Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 674: On-Site Frying! Holographic Projection Technology?

At this moment.

Fans and spectators have all entered the venue ten minutes early and found their seats.

Everyone is really looking forward to the next moments!

Their favorite princess is about to make her debut!


Everyone present was very curious about how Luo Tianyi would conduct this concert.

In what way will it appear in everyone's field of vision?

after all.

This is an unprecedented concert.

All aspects are so exciting and leave so much room for imagination.

Most of the fans at the scene had the image of Luo Tianyi appearing in their minds at this moment.

Just like watching a movie in a cinema, their princess will appear in a giant-screen movie, right?

But even so, die otaku fans are looking forward to it!

"One Ninety"

In the expectation of everyone.

10 minutes passed quickly.


The time came to seven o'clock in the evening.

For a moment.

All the lights at the venue were immediately extinguished, leaving only the light from the fluorescent sticks in the hands of everyone in the audience.

The entire venue suddenly seemed to turn into a fluorescent ocean!

Just when everyone was stunned because the lights suddenly went out, the whole place suddenly fell into silence.

A dynamic piece of music suddenly sounded!

With music playing.

I saw.

In the center of the stage, Tu Ran showed a three-dimensional image of Luo Tianyi singing with a microphone in hand.



The moment Luo Tianyi appeared, the entire scene suddenly erupted into cheers like a mountain roar and a tsunami.


So shocking!

Everyone present did not expect that Luo Tianyi would actually appear in a 3D image instead of the 2D giant screen projection they imagined.

This was completely beyond their expectations!

"Oh oh oh~ Your Highness the Princess! Your Highness the Princess!"

"Si Guoyi!"

"Ahhh~ My princess, this is great!"

The opening song of the concert is the very familiar "Her Royal Highness the World's No. 1 Princess".

The fans at the scene went crazy and shouted loudly for Her Royal Highness.

It wasn’t just the fans in attendance who went crazy.

Fans who watched the concert through TV media and Internet streaming videos also went directly to the concert.

Especially the local Niconico barrage video website in the island country.

For a moment.

Thousands of barrages flooded the screen.

Among these barrages, the ones that appeared most frequently were ‘Her Royal Highness’, ‘Si Guoyi’, ‘Holographic projection?’, ‘Where’s the screen?’ and other barrages.

Because of a moment.

There were so many barrages that the entire website was stuck.

This made the operation and maintenance personnel of the Niconico website sweat profusely.

They didn't expect it at all.

In an instant, there will be so many barrages that not only flood the screen, but also freeze the page.

It’s really crazy!

After discovering that there were so many people posting barrages in an instant, the website directly became stuck.

The personnel of the technical department immediately carried out triage processing.


The entire website will be shut down!

In addition to the Niconico barrage website, the overseas version of the VideoSpace website and the domestic video space website also have a lot of barrage comments.

Although most of Luo Tianyi's fans are from Taiwan, there are also many in China, Europe and the United States.

These people were unable to buy tickets and flew to the island country to watch the concert live. They could only watch the live broadcast through the VideoSpace website.

They were also shocked by Luo Tianyi's appearance.

Luo Tianyi jumped from the virtual world to the real world?


Why no screen?

This is the question on everyone's mind!

Concert scene.

Feizhai Zhen'exi listened to the music and looked at Luo Tianyi who was jumping on the stage. After being shocked, he couldn't help but exclaimed: Naji? This...could it be __ The legendary holographic projection? Sri Lanka!

Not only Feizhai Zhen'xi, but other fans at the scene also recovered from the shock.

In the same instant, the words holographic projection appeared in their minds!

They couldn't find any other reason except using holographic projection to explain it.

On the stage, there is no giant screen used for movies...

Luo Tianyi just appeared out of thin air.

This is not holographic projection. What is holographic projection?

Luo Tianyi, who sings and dances on the stage, is so real, as if he is a real three-dimensional person singing and dancing.

Movie giant screen projection will never achieve this effect!

Only holographic projection will work!

Not only the fans at the scene were shocked.

The media reporters at the scene were also extremely shocked.

Has Future Group’s technology developed to this level?

These reporters from the island countries felt a sense of frustration and at the same time very excited.

Tonight’s eye-catching news headlines, get it!

They didn't come tonight in vain.

Not to mention this world's first virtual concert, it is very eye-catching.

Now add a holographic projection, what a popular headline!


Almost everyone present thought that Luo Tianyi who appeared on the stage used holographic projection technology.

Because they had never seen such a scene before.

Even at last year's Ready Player One competition, Luo Tianyi and the Linkin Park band sang on the same stage, and they appeared in the public eye using giant screen projections.

But this time, not at all!


They thought of holographic projection technology.

Although it sounds like science fiction, in fact, countries around the world are currently studying this technology.

Because this technology is used in so many scenarios!

But in fact.

Luo Tianyi's concert is not a 3D holographic projection technology in the true sense. It is more appropriate to call it 2.5D holographic projection.

Because there is actually a huge transparent glass screen on the stage.

Because it is transparent and it is night, it is difficult for the audience to see the existence of this screen. Naturally, they do not know the technique behind Luo Weiyi appearing on the stage out of thin air.

They only believe what their eyes see.

The picture I saw was Luo Tianyi's image, so three-dimensional and real on the stage.

Such a stunning appearance immediately shocked the audience who did not know the truth!

So much so that they immediately thought of the amazing holographic projection technology that can only be seen in science fiction movies!

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