People in the technology world are shocked!

They didn't see any flaws in the scene.


The first thought that comes to mind is that Future Group has really developed holographic projection technology. can this be done?

Especially those European and American scientific and technological people, there are ten thousand grass and mud horses galloping past in their hearts.

In terms of technology, they have always looked down upon Long Guo.

He thinks that the technology of the Dragon Kingdom is very backward, so he can only follow them and pick up some scraps they don't want.


Now suddenly tell them that an Internet company in Longguo has developed a black technology called holographic projection.

They were very unhappy!


America and the Great Eagle Empire haven't done it yet, how can your Dragon Kingdom do it?


It must be fake!

They will not admit that Longguo has developed holographic projection technology!

If it really happens...

There’s nothing to say!

He must have stolen America's skills from them!

"Mr. Li, it's not good."

"Some media reports are false and mistakenly believe that we used holographic projection technology at the concert, which seems to be more and more true. Should we issue an announcement to clarify?"

The concert just started not long ago.

Li Han's assistant hurriedly came to the backstage to report to him the situation of fishing boats on the Internet.

Li Han, who was secretly observing backstage and was very satisfied with the reaction of the fans at the scene, was stunned for a moment when he heard the assistant's report, and then waved his hand and said: "No!"

"The official side will not issue any response announcements for the time being, and just let the fishing boat ferment on the Internet.

"This is a rare opportunity to get out of the circle!"

When the assistant heard Li Han's words, he shouted directly.

Li Han smiled and explained: "This kind of free publicity exposure, I am stupid to clarify it now!"

"Don't worry! Don't pay attention! Just pay more attention and observe!"

"Let the people on the Internet guess and make associations. The more people participate in the discussion, the more popular our concert will be, which can greatly increase Luo Tianyi's popularity.

"It's almost time. We are disclosing some specific details of the concert through the official website. Don't worry about anything now!"

After hearing Li Han's explanation, the assistant nodded quickly: "Understood!"

As the popularity on the Internet increases, more and more people discuss it.

Many people who claim to be technology Vs even jumped out and said that after careful observation and identification, they determined that Future Group applied holographic projection technology at this concert, which is a major advancement in technology!


Someone else jumped out and popularized what holographic projection technology is and how it can be applied to those scenes.


The melon-eating people who don’t know how to do it have left comments under these posts saying: ‘cowhide’, ‘good dick’, ‘awesome’, ‘Si Guoyi’

in particular.

The topic has become more and more heated on the Internet, but the official side has no intention to stand up and clarify.

This made the melon-eating people even more excited.

Especially the melon-eating people of the Dragon Kingdom.

If the official doesn't come forward to clarify, doesn't it mean that everything is true?


The topic # Future Group Holographic Projection # directly parachuted to the top of the Weibo hot search list.

"Really? Really? Really? Ask important things three times. Has Future Group really developed holographic projection technology?"

"So... holographic projection technology will no longer be a virtual technology in science fiction movies?"

"Is this virtual reality?"

“Future Group cowhide [broken sound]!!!”

"Holographic projection technology? I woke up and traveled to the future?"

"As expected of Future Group! As expected of a hot male banker! Is Future Group really an Internet company?"

"Haha, the layout upstairs is too small! Future Group is an Internet technology company!"

"Internet technology...Okay, I understand, the focus is on the word technology!"

Countless dragon country people expressed their opinions on the page.

Everyone was extremely excited.

as if.

It’s like he participated in the research and development of holographic projection technology!


The topic has completely exploded.

The popularity of the concert spread directly from the two-dimensional cultural circle to the technology circle and even other circles.

And more and more media around the world, regardless of the situation, are reprinting the reports one after another.

The media outlets that were the first to send out the news also put a big question mark on the title.

However, the media that later reproduced and quoted directly removed the question mark and stated in a positive tone that Future Group had developed holographic projection technology.

In addition, the official did not stand up to refute the rumors, as if they had acquiesced.


In order to gain attention, the major media exaggerated and exaggerated it, and for a time (money) became more and more popular.

And there are no surprises.

The exposure of Luo Tianyi, a virtual idol brand and virtual concert, outside the industry has skyrocketed in a short period of time, becoming the hottest topic at the moment.

no doubt.

This is very beneficial to virtual idols, and it has brought Luo Tianyi's popularity to a higher level.

in this case.

Even people who didn't know Luo Tianyi at all originally had a general understanding of Luo Tianyi and what a virtual idol is after reading the relevant news.

As his popularity has increased, Luo Tianyi's fan base is also growing rapidly.


These fans who were not able to cheer for Luo Tianyi at the scene began to call crazily for their favorite princess directly on the Internet. .

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