Looking back.

Brother Xiao Ma and the others were very emotional.

There is still regret in my heart.


If their goose factory didn't have such a condescending attitude and directly invested in future technology through financial investment after being rejected by the acquisition invitation, would there be a big difference?


Facing the strong competition from the Future Group, they did not use dirty tricks behind their backs, but openly and openly fought against the Future Group head-on.

Even if you lose in the end.

The goose factory won’t fall back to such a tragic end, right?

At least.

QQ can live!


It is useless to look back and regret now.

In this world, there is no regret selling medicine.

They also paid the price for their actions back then.

The Goose Factory fell apart overnight, from a large Internet factory to a small workshop.

The situation was even more tragic than that of the declining Yahu.

Even if Yahu has declined, it can still be said that a skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

As for their goose factory, the camels were so skinny that they really only had their skeletons left.

Forget the past!

I can’t bear to look back!

Brother Xiao Ma withdrew his gaze from everyone present.

at the same time.

He also brought back his wandering thoughts.

He coughed twice and said: "Everyone, the main theme of today's meeting is one, and that is whether our Goose Factory should seize the opportunity to enter the cloud computing market!"

Speaking of which.

Brother Ma's eyes instantly became sharp.

"Everyone must know what the current global news focus is."

"That's right! It's cloud computing!"

"Last year's financial report of North American Salesforce made cloud computing, a term that had been dormant for two years, suddenly become popular overnight, once again leaving the industry and becoming a topic of concern both inside and outside the industry.


"Whether it is domestic or foreign, there are many scholars advocating cloud computing and saying that cloud computing will be the mainstream of the industry in the future."

"Whoever can seize the opportunity now and become bigger and stronger in the field of cloud computing will be able to stand firm in the increasingly fierce changes in the future."

"As for the future market size of cloud computing, it will start at least 100 billion meters, and may even reach the level of 1 trillion meters. I won't say more about this."

"We have gathered everyone together today to discuss whether our Goose Factory should take this opportunity to enter cloud computing."

"Now, let everyone talk about their own opinions."

Brother Xiao Ma finished speaking.

Everyone present looked at each other.

Soon, someone spoke.

"Mr. Ma, I think we should just do the current things well. There is no need to spend a lot of energy and resources on cloud computing."

"I believe that the reason why cloud computing was suddenly pushed to the forefront overnight is that there is probably an invisible driving force behind this."

"As everyone knows, the global economic situation last year was very bad."

"Especially in Europe and the United States, a large number of companies have closed down, causing the unemployment rate to continue to increase. The pressure on the governments of various countries is very high.

"And cloud computing requires a lot of investment."

"Building a large number of data centers will create a large number of jobs and reduce the unemployment rate."

“So, I think the reason why Europe and the United States are hyping up cloud computing at this moment is most likely because they want more companies to enter cloud computing, thereby creating a large number of jobs and alleviating the unemployment pressure in their respective countries. "

Chen Yidan, administrative director of Goose Factory, said that he directly opposed the development of cloud computing.

Technical Director Zhang Zhidong said: "I don't think so. I think that whether our Goose Factory can restore its past glory and become a well-known domestic Internet company again, it is very important to seize this cloud computing trend."

"Yidan just said that this may be the deliberate promotion of cloud computing by European and American governments in order to reduce unemployment."

"However, we must know that Europe and the United States are capital markets, and capital dominates everything."

"If the North American government is really behind this, why did companies like Google, Microsoft, and IBM significantly increase their investment in cloud computing in the second half of last year?"

"You know, these capital companies are pursuing profits, and they don't care whether you are unemployed or not. Capital predators like them don't care if the unemployment rate increases.

"That's obvious."

"It is precisely because these Internet giants have seen the broad prospects of cloud computing that they have invested in cloud computing on a large scale and frantically grabbed the market."

"My opinion is that our goose factory should carry out uncalculated business."

As a technology tycoon, Zhang Zhidong is very optimistic about cloud computing after conducting in-depth research on cloud computing.


He directly stood up against Chen Yidan and advocated the development of cloud computing business.

With the exit of the two bosses.


Others also began to express their opinions.

There is opposition and there is support.

Basically, half and half.

The objection is clear.

That's because the trend of cloud computing has blown too suddenly.

Even with the blessing of Sai Fusi's financial report, it shouldn't be so skewed, it's almost like a monster.


Just tell them in a whisper, don't hesitate, join as soon as possible.

at the same time.

Opponents also believe that the launch of cloud computing business is likely to bring down the newly turned-around Goose Factory.

after all.

The upfront investment in cloud computing is huge.

Construction of data center, purchase of servers, etc.

This is not something that can be stopped with just a few million.

It has to be at least tens of millions or hundreds of millions! (Hao Nuo Hao)

Take a look at Future Group’s cloud computing strategy.

Within 10 years, we plan to invest 500 billion yuan in it.

That’s 500 billion!

How much is the Goose Factory worth now?

It can be seen from this.

How expensive is it to play cloud computing?

And those in favor think.

Cloud computing does cost money.


Their goose factory can build a small data center according to their ability.

Cloud computing will be the mainstream in the future.

If Goose Factory misses, it will be basically impossible to get back to the top.

Do you expect to rely on Penguin Live to return to the top?



Those in favor also quoted a well-known media report as saying:

The times are like this. From the time a technology appears to when it takes off, it never says hello to anyone.

Cloud computing is a typical example!

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