Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 805: I Can’T Help But Admire You So Much

In the conference room.

Everyone was impressed by Lu Yi's genius idea.

They are all top experts in this field. If you think about it carefully, you can basically confirm that the idea proposed by Lu Yi is completely feasible.

This idea can perfectly solve the problem of leakage.

Once this problem is solved, there will be no obstacles in front of them.

It can be said.

At this moment, the experts and scholars present were all excited!


In terms of chip semiconductors, China has lagged far behind Europe and the United States for at least ten or twenty years.

Blue Star Electronics was born, and its 45-nanometer process design became a blockbuster.

Later, we cooperated with Flower Factory and established a joint venture called Pangu Semiconductor, which broke through the talent barrier.

The existence of Pangu Semiconductor has enabled domestic chip technology to develop by leaps and bounds, directly catching up with the most advanced levels in Europe and the United States, or even surpassing it.

The 28nm process technology has made a breakthrough and is ready to launch an impact on the next node.

But the 22nm node is like a peak 06, which is impossible to climb.

This past half a year.

Relevant technical personnel from Pangu Semiconductor's mobile chip division have conducted many design demonstrations and constantly searched and screened for new materials, but the results were not satisfactory.

as if.

Their road ahead is cut off and they can only reach the 28nm level.

Said without politeness.

Failure after failure has been a huge blow to the people in the mobile chip division.

Everyone's morale was almost gone.

To know.

Prior to this, the mobile chip division had successively conquered the 32nm and 28nm nodes. It was an overwhelming success and everyone was full of confidence.

I think 22nm is just like that.

Both 32nm and 28nm have been conquered. Following the old path and looking for better materials based on the previous generation of nodes will surely lead to success.

But the reality is this skinny.

A basin of cold water was poured down, chilling their hearts.

After such a long time, there is no progress at all, and the choice of route cannot be determined.

The longer the delay, the more disadvantageous it will be for Pangu Semiconductor.

That’s why today’s seminar is here.

The purpose is to completely determine the route.

Even if it is finally decided to use 28nm technology, change to better materials, and continue the old path of shrinking the size, it will be fine.

As long as the route is determined, there will be no internal wrangling and there will be no more other voices.

Everyone can focus on one direction and devote themselves wholeheartedly to overcoming problems.


If there are internal differences and resources and other aspects cannot be unified, then naturally there will be no way to handle major projects.

But no one thought of it.

Lu Yi, a "layman", made them enlightened with just one sentence.

The problem that had troubled them for a long time seemed to be solved.

Don’t accept it!

I really can’t accept it!

this moment.

Experts and scholars who were very proud expressed their highest respect and infinite admiration for Lu Yi.

No wonder there is a reason why Lu Yi started from scratch and was able to found Future Group and Blue Star Electronics.

They all had to admit that there really were geniuses in this world.

Those of them here can be considered geniuses.

But compared with Lu Yi, the difference between Haoyue and Yinghuo is nothing.

"Nice! Director Lu's idea is really too nice, it has opened a door for us!"

A scientist clapped his hands in praise, his eyes filled with awe-inspiring light.

For these research scholars and experts, there is nothing more exciting than this.

"Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful! According to Director Lu's idea, can we be a little bolder?"

"Why is it necessary to bury the oxide layer inside the silicon?"

"I take out the silicon, wrap it with an insulating layer like a sandwich, and put a gate on the outside. Wouldn't it be great?"

Another scholar's eyes flashed with excitement, and he also expressed his thoughts with an open mind.

"Wonderful! Lao Lin's idea is wonderful."

"If you take out the silicon and put a gate outside, you can greatly reduce the leakage current."

"And because there is one more gate, the two gates are connected together, which greatly increases the insulating layer capacitance mentioned earlier, which greatly improves the switching performance of the transistor."

"This can definitely be called another revolutionary progress.

Another top expert nodded repeatedly.

The scholar known as Lao Lin said: "I don't dare to take credit. It was Director Lu's words that enlightened me, opened a door for me and liberated my mind.

"Yes, yes, we were able to solve this problem this time. Director Lu definitely has great achievements.

“Without Director Lu’s guidance, we wouldn’t have known how many detours we would have taken!”

A scholar quickly echoed.

"It doesn't matter if we take detours. What's most scary is that if we take detours and end up finding ourselves in a dead end, that's the scariest thing," said another scientist.

Just now they had an academic exchange and put forward their own opinions. Everyone spoke freely and almost ignored Lu Yi.

Now Lu Yi's words made them enlightened.

all of a sudden.

Everyone focused on Lu Yi.

Each and every one of them sincerely flattered Lu Yi.

All kinds of words of praise were used.

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