Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 804: Encourage And Gain Full Adoration Points

At this time.

Yu Chengdong said: "What about graphene? What about graphene transistors? Can it be an option?"

"After all, graphene's electron mobility is much higher than silicon."

The processing limit of silicon materials is generally considered to be 10nm line width.

Restricted by physical principles, it is impossible to produce products with stable performance and higher integration after less than 10nm.

However, a new type of transistor invented by Eagle Nation scientists will extend the life of Moore's Law.

Graphene transistors are also the smallest transistors currently available.

The transistor is expected to lead to a breakthrough in the development of new ultra-fast computer chips.

It is worth mentioning that the main developer of this transistor is also the person who developed graphene in 2004. They are Andre K. Heim of the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Manchester in Eagle Country. Professor and researcher Kostya Novoselov.

It was precisely because of the development of graphene that the two were nominated for the Noel Prize in Physics last year.

After Yu Chengdong finished speaking, a scholar soon shook his head and said: "Graphene is indeed a magical material, and it is the thinnest material known.

"A single layer of graphene is only one carbon atom thick. Graphene with this thickness has many properties that graphite does not have."

"Because the electrons in graphene have no mass, the electrons move faster than in other metals or semiconductors, reaching 1/300 of the speed of light, so graphene has super conductivity."

"The academic community is also very optimistic about the application of graphene in semiconductors, and it is even expected to break the shackles of Moore's Law."


"So far, graphene transistors have not made much progress, because most of them are conceptual and theoretical things.

"Besides, graphene has a flaw."

“That means you can’t saturate the current.

"Of course, I have also noticed that some people in Western academic circles have said that in the future, it may be possible to control the energy band gap of graphene, no longer just zero band gap."

"The future of graphene is indeed full of imagination, but for now, it is too early to talk about it."

After hearing this, Yu Chengdong showed a look of disappointment.

He still believed what this scholar said.


Yu Chengdong looked at Lu Yi.

"Director Lu, what do you think?" Yu Chengdong asked.

Although Lu Yi's main business is computers.

But everyone knows that Blue Star Electronics' ability to achieve technological leadership at the 45nm node is inseparable from Lu Yi.

Said without politeness.

Lu Yi is an all-rounder.

Often one sentence can inspire others and even get to the core of the problem.

for example.

Huaxing Optoelectronics' Super-Amoled was just a casual mention by Lu Yi, and then it became a success.

Yu Chengdong's words also made everyone present look at Lu Yi.

No one dares to underestimate Lu Yi, he is an expert and scholar here.

Lu Yi looked at the theoretical model on the big screen at the conference, the "standard version" transistor structure diagram.

In transistors with very short dimensions, leakage current is relatively serious due to the short channel effect.

Most of the leakage current flows through the area below the channel.

The area below the channel is called the depletion layer.

While Lu Yi was looking at the data information, he tapped the fingers of one hand lightly on the table.

After a while.

He said: "Have you ever thought about such a problem?"

"Since electrons move in the channel, why do I have to leave such a large depletion layer under the channel?"


An expert explained: "Dr. Lu, there is a reason for this, because the physical model requires this area to balance the charge."

Lu Yi nodded and said: "You are right, but in short-channel devices, we do not need to put the depletion layer and the channel together and wait for the leakage current to flow through in vain.


"Is there a possibility that we can directly remove this part of silicon and replace it with an insulating layer?"

"Underneath the insulating layer is the remaining silicon, so the channel is separated from the depletion layer."

"Because the electrons originate from the two poles, but the two poles and the depletion layer are separated by an insulating layer, so there will be no leakage except for the channel."

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of everyone present suddenly lit up.

It was as if a thunderbolt split open the fog that shrouded their heads, and it felt like the clouds were parting and the sun was shining through.

Everyone is the top professional talent in this field. They understand almost as soon as Lu Yi says it.


"Since the silicon in the depletion layer is removed and an oxide layer is inserted, why do we have to put a bunch of useless silicon underneath, directly under the oxide layer, and make a gate?

Wouldn’t it be more comfortable if there were channels on both sides?”


Everyone present could not restrain themselves.

"Wonderful! Director Lu's idea is so wonderful! A genius idea!"

"Excellent idea. Director Lu is truly an all-rounder. He hit the nail on the head!"

"I'm convinced! I'm really convinced! As expected of Director Lu, he solved the problem that troubled us in just 3.4 seconds!"

"It's feasible! It's completely feasible! The 22nm node can be solved by following what Director Lu said!"

"Not bad! After conquering the node peak of 22nm, we have a smooth road ahead!"

"Director Lu, I shouldn't doubt you, please accept my knee!"

Everyone danced and danced, looking at Lu Yi with infinite admiration.


They were really convinced!

Lu Yi, a layman, solved the problem that they couldn't solve with just a few words.

What else is there to be dissatisfied with!.

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