When there were 45 minutes left before the concert started, the entrances to each area began to open.


There were long queues at several entrances.

Feizhai Zhen'exi also queued up at the same entrance.

Everyone can enter the infield after verifying their tickets.

Time passes minute by minute.

After Feizhai Zhen'exi passed the ticket verification, he successfully entered the venue.

Every fan and audience who comes in is filled with novelty and excitement.


This is the world's first virtual concert ever.

It's not a live idol concert.

The protagonist of the concert is a virtual singer!

For everyone, virtual concerts are a new experience.

It will definitely be very different from the previous concerts held by real idols.

This concert.

Regardless of success or failure, it will definitely go down in history!

“I’m really looking forward to it!”

"Yes, I'm really looking forward to Her Highness the Princess's concert!"

"I bought 10 copies of each of the two official albums released by Her Royal Highness the Princess. I never tire of listening to the songs in them!"

"Her Royal Highness the Princess will definitely sing new songs in this virtual concert. I'm really looking forward to it!"

"Fortunately, I managed to get the tickets, otherwise, I would have had to watch the concert through East Economic TV.

Walking in the passage into the infield, the faces of countless fans were filled with excitement.

They held fluorescent sticks in their hands and wore images of Luo Tianyi on their foreheads.

There is a reason why these people call Luo Tianyi "Her Royal Highness the Princess".

In Luo Tianyi's second official album, the hit song is "Her Royal Highness the World's No. 1 Princess."

This song has also become Luo Tianyi's third masterpiece after "Sunshine Girl" and "Song of Throwing Onion".

Coupled with Luo Tianyi's kawaii image.

So fans called Luo Tianyi "Princess Princess" to express their love for Luo Tianyi.

Feizhai Zhen'exi found his seat according to the ticket serial number.

Because he was lucky enough to get a ticket in the second round of make-up, his position was considered to be the worst.

To this.

Feizhai Zhen'exi was not disappointed at all.


Being lucky enough to grab such a ticket cost him almost all his luck.

more people.

At this moment, the live broadcast of the concert can only be watched at home through Dongjing TV.

Although I also saw the concert.

But one is at home and the other is on site, which are two completely different experiences.

Rather than envying those who got the seats in the front row in section A in the first round, those who didn't get tickets also envied the lucky ones like them who made up for it.

As a dead house.

Feizhai Zhen'exi is contented!


He sat in his seat, hearing the noise from the people around him.

The entire infield was noisy.

Everyone couldn’t contain their excitement!

at the same time.

Those fans who did not grab live tickets said that they could not go to watch the concert, but they were very disappointed and could not go to the scene to cheer for Her Royal Highness.

But at this moment.

One by one, they all stayed in front of the TV.

Tune the channel to Dongjing TV Station and wait for the concert to start.

Of course.

In addition to television media, this concert can also be watched through Internet channels.

within the globe.

You can watch the international version of the streaming video website VideoSpace.

After all, it is a video website owned by our own company, so the benefits should not go to outsiders.

On the island country, the local barrage video network Niconico can also be watched.

Of course.

Whether you watch it on the VideoSpace website or the Niconico website, you need to pay and purchase a virtual ticket.

You can watch it on the VideoSpace website for 50m gold.

The virtual ticket on the Niconico barrage website costs 7392 Beli, which is about 69.9 meters gold!

As for the domestic video space...

0…Please give me flowers…

Just don’t expect everyone to pay.

Although the domestic video space has begun to adopt a payment system for certain video resources to cultivate domestic users' awareness of copyright payment.

But after all, domestic users are used to it.

There is still a long way to go before domestic users can pay to watch it.

If it is mandatory for users to pay to watch.

There’s nothing to say.

More than 90% of users will directly carry their buckets and go to websites such as Yangtao Video and Youku Video to continue their drifting.

For domestic users, you can play paid games, but I can also watch pirated games.

The key is!

There are still a lot of pirated resources online.

This is a very troublesome thing in the video space.

It has been several years since Video Space was launched, and it has been losing money every year.

And with more and more video resources, losses are increasing every year.

after all.

These video resources and the video space require a lot of copyright fees.

until now.

Among the major businesses of Future Group, the video business can be said to rank first in terms of losses.

But even so.

Lu Yi did not say that he would cut off the video business.

Because Lu Yi knows it very well.

It is inevitable that the video business will suffer losses in the early stage.

Just like QIY Video Network, one of the major video websites in the previous life, it has suffered a cumulative loss of 30 billion yuan in four years, and even lost money.

But the difference between the current life and the previous life is.

Future Group is unique in the video space.

Although Yangtao Video and Youku Video also exist, they are barely surviving under the pressure of the video space and do not pose a threat to the video space at all.

The present is a stage of cultivating the market.

When the market is developed, domestic users will be gradually allowed to accept the pay-to-view system.

Then in another three to five years, it will be time for the video space to truly blossom in China.


Even though the video space is currently the group's largest loss-making business, Lu Yi is not panicking at all!

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