed that QQ secretly intercepted user data.


The behemoth Goose Factory has reached the edge of the cliff and is facing an existential crisis.


Goose Factory lost the trust of users, so Xiao Ma had no choice but to cut off his wrist and shut down QQ.

It was from that moment on.

The goose factory empire collapsed.

The former social hegemon turned to games.

The result is.

MiHoYo, a subsidiary of Future Group, has been intercepted in various ways.

So much so.

Goose Chang, who wanted to rely on online games to turn over, struggled and struggled, but he was still a salted fish that could not turn over.

On the contrary, it owed hundreds of millions of dollars in debt to the bank.

Xiao Ma was so angry that he vomited three liters of blood in front of the NEOPLE company building in Hanguo and then passed out.

After failing to be represented by DNF, Explosive Snow was directly bought by Future Group from Weiwangdi, thus missing out on World of Warcraft.

The self-developed "Mini World" has a poor reputation and is criticized by players for being like shit.

Finally, I came up with a wonderful 173 idea and prepared to create a "QQ Speed".


I have just established a project here, and the finished product of "Everyday Speed" from the Future Group has been completed and has begun public testing.

Brother Ma even fell into the status of a plagiarist and was scolded by countless netizens.

So angry that Xiao Ma decided to break the rules and carry out the plagiarism to the end.

The failure to transform into games also brought Goose Factory to a time of real life and death, comparable to the Internet winter of 2000.

in this difficult time.

Xiao Ma stood up and turned the tide. He decided to copy the music rhythm game "Luo Tianyi's Musician" from Future Group and launched "Rhythm Master", which became an instant success.

Brother Ma, who has tasted the sweetness, strikes while the iron is hot.

Seeing the difficulty in grabbing tickets on the 12306 website, we decided to develop a ticket grabbing software again.


"Penguin Ticket Grabber" was launched and was once again a great success.

The success of these two products has allowed the Goose Factory, which was originally in danger, to successfully expand its business area.

Following the trend of online live broadcasting, Xianyu's Goose Factory has been completely given a pair of wings to make a comeback.


Look back again.

Whether it's Brother Xiao Ma or Xu Chengye.

They all have a feeling of being unable to look back on the past!

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