Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 677 It’S Not About How Much Money You Make, It’S About The Prospects You Have!

The entire concert lasted for two hours.

During this period.

Luo Tianyi sang a total of 26 songs.

some of.

Two-thirds of the tracks are songs that have been released on the two albums.

Another third of the tracks are brand new songs.

This made all the fans and spectators present very happy!

They cheered for 120 minutes.

He kept screaming and waving the light stick in his hand.

Some fans even fainted from lack of oxygen because they were so excited.

Fortunately, there were several medical teams on standby at any time, so no major accidents occurred!

After the concert ended.

Everyone present was still immersed in the excitement and could not extricate themselves.

In this concert, the most tiring thing was the media reporters at the scene.

In order to grab traffic hot spots.

These on-site media reporters continued to issue on-site news one after another.

The competition among peers is so fierce, and the competition is all about hand speed, to see who can type faster, and who can produce more exciting and attractive news headlines.

And on the Internet.

From the beginning of the concert, the popularity has never dropped.

First, it was suspected that ‘holographic projection technology directly made this concert out of the entertainment industry. 770

Not only fans in the two-dimensional cultural circle are paying attention, but also people in the technology circle are directly shocked. They can't sit still at all. They watch the live broadcast through various channels one by one.


The influence is still expanding.

Entertainment circle, music circle, etc., all kinds of circles.

They all jumped out in droves to gain popularity and gain a sense of presence.

For example, some celebrities have posted on Weibo, Twitter and other platforms that they are looking forward to cooperating with Luo Tianyi on the same stage.


With the help of their own NC fans.

These celebrities have become hot searches on major platforms by riding on their popularity.

For example, on Weibo.

# a certain star is willing to share the stage with Luo Tianyi#

# a certain star said that he is a fan of Luo Tianyi#

#a certain star..........#

And these celebrities who were on the hot search list suddenly smiled crookedly behind their backs when they saw their number of Weibo followers suddenly increase by tens of thousands!

They are all familiar with this method of gaining popularity. (ageg)And in this case.

Many melon-eating people who didn't know what was going on were immediately confused.

Floated directly on my forehead:

What's happening?

Why do so many famous celebrities want to work with Luo Tianyi on the same stage?

Who is Luo Tianyi?


People who are not sure about this will directly search the keyword #罗天伊# on Weibo, and they will soon know who Luo Tianyi is.

It can be said.

Whether in person or online.

Because Luo Tianyi's concert became very lively.

23:00 in the evening.

In the temporary office, Li Han and others were having a meeting.

Lu Yi is also among them.

After all, the virtual idol project is a key project of the group, and he is still very concerned about it.

Li Han glanced at Lu Yi, and Lu Yi nodded indelibly.

Li Han took a deep breath and said: "Everyone, Luo Tianyi's first thank you concert has ended successfully. I would like to thank everyone here for your hard work in the past two months to ensure the normal conduct of this concert.

Li Han first said a few words of thanks to everyone as usual.

Then he continued: "The results of this concert exceeded our expectations."

"The 10,000 live tickets were not only sold out in seconds, but we also added 2,000 tickets later, which were also sold out in seconds.

"The online results also far exceeded expectations."

“The island market performed the most eye-catchingly, with the number of virtual tickets purchased on the Niconico website reaching 58,000, and the number of subscriptions on the international version of the VideoSpace website also reaching 18,000.

When everyone heard this data, their eyes widened and they couldn't believe it.

Because they had earlier estimated that the number of subscriptions on the Niconico website should be around 30,000.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the specific data came out, it nearly doubled.

The VideoSpace website, which focuses on Europe and the United States, was estimated to be around 10,000, and now it has also exceeded expectations by nearly double.

Of course.

It can be seen from the existing sales data that the popularity of virtual idols in island countries far exceeds that in other regions.

58,000 virtual tickets were sold on the Niconico website, each priced at 69.9 gold, and the total sales were 4.0542 million gold.

18,000 virtual tickets were sold on the VideoSpace website. The price of each ticket was 50 gold, and the sales volume was 900,000 gold.

That is to say.

The revenue from virtual tickets sold online alone is as high as 4.9542 million yuan!

If the offline ticket revenue is included, it will be 1.5 million meters in gold.

This concert’s online and offline ticket revenue alone totaled 6.4542 million yuan.

If you include the sales of high-quality peripheral products this time, the total sales will be at least 7 million in bonuses!

Although such sales data are not even a fraction of the total annual revenue of Future Group, which exceeds 10 billion yuan.

But it still makes Li Han and his operations team excited.

The significance of this number is not how much money you earn, but how big your prospects are!


The performance far exceeded expectations, making the virtual idol project very imaginative in the future.

In fact.

The sales of 7 million yuan is by no means the final sales of this concert.

We will continue to generate revenue in the future.

A big IP requires precipitation and accumulation.

The further back you go, the more terrifying the value becomes!

Just like those Hollywood movie giants, their movies have already made a lot of money just by licensing them.

The video of the concert will always be posted on the website.

If new users want to watch back, they need to purchase a virtual ticket to unlock the video.

As long as Luo Tianyi's fan base continues to grow, sales will continue to generate revenue.

With the development of Luo Tianyi brand, the snowball will get bigger and bigger.

In the future, profits will become more and more impressive without incurring too much expenditure cost. .

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